Incoming Eclipses in April & May! Life Leads to Death, and Death Leads to Rebirth


I recorded a brand new video for you today, hot off the press!

Click on the video below to watch:

🌀 Eclipses Incoming! April 30 and May 16, 2022
Life Leads to Death, and Death Leads to Rebirth

During this transformational presentation, you will learn:

  • What to expect on each of the eclipse days

  • Why the April 30th eclipse is a POTENT day to set intentions around welcoming in new wealth, abundance, and relationships

  • The catalyzing journey that our relationships have been going through over the past several months ~ In support of new Sacred Unions being formed

  • Why the May 16th eclipse is going to feel more dark & challenging, and how to navigate it

  • A dive into the Mystery Schools and resurrection ceremonies of ancient Egypt, where they held a highly refined understanding of life and death

  • An exploration of the Eleusinian Mysteries, and what we can learn from these ancient rituals to empower & inspire us as we are called today to release what is no longer in alignment with the future direction of our lives

We are living in liminal, transitional times ~ In the nebulous space between complete darkness & fear ... And breaking through to the brightest light.

To assist you in navigating these unprecedented times, I am thrilled to announce that I am reopening donation-based enrollment to my powerful course Miracles, Synchronicity, and Power.

If you join now, you will get immediate access to the five class sessions that we've already recorded, plus you will get to attend LIVE for the remaining three class sessions on April 19, May 3, and May 17 – Perfect to guide you through eclipse season!

I'm reopening registration because participants in the class have been having POTENT experiences, and I want you to experience this magic too!

Here are a few recent comments from students who are currently attending the class:

"I'm receiving more and more intuitive messages every day! Thank you for all the teachings, Jocelyn."

"I woke up one morning with a much deeper understanding of multidimensionality. I knew the truth of it right in the cells of my body!"

"This has been AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much, Jocelyn! "

"I have been receiving insights into the new personality that will support my business intentions moving forward."

"Synchronicities are appearing everywhere!"

"Thanks for the fantastic session, Jocelyn. I learned a lot!"

Click here to learn more about Miracles, Synchronicity, and Power.

Click here to register immediately by sending a donation in the amount that feels aligned for your heart at this time.

Celebrating your sacred journey of awakening,

Jocelyn Star Feather
Founder of Sacred Planet

Jocelyn Star Feather