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A 9-session alchemical journey guided by jocelyn star feather

Alchemy, astrology, & Magic

A Multidimensional Ritual Immersion

Starting July 26th, 2021

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“Neither the Inquisition, nor the threat of torture, nor the axe of so-called rational Enlightenment have been able to damage nature’s medicine.

“For this ancient medicine is nourished by the clear spring of wisdom, and by the inspiration of the spirits of the plants, animals, stones, stars, and elements.”

~ wolf-dieter storl, in the book witchcraft medicine

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We know innately that there is something much deeper happening all around us.

There are infinitely more layers of light in the world than we can see day-to-day with our human eyes.

We catch a glimpse of it in the way the sunbeams play on tree leaves, in the magic of a butterfly emerging from its cocoon, in the sound of a child’s laughter. We receive clues of it in the imaginal messages & symbols gifted to us in our dreams.

And yet the Mystery can seem fleeting. How can we really work with it? How can we be confident in what we ask for the universe to send us? How can we be sure we are a clear channel for the will of the Divine?

We feel this way, we ask these questions, only because we have long forgotten the ancient & indigenous practices of connecting our own thoughts, words, and energies with the Cosmic Order.

We have forgotten the sacred & appropriate ways to ask for what we need, to set intentions in a respectful manner aligned with the Divine Intelligence.

We have forgotten just how intricately, infinitely interwoven we are with All-That-Is.

And perhaps most importantly, we have forgotten our Power: Every word we say, every thought, every action sends fractals and ripples out which affect every other thing in existence.

Right now, for the most part in the human collective, we are often using that Power carelessly, or without refinement.

We were not taught, as children, the Laws of Cosmic Order. How to create & grow attuned to the cyclical orbits of the planets and the seasons. How to use fire to burn away our ego. How to bring the frequency of the environment around us into alignment with the highest good for all.

We were not taught to speak to the stones and plants and animals and stars, to find out what they need & what news they can share with us.

Instead, we are told that everything “has to” make scientific, rational sense.

We are told that we are weak, that life is short, that there is only so much you can do, that everything has its limits.

As a result of these lies & illusions, we harbor feelings of doubt within our own hearts & minds. We speak negatively to ourselves and others. We act with much lower confidence than our eternal nature is actually meant to reflect.

But we KNOW that this feels wrong.

We KNOW we are immensely powerful.

And the time has come to reclaim that Power which was stripped from us millennia ago.

The time has come for humans to once again set our goals, our intentions, our hopes and our prayers into absolute & perfect alignment with the Natural Law. With refinement. With devotion. With trust and surrender and blessing from the deepest wells of our hearts.

The time has come for us to once again make offerings upon the land, to hold the rituals that shift the very foundations of reality, to remember the sacred words of power for our prayers & petitions, to ask the stars & planets to facilitate a miracle for us.

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This is not about “manifestation.”

It is not about getting more money, or calling in a new relationship, or finding a new career — Although these results may occur.

It is much deeper than that.

It’s about opening up to the highest truths of the universe, and allowing those truths to flow through you.

It’s about remembering & acknowledging that the deepest desires of the Creator are the exact same deepest desires that you didn’t even know were swimming in the center of your heart.

It’s about opening up space within yourself for truth, love, light, beauty, freedom, joy, and ecstasy to fill up & overflow in your life, in the ways they were always meant to.


Here are the steps to restoring Cosmic Order, on an individual level:

Step 1. Ask the stars, planets, universal forces, Earth, stones, crystals, unconditional love, the 5 elements, and your guides to help remove the blocks, the fears, the resistance that have been keeping you stuck. Take specific, devotional action steps (perform a ritual) to set these changes into motion.

Step 2. Watch miracles occur right before your eyes. Feel yourself shifting, transforming, and opening in ways you never thought possible.

Step 3. Ask the stars, planets, universal forces, Earth, stones, crystals, unconditional love, the 5 elements, and your guides to help love, joy, laughter, freedom, passion, abundance, and playfulness flow into your life. Take specific, devotional action steps (perform a ritual) to set these changes into motion.

Step 4. Sit back, trust & surrender, and enjoy being aligned with the flow of magic. Over the next 6 months to 2 years, watch your entire life shift into a joyful prayer & song beyond your wildest imagination.

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Through this method, we are powerfully bringing ourselves back into alignment with the ancient & indigenous ways of being:

  • In this ancient sacred method of working with the Cosmic Order, you are not asking for something from your ego or trying to force your will upon the elements. You are not requesting something specific that comes from your human perception of what might or might not be possible.

