It’s so STRONG right now …
How the universe is calling us up to our next level ~
Inviting us to co-create with the vital life force that births all things ~
Inviting us to SHED and RELEASE more deeply & thoroughly than ever before ~
Inviting us to say “YES” to the fullest life, to the full emotional spectrum, to the vast potentials of the human experience.
There has NEVER been another time when taking a huge LEAP and becoming an entrepreneur, is as supported as it is right now.
The transformational, illusion-shattering, and freedom-inducing astrological transits ... The energy & upgrades streaming in from the stars & our Sun ... The intense call to action from our great Mother Earth ... Our souls' deep knowledge that this is the time ALL of the ancient & indigenous prophecies have foretold for thousands of years ...
All of these aspects, together, are calling out for us to stand up NOW, take action NOW, and not hesitate for another moment.
What is it that YOU are called to do, during this wild & precious lifetime?
How are you meant to heal others, bring change to our world, and uplift our collective energy?
Whatever it is that you are here to do, for the highest good for all …
Now Is The Time.
If you are ready to embrace change and upgrades and evolution …
You should know that RIGHT NOW, the universal energies are here to work with you for your highest expansion & growth.
And I am here to support you in making the most of these rapid upgrades and opening of possibilities!
Who am I?
I’m Jocelyn Star Feather.
I’m a revolutionary coach for heart & soul led entrepreneurs who are ready to stop playing small — Ready to take a LEAP and find the courage to be globally visible with their soul’s mission. Entrepreneurs who are ready to change the world!
I’m also a spiritual guide for people on their path of awakening. I will show you how to break free from everything that has held you back in the past, so you can shine your brightest! I use the tools of Alchemy, Astrology, and Shamanic Practices to facilitate deep & lasting change for my clients and students.
I’ve been creating highly successful & abundant online summits & global conferences since 2015, and guiding my clients to create them since 2017.
Why Online Summits & Global Conferences?
Have you ever tried to share your message on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.) and ended up in frustration & doubt because no one is responding?
Have you ever passionately created an absolutely incredible blog post and then realized that only 5 or 6 people will ever read it?
Have you ever created a life-changing online course that you KNOW the world needs but when you tried to market it, no one was paying attention?
Have you ever posted a video on YouTube and saw that 3 months later it only had 7 views?
Take heart.
This is NOT your fault.
You are here to bring gifts and healing and teaching and inspiration to the world in a way that NO ONE ELSE can ever do in the same unique & powerful way that you can.
It’s just that your work is not globally VISIBLE yet.
You need to get your work in front of people who will really appreciate it.
People all around the world who are awakening, expanding, growing, healing … And who need YOU.
Who have been waiting for exactly what YOU have to offer.
Whose lives will be changed when they finally get to receive YOUR gifts.
Now, here’s something really important to know …
The universe WANTS those people to find you!!!
The universe is already TRYING to connect you with those people out there, YOUR TRIBE, who will resonate & respond & be incredibly moved by your mission & purpose & all that you are here to share.
You just need to open the channels from the universe.
That’s where I come in.
I’m here to help you open those channels.
These channels are REAL. They are the pathways for PEOPLE and MONEY to flow into your business. Because that’s what needs to happen, in order for you to have an incredibly successful enterprise.
When the channels are open, abundance can flow in. The universe can send you all of the financial resources, and joy, and YOUR TRIBE, and your clients that you’ve been waiting so long to finally meet.
I’m here to guide you in a life-changing, business-revolutionizing journey into SACRED VISIBILITY.
Where you are a globally-recognized, sought-after thought leader & expert whose unique mission & message is getting out to thousands (or more) people all around the world.
I know the path to get you there …
And I can show you exactly how to do it.
It’s fun, exciting, and transformative. And if you decide to come on this journey with me, I’ll be right by your side the whole way.
In order to explain where we’re going on this journey, you need to know this:
The very most important aspect of your business (that is a requirement in order to create lasting, consistent financial abundance) is a robust email list filled with your ideal clients.
When you have a robust email list filled with your ideal clients, and you share something — Whether it is a blog post, a video, a $10K program, or a $49 e-book — Your email list will RESPOND.
(Unlike on social media.)
