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sacred architecture of the cosmos:

Instructions for How We Build the New World

HOW do we build the new world?

THIS is our primary guiding question for 2021 and beyond.

This is a completely new frontier for us. 

It's difficult to imagine HOW to build the new world.

It will require us to step completely outside of everything we've ever known.

As Einstein said, "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."

So, we must use every tool available, in order to:

  • Completely shift our perspective

  • Open up to do what we've been told is impossible

  • Study what the ancient & indigenous people have always known, which has allowed them to live in harmony and reciprocal relationship with the Earth

  • Seek instructions and answers from ways of KNOWING beyond what the human mind commonly perceives

  • Accept that paradox is an essential part of the natural laws of the universe

  • Work together, in community & collaboration, rather than competition

One key tool for exploring how to build the future is Sacred Geometry.

Have you ever been shown, in a meditation or journeying space, the Sacred Architecture of the Universe? Many plant medicines and entheogens will reveal the Sacred Architecture to us, when we venture into their realms.

The Sacred Architecture surrounds us, is woven through us, forms the very structure of our physical & energetic bodies, and connects us all.

If we are wondering HOW to build a bright & vibrant new future for our world, we must study Sacred Geometry so that we can gain an expanded and unlimited view of what is possible.

That's exactly what this exciting FREE video workshop is all about —

The Sacred Architecture of the Cosmos:

Instructions for How to Build the New World

Enter your name & email address here to receive the FREE workshop:


During this inspiring presentation, you will learn:

  • What is the music of the spheres?

  • Who are the Egyptian deities Thoth and Selket, and how can they help us to create the blueprints of the new world?

  • How can we align our new world structures with the stars?

  • What is True Imagination and why is it important for us to cultivate today?

  • How can we make the impossible, possible?

  • A potent shamanic journey in which you will become a particle of light to explore the 93% of our DNA that scientists cannot explain, so that you can discover what is there which we have never understood before.

We are each here to build the new systems and structures.

Sacred Geometry, when we dare to look deeply into it, gives us clues, blueprints, and instructions toward this massive collective project; possibilities and options that we never even knew were available.

So join me in this fascinating video workshop, and learn about how we can actually build the new world we've been dreaming of, in 2021 and beyond.

I can’t wait to share this with you!

Love and blessings,

Jocelyn Star Feather

Founder of Sacred Planet

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