“God himself helps those who dare.”
~ ovid, metamorphoses
Dear Cosmic Adventurer,
What do you want to create?
What is your soul’s purpose in this lifetime?
What huge step forward have you been longing to take?
In other words …
What would you do if you knew you could not fail?
Hold onto the answer to that question, because …
I have exciting news for you.
If you would like to actually do that thing you’ve been waiting so long for …
We are going to be extremely supported by the cosmic & Earthly energies, in the coming months and continuing on throughout 2022, in making absolutely massive and much-needed changes in our lives.
To come into highest integrity and clarity with the deep truths we hold inside.
To embody and live our highest mission in this lifetime.
The thing is, though … These accelerating energies are not exactly going to be easy to navigate.
The planetary, Earthly, and cosmic influences arriving to us now, are actually DEMANDING change, whether we like it or not.
In fact, if you don’t consciously choose to make aligned changes now, other (not so favorable) changes may be forced upon you by the universe.
That’s how strong the impulse and “recommendation” from the cosmic forces are, at this time.
But take heart.
As always, there are potent ways to work WITH these energies.
To step into alignment with the bigger plan unfolding around us.
To attune yourself to the guidance, the upgrades, and the Sacred Instructions that are streaming in, and actually take the biggest LEAP forward of your life.
In order to move through the next 4+ months of radical change in the highest vibration …
With ease, surrender, joy, laughter, TRUST, and grace …
And with your evolution deeply attuned not only to your soul’s mission but also aligned with the larger plan unfolding around us …
I’m here to share with you certain key steps you can take, skills you can hone, and ways you can open your heart, that will allow you to:
Learn how to hear the Sacred Instructions, how to see & understand what the Universe is saying to you
Step into courage, out of your comfort zone, and take a LEAP that will change your life
Make a change now that you never thought you could do — And do so with ease and grace
Learn from your past and write your NEW story of empowerment, confidence, and joy — The NEW Myth of Your Life
Accelerate your path of service, and find increased success with the work that brings you the greatest joy
Learn how to ATTUNE to and work WITH the catalyzing energies of the planetary transits and eclipses coming up over the next few months, rather than letting them bowl you over
Identify negative or toxic energies around you & learn how to reduce / eliminate them from your life
Welcome in the liberating energy of rapid change, and work with it for your own alchemical transformation
Would you like to work in alignment with radical change, and experience these exciting results? If so …
You’re invited into an immersive online experience.
I’m here to guide you on this journey of opening to & following the Sacred Instructions …
To help you make the most of the upcoming revolutionary months …
And support you in taking your big LEAP!
“Do not be satisfied with stories, how things have gone for others. Unfold your own myth.”
~ Rumi
It is a time to be bold.
In our world today, we need a TIDAL WAVE of humans who are ready to embrace courage and forge a new path.
If you are reading this page, I know you are one of these brave ones.
You are ready to help build the New World our hearts have been longing for.
You are meant to be part of this TIDAL WAVE.
And this autumn, we’re entering into a portal of massive transformation like no other.
We will be incredibly supported in opening the new pathways forward.
How can we make the radical shifts & changes that are needed?
Actually, it’s quite simple. Here is the roadmap:
[Step 1]
We hone & refine our ability to receive the Sacred Instructions from the universe.
[Step 2]
We allow in the upgrades, visions, expanded consciousness, and other forms of assistance that our guides and the Higher Intelligence continually send us. We must truly receive and integrate these.
[Step 3]
We learn to embody and live, every day, the highest energetic frequency of Oneness, the frequency of Creation itself.
[Step 4]
We carry out the Sacred Instructions we have been given. Even if other people think we’re crazy. Even if it creates significant change in our lives.
Step 4 will require us to leave old comfort zones, doubts, and fears behind us in the dust. It will require us to take a big LEAP. That’s why steps 1 through 3 above are especially important. They give us the capacity to hold the energy of the Sacred Instructions and the frequency of Creation, so we’re fully prepared to carry out Step 4.
Let’s take these 4 radical steps together — In community.
Where you can receive support, encouragement, visionary insights, and unexpected revelations around each corner.