This is because your email list is composed of people who were moved enough by your work to give you their name & email address. They WANT to hear from you. They are interested in what you’ll share next.
THIS is how you build a successful business.
THIS is how you earn an abundant income.
THIS is how you fill your life with joy because you finally get to share what’s been bursting open in your heart & soul for so long!
THIS is how you finally call in your TRIBE of people who are extremely excited to read your blog, watch your video, and buy your course.
By having your robust list, and sending emails that people will really open & respond to.
Social media will not get you there.
On social media, people are bombarded with hundreds of other offers or diversions at the same time as they are scrolling past your post. There is very little chance that they’ll actually take the time to pause & respond to what you are sharing.
Even when they do read your post, there’s not much commitment. After all, there are hundreds of other posts to get to! They will probably click the “Like” button and scroll on.
To make matters worse, the algorithms in Facebook, Instagram, etc., ensure that only 10% of your followers even catch a glimpse of your posts, unless you are paying extra for ads.
It’s a messed-up system, trying to grow your business through social media, and for pretty much every budding entrepreneur I know, it ends in frustration and disappointment.
Yet, oddly, the top way that most business coaches and marketing “gurus” will recommend for you to build your audience is based on social media. They will advise you to create endless posts, or Facebook ads, or Instagram stories.
This takes a LOT of time and offers very LITTLE return.
That’s why I’m here to tell you …
There Is Another Way.
This other way is extremely fun, exciting, offers sky-high levels of positive feedback and validation of your plans & your ideas, and brings you into direct alignment with your Sacred Mission.
What’s more, this way brings you through a potent process of transforming & upleveling your own confidence, clarity, and conviction around your unique message and mission.
This way does NOT require you to be on social media at all! (Yay!)
What is this way, you’re asking?
This path, which I’m delighted to share with you, is Soulful Summit Creation.
This is my proprietary, transformative system that I’ve honed and perfected over the last 6 years, both by creating my own summits & conferences (I create 2 per year, every year, and I have so much fun each time) AND by guiding my amazing clients to create their own first summits.
Online summits provide very consistent, reliable, and STELLAR results, including:
2000 to 5000 new, highly-engaged email subscribers who are interested in EXACTLY what you’re most excited & passionate to share
$4000 to $8000 (or often more) in immediate income upon your event airing …
… Followed by unlimited revenue potential in the months & years to come, as you offer your programs & products to your vastly-expanded & eager new list of subscribers
A massive upleveling of your confidence, courage, conviction, and clarity around your sacred mission & message — As you see your summit topic validated & appreciated both by the speakers & leaders on your event, as well as the audience of thousands who will stream in to attend.
You will get to speak with and interview leaders and mentors who you’ve always admired! They will see you as a leader as well, which often results in beautiful future collaborations and partnerships.
And so much more …
Creating your first global summit or conference is absolutely the best, most effective, and most EXCITING way to launch or grow your business.
The results from your first summit will give you everything you need to build true FREEDOM into your life.
I started my business, Sacred Planet, with an online summit in 2015, and it has grown exponentially each year since then.
My clients have experienced the same kind of results and are now bringing in abundant income doing what they love.
And you can do this, too!
Now, it’s important to know …
Soulful Summit Creation is NOT a quick-fix, easy-peasy path. This is not a done-in-7-days kind of plan. That’s because …
As is true with building anything that you want to last for the long term, you will need to make a real commitment to this process.
It takes courage, love, devotion, and carefully-planned effort.
But it’s SO incredibly worth everything you put into it.
Because the results are OUTSTANDING.
And I am here to guide you through each inspiring step in the process.
Take a minute to just imagine how your life & business would be AFTER completing your first summit:
Imagine having 3000 to 5000 new, highly-engaged, ideal clients on your email list.
Imagine that these people on your list are YOUR TRIBE. They totally resonate with what you share, and they LOVE your blog posts / art / healing potions & elixirs / Reiki sessions / books / Tarot readings — Whatever you are sharing, they love it.
Imagine the feeling of KNOWING deep in your heart that you are changing lives … Helping people to heal … Inspiring them to connect with the Earth … Guiding them to awaken and share their own brightest gifts!
