Our World Is A Modern Day Mystery School: Precessional Cycles, the Ancient Prophecies, and How to Navigate the Changes
I’m so pleased to share my first presentation from the
✨ Shamanic & Alchemical Mystery School Global Gathering ✨
It’s called:
Our World Is A Modern Day Mystery School:
Precessional Cycles, the Ancient Prophecies, and How to Navigate the Changes
Click the video below to watch!
This talk is one of 24 powerful presentations that you can watch (free) during the Shamanic & Alchemical Mystery School Global Gathering! Click here to learn more & see our full lineup of wisdom keepers & visionaries.
We are living in truly momentous times. We find our lives filled with unexpected changes, new awakenings, and initiations, on both a personal and a collective level.
Especially during times like these, it is of vital importance that all humans have access to receive & remember the ancient teachings about the power and abilities that are our birthright, the sacredness of Life Itself, and the vital support streaming in from the unseen realms to guide and support us on this journey of awakening.
Once we remember our own power, it becomes so much easier to:
Choose a new way of life
Break down the old systems which are no longer serving us
Rise up with courage and take a stand for the radical new world which we feel imminently arriving
The Shamanic & Alchemical Mystery School is a very special event designed to guide you in connecting with your own profound power within, so you can feel liberated to confidently make the changes you most deeply need, and rise into living your fullest life during this unprecedented time on our beautiful planet.
To see all of the topics we'll explore during the Shamanic & Alchemical Mystery School, simply click here.
There has never been a more important time to remember who we truly are, and to reconnect with all that we are capable of.
With love and gratitude,
Jocelyn Star Feather
Spiritual Alchemist & Visibility Coach for Visionary Entrepreneurs
Founder of Sacred Planet