Photos from Egypt! What a Beautiful, Magical, Mystical Adventure We Had
The March energies have been INTENSE and LIBERATING ~ Are you feeling it?
All of the temples in Egypt were absolutely humming with higher vibrational frequencies than I have ever felt before, on any of my previous visits.
Here are a few photos of the magic & mystery that our group here has been steeped in, from March 10th to 25th.
Sunrise in the White Desert (Western Desert of Egypt)
An image on a sarcophagus which depicts quite magnificently, all you really need to know about life.
Me standing in a place that overlooks the Giza plateau and all 3 pyramids.
The massive columns at Karnak Temple.
A mysterious stairway at Edfu, the Temple dedicated to the Falcon God, Horus.
Standing between the paws of the Sphinx.
Me on the rooftop of Dendera, the temple dedicated to the Goddess Hathor.
And these pics are just scratching the surface!
We explored many different temples along the length of the Nile River; held a mystical shamanic journey between the paws of the Sphinx; shared a sound healing journey in the far-ancient Osirion; and we even co-created the most magical high-frequency experience inside of the Great Pyramid.
Our group, composed of 32 beautiful souls who came together in alignment and joy for these 2 weeks, have all traveled back home or on to their next travel locations, and I am still here for one more day in Egypt before I fly back to the United States.
I have been reflecting on the absolute majesty of what we've experienced here.
One primary theme that rings true throughout all of our experiences is:
Everything the ancient Egyptians built, created, and wrote on the walls of their temples ~ Was to ensure the continuance of life itself.
It's been fascinating to see how many people flocked to Egypt in March 2023. The sites were more crowded than I have ever seen them. Patricia says they were more crowded than she has seen them in many years.
And I believe this is because people are feeling the call ~ As we witness the chaos of the modern world and the destruction of life on so many levels ~ Even if they don't consciously realize it, huge numbers of people from all around the world are being called to Egypt to remember.
To remember the sacred mysteries of Life and Death and Rebirth which were such core & central themes to the ancient Egyptian practices, ceremonies, and celebrations.
To remember the divinity and the Forces of Nature within ourselves.
To remember our true power as creator beings, who possess deep magic within our bodies, minds, and hearts.
All of this is written so beautifully in the hieroglyphs, the architecture, and the imagery throughout Egypt.
If you, too, are feeling the call to experience all of this ...
I have amazing news!
Patricia and I are going to lead another profound, life-changing, magnificent tour from January 23rd to February 5th, 2024.
Because tour venues are filling rapidly in Egypt at this time ~ Yes, already filling for next year! ~ We are offering a special discounted price for those who register and send their deposit by April 30th, 2023.
Click here to see the full itinerary and all of the magical places we will visit in 2024.
The astrology of late January and early February 2024 is very special, which is why we chose these specific dates.
During the tour dates, we will have Mercury, Venus, and Mars in Capricorn, all making positive trine aspects to Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus.
This will be a time for supercharged insights & revelations, abundance and grace, an activation of your body as a sacred temple, and a heightened ability to feel the power & healing energetics of the ancient sacred sites that we will visit. It's going to be an experience beyond your wildest imagination.
We will also have the Full Moon in Leo with Saturn, Jupiter, and Venus making favorable aspects on January 25th; a Grand Earth Trine on January 29th; and a Grand Air Trine on February 5th! These are extraordinary transits that will bring gifts and blessings to our group.
The feedback we heard again & again from this year's attendees ~ Was that there are truly no words for what you receive here in Egypt ~ That you have to experience it, SEE it, FEEL it for yourself ~ In order to fully understand the power of this sacred land.
Click here to learn more and see our full 2024 itinerary. Be sure to submit your registration and deposit no later than April 30th, to ensure you'll receive the special price.
I hope to share Egypt with you in 2024!
With profound love and gratitude,
Jocelyn Star Feather
Founder of Sacred Planet