Imagine feeling the positive-frequency ripples of all of this, going out into the world, and realizing that YOU are creating a huge amount of positive change, that is benefiting so many people, all around the world.
Imagine bringing in $5,000 to $10,000 income immediately upon holding your very first summit … And knowing that your newly-launched business now has unlimited profit potential thereafter.
Imagine that every time you send an email to your newly-expanded list of ideal clients, you get a huge response back: Filled programs, sold-out products, hundreds (or thousands) of views on your videos, and enthusiastic emails from people thanking you for sharing your voice & telling you how you’ve changed their life.
Imagine the fun you’ll have creating new products and programs, and knowing you’ll be able to sell them easily whenever you feel inspired to do so.
All of these results are STANDARD OUTCOMES, once you create your first summit.
YOU can do this, too!
✨ A Visual Illustration of What Summits Will Do For Your Business ✨
The chart below is an actual screen shot from my Sacred Planet email subscriber list. Each big spike that you see, was when I held a summit. I generally create 1 or 2 summits per year. You can see the consistent stellar growth over time, which results from this fun & exciting way of growing your business!
Here is a glimpse of what my previous clients have experienced during the Soulful Summit Creation Mentorship:
Soulful Summit Testimonials
“A Space Where Everything is Possible”
“Jocelyn is a power house of fierce love for the 21st century, and working with her has changed my world. With Jocelyn’s support I have created my own, unique coaching practice and launched it into the world. Whereas before I had very little experience as a business woman, I now have clients, a mailing list, a thriving online course and vibrant energy to keep on building. I gained 3,870 subscribers and 140 Lifetime Access sales from my first summit. Sessions with Jocelyn have seen me step into a space where everything is possible; a space where grounded, practical entrepreneurial tactics meet the unseen realms and I hear my soul’s whispers with clarity."
~ Ellie Paskell, UK:
“Thank You for Believing In Me”
"Jocelyn believed in my success even when my own family members did not! She helped jump start my online business and helped me crystallize my own vision of what I wanted to offer to the world. I came from having 0 subscribers to 7, 700 after creating an online summit guided by her. Her vast knowledge of the business world and gentle approach are a perfect combination! There is so much more I can say, but there are not enough words to capture her brilliance. She is my inspiration and aspiration."
~ Maya Z, Florida:
“I Earned A Total of €10,000 From My First Summit”
“In total, 3500 people signed up for my summit, I sold 157 Lifetime Access Packages, translating to almost €5,000; and after that I launched my own product which added up to a total amount of €10,000. I was also invited to two summits as a speaker and a number of professional collaborations came from it as well! This program really allowed me to launch my business in a safe and supportive way. On a personal level, it brought me back into my joy around connecting people, and sharing knowledge and wisdom.”
~ Vanessa Fourcaudot, France:
“It Was A Total Transformation, at the Deepest Levels”
“I feel like a completely new person. Creating a summit was such an amazing journey. It was a total transformation, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, at the deepest levels. This 6-month journey has been a catalyst bringing me into who I truly am. Going through this process has helped me own my voice, my opinions, and my beliefs, and knowing that they are valid and worthy of sharing with the world. My list grew from 0 to 2500, and I received $3200 from the Lifetime Access sales!”
~ Kate Ballo, New York:
“I Quit My Day Job”
“With the help of Jocelyn, I built out my entire vision into something real. I hear from so many people how my event impacted them. I grew my audience and connected to clients from all over the world who are totally aligned with me. I took my local business online and quit my day job because of this program! I am so much more confident now!”
~ Stephanie Briggs: and
“You Have Been Fully Pivotal in My ‘Coming Out’ to the World This Year”
“Thank you so so much. You have been such an immense support and fully pivotal in my "coming out" to the world this year. It was the most beautiful, exquisite, delightful, scary and stressful at times, but powerful way to learn about a topic and at the same time be more visible myself. Now my business is in a really solid position for the upcoming year!”
~ Eimear Stassin, UK:
“You Have Guided Me To Places I Thought Were Impossible”
“Jocelyn - You are truly a gift: To me, to us, to the world. You have guided me into places I once thought were impossible to get to. You have changed my life in radical and fulfilling ways. My life would not be what it is today - in the best ways possible - if you weren’t a part of it. I can’t wait to see what impossible places you bring me to in 2020!! It’s so exciting. I honestly cannot thank you enough.”
