We are living in times that are miraculous and full of potential, yet rife with challenge and difficulty - All at once.
Do you feel:
Headaches, backaches, exhaustion, heart pounding, or other body symptoms that aren’t usually present?
Mind fog, forgetting which day of the week it is, feeling lost in space & time?
Faced with insolvable problems?
A recent crisis has taken all of your time & energy?
If you are saying “yes” to any or all of these, know that you are not alone.
There are many reasons why we are experiencing a very intense version of reality at this time.
For one thing, we’re receiving upgrades from the Earth & Cosmos at a more rapid rate than ever before.
This is help from the stars, assisting us in the ascension process, but it can cause us to feel off-kilter as the body tries to keep up with the heightened energetic nature of the upgrades.
For another thing, there are so many stressors coming from the world around us (political, medical, environmental, increasing separation of opinions & values, and the list goes on).
Those of us who are deep on our spiritual paths, are finding ourselves in the midst of life-changing initiations at this time.
Those of us who are empathic are feeling not only our own fears & doubts, but those of the others around us as well.
So … Pause for just a moment, and take a deep breath.
You are safe.
All is happening in divine timing.
Know that this is all part of a larger plan — To awaken us — To strengthen & amplify the frequency of our energetic fields — To help us release all that is illusory or no longer true — To knock us out of our comfort zones and onto our highest path.
While it may not feel good or calming or easy, it is all for a higher purpose.
The change we have been longing for — It’s happening NOW.
We are living in times that have been foretold for millennia.
So when it feels hard, take comfort.
YOU are meant to be here NOW.
YOU have what it takes.
If you are reading these words, you are one of the great spiritual warriors, the ones who have the courage to hold space & facilitate the massive global awakening of all humanity.
You are meant to play a key & important role in this vast shifting of the tides, and the universe wants you to have all of the support that you need.
Your guides, angels, and allies in the spirit realms are gathered around you, ready to assist.
The Sacred Instructions from the vast intelligence of the Earth & Cosmos are being sent to you, even now, so you’ll know what to do next.
And all of this wisdom is held in your HEART. Transmitted to you through your HEART.
The sacred architecture of the Cosmos is here to lift you up with each breath of your lungs, and every beat of your heart.
But how can we actually access the deep inner knowing of the HEART, when everything seems so chaotic?
We can help our physical bodies by drinking more water, spending time in nature, and getting as much sleep as possible.
We can meditate regularly, and take plenty of time for self-care.
We can sit or lay on the Earth and ask for Her guidance to pour into us.
We can also turn to our elders, wisdom keepers, teachers, and healers for advice, healing practices, and the deep knowledge that we need …
In order to navigate these turbulent times.
That’s why I’ve complied a very special, inspiring, and paradigm-shifting collection of interviews & workshops.
This collection is absolutely the “best of the best” from previous Sacred Planet events.
Each & every talk in this special collection has been specifically chosen to help you calm your nervous system, drop into the ancient & infinite knowledge of the heart, and find peace in the midst of the the swirling storm.
This is your invitation to stop for a little while — Take time away from DOING — And allow yourself to simply BE.
Soak up the deep wisdom transmitted through these inspiring & heart-centered leaders.
Allow yourself to be rejuvenated, recharged, renewed, & revivified on all levels.
Allow your frequency to be expanded & lifted up to the vibrational plane of LOVE.
Return to a place of remembering who you truly are — A magnificent, deeply loved, eternal child of the Earth and Cosmos, surrounded by guidance & protection in every moment.
** Registration is now closed. Registration ended on Friday, August 27th at 11:59 pm Eastern time. **
Here are the speakers & topics that you’ll receive:
Clare Dubois
Woman Unleashed: The Undeniable Magnificence of She
Pat McCabe
Our Natural Design for Thriving Life
Ilarion Merculieff
An Indigenous View of the Sacred Feminine
Dr. John Ryan
The Integrating Soul: Embodying Wisdom, Truth and Spiritual Power
Dr. Tayria Ward, Ph.D.
Dream Thinking & Oracular Ways of Being
Marie Mbouni
Awakening the Creator Within: The Art of the Inner Marriage
Ke’oni Hanalei
Emotional Courage & the Waikau Fern
Neda Boin
A Healing Concert with Teachings from a Course in Miracles
Kedar Brown
Awakening the Indigenous: The Re-Wilding of Human Nature & the Great Turning
Jocelyn Star Feather
The Dark Goddess Speaks: Navigating the Dark Portal with Isis, Lilith, and Kali
PLUS a BONUS presentation from Jocelyn:
Hieroglyphic Thinking - An Opening Into Multiple Concurrent & Divergent Realities
Brooke Medicine Eagle
The Sacred Darkness of the Deep Feminine
Maleda Gebremedhin
Women Birthing the Womb of Life: The Secret Evolutionary Movement Vital to the Survival of Humanity
John Perkins
Touching the Jaguar
Pam Montgomery
Awakening a Co-Creative Partnership with Nature
** Registration is now closed. Registration ended on Friday, August 27th at 11:59 pm Eastern time. **
Here’s How It Works:
Instant Access: Immediately upon purchasing, you will be directed to a page where all 15 interviews are available in video (mp4) and audio (mp3) format.
Each interview is fully downloadable, so you can listen or watch anytime you want, whether online or offline.
You will have permanent access to the full collection, so you can connect back in with the peace at the center of your heart anytime you wish!
We’re going through a massive transformational process, here on our beautiful, Sacred Planet.
Allow this special collection to bring you back to your center — To the light within you — To your own sovereignty, strength, and power — And to the unfathomable potential of the new world that we’re already building.
Receive these Sparks of Light in Turbulent Times.
Come Back to the Peace At the Center of Your Heart.
Sending you wishes for abundant blessings & magic, in TRUTH and LIGHT,
Jocelyn Star Feather