And we’ll make it fun! Keeping our hearts as light as a feather, and laughing along the way, is an important part of the medicine we’ll cultivate in the group.
This is an online immersion for those who are ready to learn how to embrace uncertainty so you can be truly FREE and THRIVE in co-creation with the Divine.
For those ready to become courageous risk-takers and be part of the Tidal Wave of humans who are needed at this time.
For those ready to receive your own unique Sacred Instructions and clearly understand how to take action on them, so you can bring forward your greatest gifts.
If this is YOU, then I can’t wait to welcome you —
Into the mythica:
take the leap that will change your life
You’ll design the beautiful tapestry of your own wings — Your own strategy for stepping radiantly into the LIGHT — Your own personal mythology.
You will learn how to use this time of rapid change as the sacred wind that lifts you up to fly.
“I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become.”
~ Carl Jung

This is a pre-recorded course that you can complete at your own pace. It is recommended that you leave 2 weeks between each module, to allow time for the paradigm shifts & changes in perception to fully integrate into your being.
Class 1
A Return To the Beginning: Illumination From Your Deep Past
Mythology: LOKI and SIGYN — Healing from Ragnarok (Healing from our most difficult mistakes & wounds)
Zep Tepi: The End of Times is A New Beginning, and Every Death is A Rebirth
Our Neanderthal & Paleolithic past — New understandings about the power & adaptability of human consciousness
You will be guided to draw the Myth of Your Life — As you currently perceive it
Timeline Journey to identify the one root, core limiting belief that has held you back in the past
Shamanic Journey to discover the 3 key moments that changed EVERYTHING – that have shaped your reality
We will bring together all of these pieces for a group ceremony of profound healing, so you can move forward with clarity and lightness of heart
Class 2
Anchoring & Amplifying Your Highest Integrity & Clarity
Mythology: THE PYRAMIDS OF GIZA and GOBEKLI TEPE — Creating An Energetic Foundation for Miracles to Occur
Activating the light codes and star codes that we carry in our DNA — How to receive the downloads of information from the stars
Neuroplasticity: Our advanced ability to change the way we feel, think, react, and perceive
How to identify negative or toxic energies around you & reduce / eliminate them from your life
How to release ego constructs & attachments, and shift into the vibration of oneness
The key meditation you need to cleanse & purify your energy every day
“Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” ~ Carl Jung
Experience a Shamanic Journey to connect with the principle of Sound as a purifying & clarifying agent — To create a new, harmonic frequency within yourself
Learn how to carry this frequency forward so you will spend more & more of your time immersed in the frequency of Oneness & Creation
“Your heart is the size of an ocean. Go find yourself in its hidden depths.”
~ Rumi
Class 3
How to Stay Calm & Centered In the Midst of Rapid Change
Mythology: KALI and BHAIRAVA — Destruction is Creation; Chaos is Liberation
Quite possibly the most important lesson in this entire class!! Learn how to take big leaps with ease & grace. You’ll use this again & again as a tool for the future, each time you take a big leap.
The importance of living outside of your comfort zone — Developing your primary strategy for true transformation & stepping radiantly into the LIGHT
A question from Pluto — You get to CHOOSE: Identifying the pieces of your life that need to fall away (destruction) so that your true power and confidence can emerge (creation)
How to work with the Eclipse energies for visionary transformation
Jocelyn will provide a number of personal astrology readings in the live group class! To show how the upcoming eclipses will specifically impact your life.
Learn a simple daily meditation to call all of your energy back to you & send any negativity back to source
Travel to the star portals in a Shamanic Journey to welcome in the liberating energy of radical change, in service to your highest evolution
Class 4
Opening to New Realities: The Quantum Physics of Parallel Universes
Mythology: MAMA QOCHA and HECATE — Water, Fluidity, and Standing in the Liminal Space Between Worlds
Introduction to Parallel Universes, a principle of Quantum Physics
How to recalibrate your perception of your identity — And thus shift your entire reality
Begin to see your life as a continuum, a timeline, with infinite possible branches in every direction. You get to CHOOSE which branch you take at every step
A question from Saturn: What is a structure you’ve been clinging to, which actually is not real at all?