~ Dottie Lamoureux, Ohio:
“Working with Jocelyn transformed both my business as well as my life. With her guidance, which consisted of both deeply caring for my results as well as challenging me to attain them, I fully stepped into a new phase of being that had called to me for many years. I now have a powerful structure for my business as well as firsthand experience regarding what it means to coach someone with extraordinary integrity. I faced nearly insurmountable personal challenges while creating my first summit, but Jocelyn remained committed to my results and assisted me in holding the vision of the creation that wanted to come through me. I remain grateful on a daily basis that I heeded the “full-body YES” when it came to creating a virtual conference using Jocelyn’s framework.”
~ Helena, New York:

How Can We Work Together?
In the Soulful Summit Creation Mentorship™, we will meet over a 6-month timeframe, 2 sessions per month (12 sessions in total). In each session, I’ll give you the next key steps & action items in the process. I will share with you my templates, secrets to success, ways to save time & money, and key technology items that you will need to create your first summit. I’ll provide you with plenty of on-screen demonstrations for clarity in how to do the technical pieces, so you will truly have everything you need in order to successfully carry out each step in the process.
In each session, you’ll share with me how you’re doing, and I’ll provide any coaching or support that you need. I’ll give you the next inspiring steps in the process, and away you’ll go to continue creating!
You can choose between a Small Group or a 1:1 Dedicated Coaching option. (These are two SEPARATE options, so please choose the one that is most aligned for you.) More details on these 2 options are listed below. Both the Small Group and the 1:1 follow the same 6-month timeframe and the same 12-session curriculum.
Step One
Your Big Picture Vision & Your Ideal Client
In Step One,
I will guide you in a visioning process so you can prioritize your highest & most aligned goals and desires, and build your summit to support this vision on all levels
We will dive into your ideal client, and begin to dream into what summit topics will provide what they most need & want
Choose Your Title and Subtitle; Choose Your Event Dates
In Step Two,
We will look at the place where your passion & expertise MEET your ideal clients deepest needs & desires (This is the sweet spot that will tell us what summit will be most powerful for you to create)
We’ll engage in a fun process to make a list of possible titles and subtitles for your event that feel exciting and expansive for you!
I’ll share with you the key things to know about choosing a date for your event, and how to align your event with the highest frequency energies of the sun, moon, stars, and planets
I will give you a 45-minute 1:1 astrology reading which will reveal the key archetypes that are most potent for your soul’s mission. These archetypes will inspire & inform your summit topic, as well as all of the wording and branding for your event. This will be a fun & eye-opening session!
Branding Your Event
In Step Three,
I’ll show you how to create gorgeous branding materials (banners & graphics) for your summit
You can decide if you want to create them yourself, using free tools like Canva; or if you want to use a graphic designer (If you’d like, I can introduce you to my designer who I’ve worked with for years & who is very reasonably priced)
I’ll guide you to create your brief event description, which you’ll use again & again throughout the summit creation process
I’ll share with you how to powerfully call in your most aligned ideal clients as you design your summit
Inviting Your Speakers!
In Step Four,
We’ll begin the very exciting portion of the program where you’ll begin reaching out to speakers who you would like to interview
I’ll share my latest tips & secrets on how to reach out to people, even bigger names, and get a “YES!” in response
I will share with you my templates to send to speakers and highlight the key pieces you need to include so they will know they want to participate
We’ll also talk about WHO to invite. It’s important to invite others who are actively growing their online audiences. You’ll learn how to decide which speakers will be a perfect match for your event.
It’s important to include DIVERSITY of ethnicity, as well as diversity of topics. You’ll learn how to create an event that is diverse on all levels!
This is a truly transformational step in which you receive your first YES’s from speakers and you realize your summit idea is acknowledged & appreciated. It’s incredibly powerful to know that others see & honor your topic, and WANT to be a part of your summit!
Preparing for Interviews
In Step Five,
It’s the moment you’ve been waiting for! How to create the most powerful, fun, and joyful interviews.