  • Instead, you are creating from a place of openness and receptivity (grounded firmly in the sacred feminine) and you are asking the Divine Intelligence to guide you.

  • You are respectfully honoring the sacredness and life force of all other beings in creation as you ask for their assistance and guidance.

  • You are using your thoughts, words, and actions purposefully and with care — And as a result, you are making the world a better place each day.

  • The universe sees all of the above and rushes in to help because it’s clear that now, you are ready to receive the blessings that have always been meant for you.

There are also a few reasons why this is not EASY, but it’s worth the effort. It’s not easy because:

  • It takes courage to completely surrender in this way. To allow the fear, doubt, and resistance to fall away. To allow the joy & freedom to flow in. We are taught that we are powerless, so it takes tremendous courage to reclaim that power once again.

  • The practices needed for this require a good amount of refinement, dedication, and devotion in order to bring you fully into attunement with & understanding of the larger universal plan. Your results will be amplified more & more over time. But this also makes it FUN! You will feel yourself coming more & more into alignment with the above & the below with every ritual you perform.

  • Sometimes we think we know what we need, but we can be mistaken or misguided by our ego and clinging / desires. As a result, what you receive from this process can be very different than what you expected. But when that happens, one thing is certain: It is always a higher outcome, even more of what you truly needed, and even more filled with light than what you originally thought you wanted ✨✨✨

“Magic reminds us that because the cosmos is alive and co-responsive, it is therefore interactive.

It is truly speaking to us if we know how to listen, and it listens to us if we know how to speak.”

~ Michael Ofek

If you would like to be guided in a 4-month alchemical journey to learn, practice, refine, re-member, and create in profound alignment with the forces of creation, you are invited to attend

Alchemy, Astrology, & Magic:

A Multidimensional Ritual Immersion

We begin on July 26th, 2021!


“Now, you are free.”

~ Sekhmet / Mut, ancient Egyptian lioness Goddess



Classes will be held on Mondays at 10 am Pacific / 1 pm Eastern / 6 pm UK / 7 pm CET.

Classes will be 90 to 120 minutes in length.

Recordings will be provided to all registered students, so even if you cannot attend at the scheduled time, you will still be able to receive the full class materials.

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Class 1 ~ July 26, 2021 ~ Full moon in aquarius

The Importance of Ritual & Magic

  • Our innate (but often forgotten) ability to call upon the Natural Law & Cosmic Order

  • An overview of the Mysteries & why they went into hiding

  • The role of Astrology in ritual

  • The role of Alchemy in ritual

  • The energetics of the 7 Sacred Directions

  • Your guides from the other dimensions — Honoring & calling in the energies that want to help & support us in our ritual practice

  • Working with the Hindu God Ganesha – Remover of Obstacles – In order to begin shifting the areas of your life that have been stuck for a long time

  • A guided shamanic journey to anchor your Earth Star Chakra and lay the foundation for a potent & expansive ritual practice

  • Choosing an aspect of yourself that you wish to release through Calcination, the first stage of alchemy

  • You will be guided in a ritual to create a releasing sigil (a symbolic representation of something that you wish to let go of), and set this 4-month adventure into motion

Class 2 ~ August 9, 2021 ~ New Moon in Leo

Your Primordial Nature

  • Leo Energy: Personal Power, Creativity, and Playfulness

  • How to befriend your own primordial, wild nature that has been untouched by society

  • Why we must release the stuck aspects of the Ego in order to live the fullest life

  • Your altar space — The center & grounding point of your magical potency

  • The 5 Elements & bringing in crystals, flowers, feathers, water, and fire

  • Planting Cosmic Seeds: Accessing the potent New Moon Energetics

  • The Egyptian Goddess Sekhmet – Her dual nature as Mother and Destroyer – And how we can tune in to her ferocious feline energy to shift our understandings of reality

  • Shamanic movement practice to reclaim your power as a true creator being

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Class 3 ~ august 23, 2021 ~ Full Moon in Aquarius (Blue Moon)

Infinite Blessings from the Universe

  • Why this particular Full Moon is a very special time to engage with the Cosmos

  • Our guide: The African Goddess Oya, who represents change, storms, wind, lightning, and transformation

  • Introduction to the second stage of Alchemy: Dissolution

  • A Sending To Water ritual to help you clear out the old energies & stuckness that has been holding you back

  • You will connect with the Dragon Beings, who have been here to assist LIFE itself from the very beginning times, when the Earth was first formed

  • A brief history of the Dragons and the reasons why we need them now

  • You will be guided in a shamanic journey to call in your dragon guide & travel to the Dragon Lair Waterfalls at the center of the ocean, where anything that makes your heart heavy will be washed away by floods & torrents of creative life force energy

  • This shamanic journey will prepare you for a Dissolution ritual, so you can carry out the second stage of Alchemy over the next 2 weeks

  • Microcosms & Macrocosms: Every cell in our bodies is an entire universe

“Whosoever shall make a copy of the Cosmos, and shall know it upon the Earth, it shall act as a magical protector for him both in heaven and upon Earth.”