Gain a radical understanding of yourself as part of a much larger story — A shared Mythology — That you can choose to come into deeper & deeper alignment with
From there, we begin to create a new collective cosmology. Where is our current scientific cosmology failing us? What is the new cosmology that we are choosing, that can take its place and more accurately reflect who we really are? This will be a beautiful collective project that we’ll unfold together in the live class, and that will continue to expand in the weeks to follow.
“Our heart is connected to the heart of Mother Earth, and Her heart is connected to the heart of the Universe. In the Universe, everything is connected, and all the hearts are bound by threads of light. In the end, everyone knows the truth. The access to this memory and the experience that we have when the state of amnesia is over is what indigenous people call vision.”
~ Arkan Lushwala
Class 5
Receiving & Carrying Out the Sacred Instructions
Mythology: LILITH, OYA, and LEIZI — Storms, Wind, Lightning, and How To Choose Something Entirely Different
You will be guided in a profound Shamanic Journey to come into complete TRUTH and TRUST with your guides, your dreams, your intuition, and your inner knowing
Learn ways to amplify & expand your intuitive capacity, and your ability to receive the big visions that are meant to guide you in this lifetime
Honoring & liberating your Imagination / Insight / Inspiration — Gifts from the Divine Intelligence
Explore the interplay between vision / imagination and reality — Everything which humans have created, has begun as an idea, a figment of the imagination
Learn from the ancient Dream Cultures: The primary function of dreams & visions is to foretell the future or guide you into a new reality. We only need to remember how to acknowledge & utilize them in this way.
Learn how to ask your guides to send you the Sacred Instructions you’ve been waiting for — And how to receive them, clearly and unmistakably
The beauty & release of SURRENDER as you allow these vast messages to weave & flow through you
Class 6
Take the Leap That Will Change Your Life
Mythology: THE ANCIENT MINOANS (ISLAND OF CRETE) — A Time of Peace & Starry Beauty
Believing in the highest potential of what is truly possible — Even when you cannot yet see it. It is much greater, vaster, more joyful, more beautiful, more infinite than you could possibly imagine.
Letting the Alchemical Prayer light your path
Working ever more deeply with your guides for protection & support
A Shamanic Journey to discover & clarify: What is the key & core Sacred Instruction that you’ve been receiving for quite some time? How can you say YES to it on all levels?
A question from Uranus: What is the radical act of courage & rebellion, that will change everything?
Bringing highest consciousness & highest frequency to what you are weaving, painting, and imagining – In all aspects of your life
We’ll hold a powerful group ceremony to bring ALL of your intentions into full & complete merger with the Oneness, the forces of Creation, the larger Mythology unfolding, and the new Cosmology that we are creating TOGETHER
“Try not to resist the changes that come your way. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?”
~ Rumi
Class 7
The Immortality of Your Soul: Dancing with Your Vaster Mission Across Lifetimes
Mythology: The Eleusinian Mysteries – An exploration of our eternal nature
A study of Immortality – Remembering what we have always known – Immortality rituals & celebrations across cultures
Exploring what people brought back after experiencing the Eleusinian Mysteries – Traveling to the other side of death so we can see through the curtain of illusion
Reincarnation and Life Between Lives
Shamanic Journey into the waterfall / River Mnemosyne so that you can see your soul contracts & larger mission of your soul across hundreds or even thousands of lifetimes
A question from Jupiter: Zoom out. Expand your perception of yourself all the way out, to where you encompass the entire universe. What do you now see, that you could not see before?
A group immersion — Once you fully accept the knowledge that you are immortal — What will you now do differently?
Class 8
Writing the NEW Myth of Your Life
Mythology: YHI and OSHUN — The Mother of Solar Light and Goddess of Generosity
Guidance from Mars: Spiritual Warrior, Now Set Yourself Free
You will be guided to draw the Myth of Your Life — The NEW version, including all of the updates, upgrades, Sacred Instructions, and revelations you’ve received throughout this class
“Everything in the universe is within you. Ask all from yourself.” ~ Rumi
This class will include a closing circle ceremony, with plenty of open space for sharing from class participants about their journey of the past 4 months, new understandings, breakthroughs, and to be witnessed in showing your classmates your NEW Myth of Your Life
“What you seek is seeking you.”