Getting through nervousness, resistance, and fear — I am here to support you through any doubts that may come up. It’s completely normal to feel lots of fear at this stage. It’s a HUGE inner shift — It’s you becoming visible!
I’ll guide you in how to feel comfortable and at ease on Zoom / on video.
You’ll learn how to develop your unique interviewing style.
I’ll also share with you the Speaker Agreement and Speaker Questionnaire, and why these are important.
Creating Your Event Website
In Step Six,
You’ll learn the key secrets & strategies to include to make your event website magnetic to your ideal clients all around the world
I’ll provide a demonstration of how to create a site in Squarespace, which is the most user-friendly, budget-friendly web platform available, AND creates the most gorgeous sites! (All Sacred Planet websites are built on Squarespace.)
You’ll be guided to choose a domain / URL for your event to make it easy to find on the web and maximize its search engine optimization.
You’ll learn how to write soulful copy for your summit landing page
I’ll explain how people will sign up for your event and how email subscriber services work, plus which one to choose for your business
Technology to Support You
In Step Seven,
You will get your Welcome email set up & linked to your registration page
You’ll learn how to connect payment processing services (PayPal and Stripe) to your site
I’ll share about how YouTube is a key part of the summit process ~ We’ll make sure that YouTube will continue to send more & more new registrants to your event!
You’ll learn how to set up your YouTube channel (if you don’t have one already) and how to begin uploading your interviews to YouTube
I’ll give you a document that will become your best friend – The YouTube Organization Sheet!
You’ll learn about the role of a video editor, decide whether you need one, and how to find a qualified one
Promotional Materials
In Step Eight,
I will guide you in the process of setting up your Promotional Center for your speakers ~ The page on your site where speakers will find the materials they need to announce your event to their audience
You’ll learn about affiliate commissions and whether you should offer this to your speakers
We’ll have extra time for coaching and questions
Additional Pages on Your Event Website
In Step Nine,
You’ll learn the importance of the Event Schedule Page and how it will become the central hub for your event attendees
I’ll guide you to create a Thank You page that will vastly increase your summit revenue
We’ll cover Speaker Pages, a key component of your website that will ensure speakers feel honored and well taken care of, and will benefit from growth to their own audience
Setting Up Lifetime Access, Cloud Storage, and Welcome Emails
In Step Ten,
I’ll give you an overview of how Lifetime Access works and how to set it up on your website
You’ll learn how to use cloud storage and how to set it up for Lifetime Access
You’ll create your event Welcome email and Lifetime Access Welcome Email, so your event attendees will feel welcome & know how to get the most from your summit
Establishing Your Thought Leadership: Your Talk, Your Free Gift, and Your Post-Summit Offer
In Step Eleven,
You’ll learn how to maximize your revenue, both during the event and after
An exciting and important moment – Creating YOUR talk for your event!
You’ve interviewed 20+ speakers; now we’ll look at what to include in your talk for the highest impact & engagement with your audience
I’ll guide you to decide what free gift you’d like to offer to the audience
We’ll hold a fun brainstorming session in which – From your new, upleveled, and highly confident perspective – You’ll vision for what you would ideally like to offer to your summit audience after the event completes. What will be most fun & inspiring for you to share? The possibilities are infinite!
I’ll provide coaching and guidance on how to launch a number of different program types post-summit, so you can earn abundant revenue from your very first launch to your new audience
Launching Your Event — And What Comes Next!
In Step Twelve,
You’ll learn how to protect your time & energy in the weeks leading up to the event
I’ll cover the most frequent technology issues and customer service questions that you’re likely to receive during your summit, and how to handle them
I’ll guide you to create your post-summit survey — In which you’ll receive extremely valuable feedback, testimonials, and future program suggestions from your wonderful new audience
You’ll learn how to follow up with your subscribers after the event ends
I’ll show you how to continue to build lasting relationships with the speakers who you interviewed
We’ll celebrate your success and talk about what you plan to do next!
Here are the results you can expect from the Soulful Summit Creation Mentorship™:
In-depth functional knowledge & comfort level with web building platforms, email subscriber services, Zoom, YouTube, cloud storage, branding & design applications, and more – All of which will increase your proficiency and mastery at running your business.