~ Graham Hancock, Translated from ancient Egyptian writings

Class 4 ~ september 6, 2021 ~ New Moon in Virgo (May be pre-recorded)

Tearing Down the Veils

  • The principle of Maya, the Illusion, the Veil that was placed over our eyes when we incarnated

  • Becoming a clear channel for the Divine & recognizing that our perception is not necessarily an accurate interpretation of reality

  • Parallel Universes & the infinite versions of reality available to us

  • The importance of surrendering & allowing your intentions to be answered in a different way than you expected / thought you wanted

  • Isis and Nepthys, Egyptian Goddess sisters who reveal to us both the light-filled & shadowy aspects of ourselves

  • An introduction to the Alchemical stage of Separation

  • A shamanic journey to activate your solar plexus chakra & witness your soul contracts that you signed when you descended into your physical body at the beginning of this lifetime

  • Receive the instructions to carry out a ritual of fire scrying & drumming to ask the universe “Who Am I?”

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Class 5 ~ October 4, 2021 ~ New Moon in Libra

A Ritual to Open the Heart with Venus & Ma’at

  • Connecting with the Zodiacal energies of Libra; Venus, the planet of love & beauty; and the Egyptian Goddess Ma’at

  • The key shift that is needed at this time: Focusing our vibrational essence, away from mind, and into the heart

  • Making sure everything you say, do, & create, comes straight from your heart

  • The Heart Chakra as a central location in our bodies — Connecting the upper & lower chakras — Connecting the Earth & Cosmos within our bodies

  • The ancient Egyptian principle of building the temples on the Earth in sacred alignment with the Cosmos

  • How to connect the above & below in every ritual that you do — Bringing it into alignment with the Cosmic Order

  • The importance of keeping your heart as light as a feather, in order to uphold the Natural Law

Class 6 ~ october 18, 2021 ~ full moon in Aries

Unblock Your Throat Chakra & Allow the Truths of the Earth & Cosmos to Flow Through You

  • Birds as magical threshold weavers – Holding & singing together the dimensions of reality

  • The dawn chorus and the eternal sunrise

  • How the birds can teach us to each sing our unique song

  • Calling upon birds for magic & protection

  • The magical Alchemical stage of Fermentation – A turning point of transmutation into a completely different form — Stepping into a completely new reality

  • Mercury in Libra – the perfect time to heal wounds caused by arguments or misunderstandings

  • A shamanic journey to create a crystal grid upon sacred sites on the Earth that speak to you, and draw their power to you to awaken & activate your voice & your soul’s mission

  • If you wish, you can then re-create this crystal grid in your own house or backyard – but be sure to do so in waxing or Full Moon energy!

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Class 7 ~ november 1, 2021 ~ new moon in scorpio

The Power of the Ancient Mystery Schools

  • The importance of our visionary ability – Our capacity to know that which we cannot see – And our courage to TRUST the visions & instructions that come through

  • Saying the sacred YES

  • Cultivating a deep trust in the larger plan that is unfolding

  • Oracle cards, runes, and hieroglyphs as divination tools

  • Ancient Greece: The Oracle of Delphi & the secrets of the Bee Priestesses

  • The Neters of Ancient Egypt — The embodiment of the forces of nature — Drawing strength from the sun, moon, Earth, and stars

  • Distillation, the sixth stage of Alchemy, your Third Eye, and Grandmother Moon

  • You will be led in a Distillation ritual to create a sigil which will remove the veils of illusion, purify & enliven your spirit, and welcome in the ultimate protection & astral wisdom from your guides

Class 8 ~ november 15, 2021 ~ full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus

Cleansing, Clearing, and Purification

  • The power of eclipses in magical practice – A moment when the portals are open & anything could happen

  • How to tune into the intense astrology of this moment: Mars is opposite Uranus and square Saturn. What lessons have we learned since July, when Mars was opposite Saturn and square Uranus?

  • Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Scorpio: The doors to the other realms are open

  • This is a time when deep structures of our world (and our own individual subconscious / psyche) can be broken down and new worlds / realities can be built in their place.