~ Rumi

* Special Announcement *
This is a pre-recorded course. Upon registration, you’ll gain access to all of the class recordings and materials.
Into the Mythica is based on the following radical understandings:
We are enveloped in a sacred plan much bigger than ourselves.
Each of us have the power to CHOOSE to come more & more into alignment with that larger plan.
Mythology and the stories & visions that we hold deep within the human psyche, point us toward essential truths and laws of nature that we can follow.
We can connect with the subconscious & synchronistic forces around us for guidance, for signs & dreams, and for confirmation that we are on the right track.
We can heal our wounds by studying the patterns of our past and identifying the pieces of our lives that need to fall away so that our true power and confidence can emerge.
We can learn, from both science and ancient mystical traditions, how to live & embody the highest frequency of Oneness.
As we do this, we will experience greater peace, ease, & grace. Even as the world changes more & more rapidly around us, we will be able to hold that calm center.
Simultaneously, we will feel, see, and experience more magic and mystery entering our lives.
This magic & mystery will give us the power & courage to take a more active role in choosing what we desire.
We will align our desires with the larger universal plan so we can truly receive what we’ve been longing for (both individually & collectively).
We can each see our place in the larger Mythology and much more deeply understand the right actions to take, that will uphold the Cosmic Order.
We will come into a state of recognition that we are living, acting, speaking, and deciding in ways that are attuned to the highest good for all beings.
We will actively participate in the mythical unfoldment of our bright & vibrant future, rather than feeling overwhelmed by the change or passively letting it impact us.
We will be able to take decisive and powerful action to carry out our Sacred Instructions, and thus be a part of the TIDAL WAVE of humans creating new realities, which echo back to the Original Instructions and the knowledge that our distant ancestors always knew, from the very beginning.
I can’t wait to embark upon this potent adventure with you <3
Wishing you magical & mysterious blessings, now and always,
Jocelyn Star Feather
Praise for Sacred Planet Courses
“The course has helped me on my soul’s journey, to take me beyond my fears and embodying my inner truth and wisdom manifesting them into my life. I am so grateful.”
~ Anne, Sweden
“The course was an amazing container for healing. Jocelyn is open, honest, beautiful and fully aligned.”
~ Claire, United Kingdom
“Beyond anything, this course gifted me the inspiration and the deep self knowledge that diving deep into all of this symbolism of my subconscious is bringing me closer to the golden nuggets of my truth. I feel a richness within my soul and confidence to be my fullest self including embracing my darkness as well as my challenging but rewarding divine path. Thank you, Jocelyn, for being a powerful, celestial guide at this turning point in my journey.”
~ Stephanie, Illinois
“I loved this course! Not only was it fun, it has really helped me to connect with my intuition and given me the confidence to learn more about the amazing, magical world we live in.”
~ Donna, Australia
“This course reminded me of my magical potential. To enjoy and have fun while I grow and evolve, through the amazing journeys and key insights to myself. Very powerful!”
~ Linda, California
“I absolutely loved it. I had fantastic results. The meditations and imagery were powerful and compelling. It led me to a lot of revelations and powerful awakenings. it opened up a lot of closed doors for me personally but in a gentle way. Very profound!”
~ Ritu, Canada
“Jocelyn is such a natural teacher and shamanic guide. She answers questions with grace and ease and makes space for each person to feel heard. This course helped me become aware of my fear and how it plays a role in my life, as well as made space for me to befriend my fear and work with it in a constructive way. I feel more connected to myself and aware of my energy after this course. I am so grateful for the space that was held as a part of my personal journey.”
~ Kimber, North Carolina
“I learned so much from this course! Jocelyn's meditations are beautifully spun, and in each one I found myself traversing new landscapes within my soul. The journeys were highly activating, opening up my perspective. The material was fascinating. I loved learning about the Pleiades and our connections to the stars. I also loved finding my soul tone. Beautiful!”
~ Dasha, Tennessee