Strong comfort level with being on video and interviewing experts – Absolutely fantastic skill to have for anyone who wants to continue to grow their business through videos, webinars, podcasts, and more. This alone is one of the most valuable take-aways that you’ll gain by creating your first summit.
You’ll be discovered by other leaders who will invite you to speak on their summits, podcasts, guest expert opportunities, masterminds, and more.
You’ll learn & get to practice how to have a successful launch, a skill which many entrepreneurs search for years & spend 1000s of dollars to learn. Here you’ll gain mastery of launching (i.e., how to earn abundant income) quickly and easily by using my time-tested & proven launch methods, and getting my real-time coaching & feedback on your launch process. You’ll also learn the appropriate methods for launching a number of different program types.
You’ll gain 2000 to 5000 new, highly-engaged email subscribers who are interested in EXACTLY what you’re most excited & passionate to share
You’ll bring in $5,000 to $10,000 (or more) in immediate income upon your event airing …
… Followed by unlimited revenue potential in the months & years to come, as you offer your programs & products to your vastly-expanded & eager new list of subscribers
A massive upleveling of your confidence, courage, conviction, and clarity around your sacred mission & message — As you see your summit topic validated & appreciated both by the speakers & leaders on your event, as well as the audience of thousands who will stream in to attend.
You will get to speak with and interview leaders and mentors who you’ve always admired! They will see you as a leader as well, which often results in beautiful future collaborations and partnerships.
And so much more!
After you create one summit, you will automatically know how to create more summits whenever you want, to grow your audience, open a new line of business, or reach more people with your mission & message.
It’s like riding a bike – After doing it once, you’ll never forget.
This is an incredibly impactful and lucrative skill to have, that will quite literally bring in hundreds of thousands of dollars over the months & years to come.
Select your preferred program option here:
Soulful Summit Mentorship
Small Group
6 payments of $1000 each
Registration for the Small Group Mentorship is currently closed.
Soulful Summit 1:1 Mentorship
You’ll have my dedicated 1:1 Support! Flexible Starting Dates.
6 payments of $1500 each
We have one space open for the 1:1 Soulful Summit Creation Mentorship in 2025.
Once I receive your first installment payment, via the payment buttons above, your space in the program will be reserved.
If you would like to learn about our full pay options, please email our support team at
If you would like to have a conversation with me to ask questions & learn more, please click the button below to request a 30-minute consultation with me:
What you’ll receive in the Small Group Mentorship:
Through 2x-per-month Zoom meetings over a 6-month period (12 meetings in total), you will receive my proven Soulful Summit Creation System® as well as receive personalized coaching in the group format.
You'll find inspiration as a member of a small group of like-minded entrepreneurs, and you'll learn from the other members’ questions & experiences as they create their own online events alongside you.
Group members form a wonderful camaraderie over the 6-month process, so you’ll be part of a fun & visionary group, in which all of you will cheer each other on as you create your fantastic summit! Most groups stay in touch for years after the program has completed. It’s a wonderful way to learn, with the support of a vibrant community.
You'll receive my hands-on support and coaching, during the group sessions, for technical details, strategic planning, mindset, and expanding into your unique brand of thought leadership. I’ll ensure you have everything you need to successfully create your amazing summit, including helping you to design your launch plan and maximize your income in what you’ll offer to your audience after the summit has completed.
You’ll receive all of my templates & my proven Soulful Summit Creation System®, designed to ensure your event will flow seamlessly and will embody at all levels the unique, creative presentation that YOU are meant to bring forth into the world! I will be there for you at every step along the way.
We’ll begin in January 2025. We will meet 2x per month from January to June 2025, for a total of 12 group sessions.
Soulful Summit Creation® Group Mentorship includes the following:
We’ll start with a 2-hour planning intensive.
We’ll have 11 additional two-hour calls (two per month) in the group format.
You will have access to an online discussion forum on Sacred Planet Academy, where all group members are invited to post questions and share their insights & experiences, and I will respond with support & answers to your questions.
Your Sacred Planet Academy portal will include all of the templates, guidelines, and your group session recordings, so you can easily refer back to them, both now and when creating new events in the future.