  • Learn about the importance of energetic clearing and cleansing & tools to clear your space as well as your physical & energetic being

  • Why we must be a clear channel in order for the most potent insights & transmissions to flow through

  • The Egyptian God Osiris, who beckons us to let things die so we can be reborn anew

  • Engage in a Salt Ritual and Radical Space Clearing Practice that will purify your home, your environment, and your aura

  • Coagulation, the seventh stage of Alchemy, your Crown Chakra, and the Sun

Class 9 ~ Date TBD ~ new moon total solar eclipse in sagittarius

Soul Star Chakra & the Realms Above

  • Tuning into your Soul Star Chakra, the part of us that is embedded in the Cosmos & the realms above

  • Sound Creates All ~ How to find & anchor the frequency that we will use to build the future

  • How our rituals create the future – Infusing the magic of ritual into our day to day lives – Living shamanically – Becoming very comfortable with walking between the realms

  • Transcending the limits of 3D reality – What you perceive as the edge of your body is not the edge of anything – We are intertwined with & breathing the same eternal breath of all things

  • The Egyptian God Anubis, the Opener of the Pathways, who opens the doorway into the higher realms

  • Integrating the energy of this final eclipse on the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, and all of the lessons you’ve learned over the past 1.5 years

  • Together we will hold a potent, life-changing Road-Opening Ritual that will carry you forward into the new year & new worlds of adventure & discovery

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Registration has closed for Alchemy, Astrology, and Magic.

If you need assistance, please contact our Client Care Manager at:

Here are some of the benefits you’ll experience from attending Alchemy, Astrology, & Magic:

  • Learn the keys to creating your own powerful rituals, that you can use again & again to design truly heartfelt sacred space & uplift your spiritual practice

  • Connect more strongly with your guides, the elements, the ancient Gods & Goddesses, and the spirits of the land around you

  • Learn how to work with the lunar cycles and astrology so you can be confident that the cosmic & earthly energetics are truly in alignment with your intentions during every ritual

  • Explore the 7 stages of alchemy in an experiential way so that the Mystery can enter into your life and welcome in new blessings that will surprise you at every turn (i.e., Open your heart to the deepest Mysteries)

  • Learn how to select the crystals, flowers, herbs, and other elements that will be perfect for each ritual you create

  • Become familiar with Sigil Craft and understand how to create releasing sigils as well as growth / expansion sigils

  • Befriend your own primordial, wild nature within ~ The part of you that has been untouched by society ~ And cultivate delight & exhilaration in your spiritual practice

  • Come into alignment with frequency of Original Creation in all that you do, not just during rituals, but by creating a truly Shamanic way of living for yourself each & every day.

I can’t wait to embark upon this potent adventure with you <3

Wishing you magical & mysterious blessings, now and always,

Jocelyn Mercado

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Praise for Sacred Planet Courses

“The course has helped me on my soul’s journey, to take me beyond my fears and embodying my inner truth and wisdom manifesting them into my life. I am so grateful.”

~ Anne, Sweden

“The course was an amazing container for healing. Jocelyn is open, honest, beautiful and fully aligned.”

~ Claire, United Kingdom

“Beyond anything, this course gifted me the inspiration and the deep self knowledge that diving deep into all of this symbolism of my subconscious is bringing me closer to the golden nuggets of my truth. I feel a richness within my soul and confidence to be my fullest self including embracing my darkness as well as my challenging but rewarding divine path. Thank you, Jocelyn, for being a powerful, celestial guide at this turning point in my journey.”

~ Stephanie, Illinois

“I loved this course! Not only was it fun, it has really helped me to connect with my intuition and given me the confidence to learn more about the amazing, magical world we live in.”

~ Donna, Australia

“This course reminded me of my magical potential. To enjoy and have fun while I grow and evolve, through the amazing journeys and key insights to myself. Very powerful!”

~ Linda, California

“I absolutely loved it. I had fantastic results. The meditations and imagery were powerful and compelling. It led me to a lot of revelations and powerful awakenings. it opened up a lot of closed doors for me personally but in a gentle way. Very profound!”

~ Ritu, Canada

“Jocelyn is such a natural teacher and shamanic guide. She answers questions with grace and ease and makes space for each person to feel heard. This course helped me become aware of my fear and how it plays a role in my life, as well as made space for me to befriend my fear and work with it in a constructive way. I feel more connected to myself and aware of my energy after this course. I am so grateful for the space that was held as a part of my personal journey.”

~ Kimber, North Carolina

“I learned so much from this course! Jocelyn's meditations are beautifully spun, and in each one I found myself traversing new landscapes within my soul. The journeys were highly activating, opening up my perspective. The material was fascinating. I loved learning about the Pleiades and our connections to the stars. I also loved finding my soul tone. Beautiful!”

~ Dasha, Tennessee

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