Mystery School Teachings of the Lion's Gate
We had an incredibly powerful workshop today that you don't want to miss!
It's called:
Mystery School Teachings of the Lion's Gate:
How to Access the Potent Energetics of NOW to Create the Life You've Always Dreamed Of
Click on the video below to watch!
During this powerful call, you will learn:
What are the Mystery School teachings aligned with the Lion's Gate?
How can we access the energetics of the Lion's Gate in our lives today?
This Lion's Gate is occurring as we enter into an extremely potent time of upleveling & transformation, over the next 6 months ...
I will share an astrology update for August 2023 and beyond, showing exactly why the upcoming months are extremely important for our personal & spiritual evolution, so you can fully understand what is becoming possible for you (and for our world) at this time!
I will give details on how to make the most of these energies so you can flow WITH the beautiful changes coming our way & create the life you've always dreamed of
I'll guide you in a beautiful shamanic journey to walk through the Lion's Gate so you can shed the burdens of the past and deeply receive what is meant to be yours in the future
As part of the workshop, I announced a rare & transformational opportunity to work with me 1:1 in the:
Sirius Star Portal 1:1 Mystery School Mentorship
6 month and 12 month options available
We begin during the Lion's Gate!
Here are a few important notes about the 1:1 Mentorship:
I only have 2 spaces open, so this will fill quickly!
This is a radical new program that I've never offered before, in which I will take you under my wing and together over the next 6 or 12 months, we will build your new future, using Mystery School concepts that will transform your reality.
This program requires a premium level investment of your time, energy, and finances ~ All in beautiful reciprocal exchange so that I can give my highest level support & mentorship to you.
If you are interested in enrolling, please email me at with the email subject line "Mystery School Mentorship" and tell me the #1 thing you would love to receive from this transformational program.
I wish you the most magical experiences during this potent Lion's Gate portal!
Lots of love,
Jocelyn Star Feather
Spiritual Alchemist & Visibility Coach for Visionary Entrepreneurs
Founder of Sacred Planet