Important! Please note that the Small Group Mentorship and the Dedicated 1:1 Mentorship are two separate programs. You can join EITHER the Small Group OR the 1:1. Please choose the option that feels most aligned for you, and email us at if you have any questions.
What you’ll receive in the 1:1 Mentorship:
This 6-month container will give you above & beyond support & guidance to design, build, and launch your amazing online event. Through this process, you will establish your thought leadership, expand your online business, reach new markets & new ideal clients, and create a positive global impact.
You'll receive my hands-on 1:1 support and coaching for technical details, strategic planning, mindset, and expanding into your unique brand of thought leadership. I’ll ensure you have everything you need to successfully create your amazing summit, including helping you to design your launch plan and maximize your income in what you’ll offer to your audience after the summit has completed.
You’ll receive all of my templates & my proven Soulful Summit Creation System®, designed to ensure your event will flow seamlessly and will embody at all levels the unique, creative presentation that YOU are meant to bring forth into the world! You’ll have my 1:1 guidance and dedicated support at every step.
This is a truly transformational experience, which will guide you to evolve and grow your thought leadership & make a significant positive impact in the world.
We can begin at any date that is aligned for your schedule.
Dedicated 1:1 Soulful Summit Creation Mentorship™ includes the following:
We’ll start with a 2-hour planning intensive.
We’ll have 11 one-hour calls (two per month) so you’ll have the dedicated 1:1 support you need along the way.
Two extra 15-minute 1:1 calls for troubleshooting, or if you get stuck or need a boost of inspiration.
You’ll have full email access to me.
You’ll be set up with your own personal portal on Sacred Planet Academy where all of the templates, guidelines, and your 1:1 session recordings will be stored so you can easily refer back to them, both now and when creating new events in the future.
Frequently Asked Questions
A: No! Actually, the opposite is true. I have been creating summits since 2015, and guiding others to do so since 2017. In all of these years, the absolute highest results (in number of subscribers AND income from Lifetime Access sales) – for both myself and my clients – have occurred consistently between March/April 2020 and NOW.
First of all, more people than ever are online now and are seeking to learn & expand their knowledge, education, and spirituality online.
Second, there is a MASSIVE spiritual awakening which is happening all around the world, as people are confronted with life & death, and are asking – Why am I here? What is the meaning of life? Is there something else I should be doing with my life? How can I make a positive difference in the world? How can I create a brighter future for my kids & grandkids? And so on. As a result, summits (which are sharing paradigm-shifting wisdom, guidance for many facets of spiritual awakening, and other emergent topics) are more needed now than ever before.
There WILL be a market for your summit. Your perfect audience is out there. Your tribe is there, just waiting for you to show up on the global scene and guide them!
Remember, the universe is trying to connect you with the people out there who need you. A summit is the perfect way to open those channels and allow your tribe to come into your world.
A: You do not need to have anyone on your email list before creating a summit. You are going to create a summit because you need to grow your email list. That is the purpose of doing it. I’ve had plenty of clients who started with between zero to 50 people on their list, and had wonderfully successful summits.
Here’s where the magic happens: It’s a beautiful exchange that you are creating. You are setting up a massive global platform where all of the speakers will benefit from visibility to thousands of people all around the world. In exchange for you setting this up and interviewing them, the speakers are going to share your event with their list.
A certain number of those people who are reached with the speakers’ event announcements, will come in and register for your event. Once all of the registrations come in, you will have an email list of 2000-5000.
Everyone wins! The speakers get visibility to a wide global audience, and through providing a free gift opt-in, will grow their own audience even more. The event attendees receive free access to life-changing knowledge & wisdom. You get to share your message, grow your email list, and take your business to the next level. Everyone benefits. It’s a truly magical business model!
A: You can truly be ANYWHERE in your business growth journey when you decide to create a summit. I’ve had many clients who were just at the beginning stages, didn’t even have a website yet, and created extremely successful summits. I, too, was just at the beginning of starting my business when I created a summit. Creating a summit is a fantastic way to launch your new business.
It’s quite powerful to have a summit at a very early stage in your business, because the 6-month journey of building it will:
(a) Teach you all of the technology tools, tips, and strategies that you need to successfully run a thriving online business.
