I’ve been guiding my clients to create online summits since 2017.
And every single time, I am in awe of the transformation my clients receive in the areas of confidence, courage, and ease with being visible. It’s a magical process!
Not to mention that they are starting or vastly expanding their business, making a profit (sometimes for the very first time in their lives), and having a blast doing it!
I began creating & producing online summits in 2015.
Since then, my business has continued to generate exponential growth & revenue year after year, based purely upon the summit model.
I never have to turn to Facebook ads or funnels. I literally have more fun with every summit, conference, or festival that I create!
This is truly THE most exciting, profitable, fun, joyful, and easeful business model out there.
And you can easily learn how to do the same!
I have personally coached hundreds of visionary entrepreneurs, from all around the world, to create their own unique, revolutionary summits.
If you’ve ever considered creating your own summit, you should know that your first summit will:
Bring together inspiring speakers & experts around a topic you’re deeply passionate about.
Create your tribe: A global community of 2,000 to 5,000 of your ideal clients.
Generate significant income both immediately PLUS over the next 2, 5, or even 10 years!
To learn more about the possibilities, click the button below to get my exciting free gift:
“God himself helps those who dare.”
Ovid, Metamorphoses

The Soulful Summit Starter Guide includes a powerful video and beautiful workbook that will guide you through:
The magic of how online summits work and why they are such a potent way to create sacred community and exponential business growth.
A powerful exercise to choose your summit topic: The perfect core focus to magnetize your ideal clients & bring them into your world.
Choosing your first 10 speakers. (Yes, even the big names say yes! Because they know how powerful online summits are for audience growth.)
Don’t wait another minute! Get your Soulful Summit Starter Guide right here:
If you’re not quite sure yet … Let me ask you this:
What do you want to create?
What huge step forward have you been longing to take?
In other words …
What would you do if you knew you could not fail?
Hold onto the answer to that question, because …
I have exciting news for you.
If you would like to actually do that thing you’ve been waiting so long for …
We are going to be extremely supported by the cosmic & Earthly energies, now and in the coming years, in making absolutely massive and much-needed changes in our lives.
To come into highest integrity and clarity with the deep truths we hold inside.
To embody and live our highest mission in this lifetime.
So, if you’ve been wanting to get visible with your important mission and message …
To help people to heal so that together, we can heal our world …
Now is truly the best possible time for you to create your first summit and get your voice out there to a global audience.
It might seem like a big step, but guess what?
Huge leaps are HIGHLY supported by the universe right now.
Because the Earth needs YOU.
Humanity needs YOU.
Your future clients & customers need YOU.
And I am cheering you on!
Don’t hesitate for another moment! You have what it takes.
Learn more about the possibilities by downloading your Soulful Summit Starter Guide right here:
Your summit creation journey is going to be even more magical than you could possibly imagine …
Honoring Your Sacred Mission in this Lifetime,
Jocelyn Star Feather
Founder of Sacred Planet
“Start a huge, foolish project, like Noah. It makes absolutely no difference what people think of you.”
~ Rumi