(b) Help you become extremely comfortable with being on camera and on video. Video is the #1 way to get visible online, so this is an extremely valuable skill that often takes people YEARS to develop. Here, you’ll gain this confidence and comfort level with being on video in just a few months, and the sky is the limit with where you can go next!
(c) Supercharge your clarity around what you want to offer in your business.
(d) Teach you how to successfully sell and launch your products and programs.
(e) Create strong connections and partnerships with other leaders & experts in your field.
(f) Allow you to start your business with a huge infusion of confidence and conviction, so you can truly hit the ground running (instead of wasting years trying to build your audience & figure out what you want to offer, which is unfortunately what happens to MANY budding entrepreneurs).
You can also be more advanced in your business and create a summit. I’ve had plenty of clients who had already been running a successful business for years, and who had outstanding results & reached entirely new levels of confidence, income, and joy in their business because they created a summit.
No matter where you are on the entrepreneurial journey, if you know you are READY to take things to the next level, a summit is absolutely the perfect, most fun, and most effective way to grow.
A: That is not a problem. Usually my clients do not know any experts or influencers when they create their first summit. I will share with you highly-effective ways of reaching out to & inviting your speakers that will make it highly likely they will say YES to being a part of your event, even if they don’t know you at all. This is part of the thrill of creating a summit!
Pause for a moment and think of the people you admire most - Those who you would love to interview. Those whose amazing courses you’ve attended, whose books you’ve read, whose YouTube videos have inspired you for years.
You get to reach out to all of those wonderful people, and invite them to your event. And guess what? About 50% of them will say yes! And you’ll get to have wonderful conversations with them. They’ll get to know & respect you. It’s magic!
A: I don’t recommend this. Even seasoned entrepreneurs who I’ve spoken to, who thought they had all of the skills they needed, and tried to create a summit on their own, tend to have lackluster results. Perhaps they only brought in 300 new subscribers. Perhaps their speakers wouldn’t agree to share the announcements with their audiences. Perhaps they didn’t make any money from Lifetime Access. Perhaps their post-summit launch failed.
The thing is, there are so many little details and strategies included in how I teach this process, that you’ve got to get right in order to achieve the results shown on this page (2000-5000 new subscribers, stellar Lifetime Access sales, and so on). If you miss a couple of these details, you could end up putting in a whole lot of effort and getting very disappointing results.
If you’re going to put the effort into creating a summit, you want to receive the full benefits, results, and outcomes that you deserve. So I sincerely recommend that you work with someone who has been doing this for years, who has been continually honing & refining the system they’re teaching, who is actively creating summits themselves so they are on the leading edge of what’s actually going on in the online space.
I also recommend that you work with someone who will be there with you in a coaching context, to guide you through the resistance, tech glitches, and complications that will naturally come up at certain points in the process. As described in the next FAQ …
A: No! I would never offer this program in an automated, online course format. That’s because I know that each person who comes through my Soulful Summit programs is going to have a very unique experience, and I want to be there by your side with coaching that fits exactly what you need most at each point in the process.
I’ve spoken to a LOT of entrepreneurs who have paid for a program on how to create summits that was delivered in an automated, online course format. And not a single one of them have successfully created a summit.
That’s because it is an incredibly transformational process. Doubts, fear, and resistance WILL come up for you at certain points in the journey. This is normal. It happens at different points for everyone who does this. Tech issues will come up. One or two speakers will be difficult to deal with. It’s just part of the journey. In order to have stellar results, you need a customized program that will meet you exactly where you are and provide what you need in real time.
That’s what I am here for.
I can’t tell you how many clients I’ve had who, at the end of the process, once all is said & done and they’ve achieved their wonderful results, have told me: “WOW. I had no idea just how much was involved in this journey. THANK YOU for being there with me the whole way. THANK YOU for helping me through the challenging moments. I am so glad that I worked with you.”
Don’t wait another moment … Join the Soulful Summit Creation Mentorship™ today.
I can’t wait to see all that YOU will create, during your summit and beyond!
Love and blessings,
Jocelyn Star Feather, MBA
Founder of Sacred Planet