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Miracles, synchronicity, and power:

Your Innate Birthright as a Creative Force of Nature

An Immersive Adventure Led by Jocelyn Star Feather

Miracles, Synchronicity, and Power

are How the Universe ACTUALLY Works!

This Course Will Guide you to amplify & expand them in your own life

For the Highest Abundance & Blessings

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In Ancient times, The Creator wanted to hide something from humans until they were ready to see. 

The Creator gathered all the animals and sought their advice. “I want to hide something special from the humans until they are really ready for it. It is the realization that they create their own reality." 

The Eagle said: “Give it to me. I will take it to the highest mountain and keep it there.” 

The Creator replied: “One day, the humans will conquer the highest mountain, and find it.” 

The Salmon said: “Give it to me. I will take it to the deepest ocean and keep it there.” 

The Creator replied: “One day, the humans will explore the deepest depths of the ocean, and find it.” 

The Buffalo said: “Give it to me. I will bury it in the heart of the great plains and keep it there. 

The Creator replied: “One day, humans will rip open the earth, and find it there.” 

All were stumped until Little Grandmother Mole who lives within the heart of Mother Earth and sees with her spiritual eyes (not her physical eyes) spoke up: 

“Why don’t we hide it inside them? That is the last place they will look.” 

The Creator smiled knowingly and said: “It is done.” 

~ An old Sioux legend


Dear Miraculous Human,

You hold all of the forces of creation within you.

Your sacred geometrical structure is interlaced & interwoven with the Ley lines of the earth and the orbits of all the galaxies.

In ancient times, we knew how to access the vast creative potentials within each human being.

We knew how to move 50-ton blocks and create magical spells. We knew how to speak with the plants and animals, and travel to visit our star families.

Perhaps we have forgotten.

The last 5500 years have been an assault on the magic, synchronicity, and power that naturally flows through us ... The same force that flows throughout all of the universe.

But now, the tides are turning.

Now, we are READY to remember.

And the universe is helping us.

It is cracking us open — To help us forget all the lies & distortions and illusions — To guide us in shaking off all the conditioning that made us forget our true & deep power.

We are being initiated.

ALL of us.

How we respond to these initiatory days, weeks, months …

Means everything.

We can choose to drop the intense baggage we’ve been clinging to, release the old broken structures, remember our power as Creator Beings, and leap into an unimaginably beautiful & new & different way of living.

One that brings the sacred geometrical crystalline structure of our bodies back into full connection with the energy lines and sacred sites.

One that brings our hearts together as we re-calibrate & live each day from love, joy, and compassion.

And most importantly, a future where we fully remember and embody the essential truth that miracles, synchronicities, and magic are not impossible.

They are how the universe actually works!

We have just forgotten the sacred practices and ways of being that allow us to tap into them.

NOW IS THE TIME for us to remember.

We are capable of far more than we have been told.

We are far more powerful than we know.

When we re-member and re-activate the cosmic power within ourselves — Powered by the Sun and amplified by the energetic fields of the Earth —

We find that we are magnificent Creator Beings.


Your physical & etheric body is intertwined

with the vast sacred geometric architecture of the cosmos.

your energetic currents that flow through your chakras & meridian lines are one with:

the Ley lines of the earth ~

the orbital paths of the planets ~

the nebulous arc of the Milky Way ~

the ancient memories spinning out from distant suns.

You are woven into the vastness of divine intelligence, light, sound, and energetic power.

All the forces of creation of the multiverse, are at your fingertips.

This is what the ancient Egyptians, the shamans, the wisdom keepers of old, have known since the beginning of time.

Our powers were taken away from us, quieted, killed, driven into hiding in a million different ways — During the witch burnings, the Crusades, the shutting down of the pagan temples, colonization, and the transfer of perceived power from the people to the few priests and kings who wanted to rule.

This mass forgetting and erasing of our power has been happening for 5500 years or more …

And now it is time for us to reverse that forgetting.

We are living in the time of Great Remembrance — An age that has been prophecied since at least 13,000 years ago.

We stand at the Great Turning. A powerful portal of time when our memory is re-awakening.

Now it is time for us to claim the power that is our birthright, once again.

We can feel the force of ourselves as Creator Beings stirring within, ready to break free.

Let us take up the opportunities of this initiatory time.

Let us embrace the initiations, the unknown, all the forces that are working to crack us out of our shells, our of our familiar comfort zones …

Let us lean into the massive process of change and transformation that our world is infused with at this time …

And use these forces of nature to catalyze a revolution, a re-activation, a re-awakening of ALL THE POWER within you.

If your heart & soul are saying yes, yes, yes …

You are invited to join:

Miracles, synchronicity, and power:
Your Innate Birthright as a Creative Force of Nature

This will be an immersion into the ancient knowledge & practices that have always connected us with our power – And an exploration of how we can bring them back into personal practice & collective awareness now. 

Miracles, synchronicities, and magic are not impossible. They are how the universe actually works. We have just forgotten the sacred practices and ways of being that allow us to tap into them.

The witch burnings, the Crusades, colonization, governmental control - None of these actions could ever erase the power within us. It is still a brightly burning spark, in our hearts, our wombs, our souls. Let’s ignite it into a magnificent and radiant fire once again.

This course will give you the tools, confidence, paradigm-breaking shifts in perception, and energetic & practical knowledge to actually do this, to activate & amplify your inner power, and to begin confidently creating your own new reality, and then rippling that out into our collective for massive global change. 

Remember: All the forces of creation of the multiverse, are at your fingertips ✨✨✨

“Our heart is connected to the heart of Mother Earth, and Her heart is connected to the heart of the Universe. In the Universe, everything is connected, and all the hearts are bound by threads of light. In the end, everyone knows the truth. The access to this memory and the experience that we have when the state of amnesia is over is what indigenous people call vision.”

~ Arkan Lushwala

When you take part in this course, you will be welcomed into a community where a TIDAL WAVE of humans stands ready to overturn the dominant skewed reality and instead co-create a TRUE reality based on love, compassion, joy, abundance, and trust. 

This will be a continuation and an expansion of the VIBRANT community we’ve been experiencing in the Into the Mythica Global Conference.

Where you can receive support, encouragement, visionary insights, and unexpected revelations around each corner.

And we’ll make it fun! Keeping our hearts as light as a feather, and laughing along the way, is an important part of the medicine we’ll cultivate in the group.


During Miracles, Synchronicity, and Power, you will learn:

  • To align your entire being with the currents of creation, so you can open yourself to receive the miracles & synchronicities that are your birthright

  • To strengthen the knowing that emanates from the Womb, Heart, and Third Eye; and to drop the dependence on the mind

  • How to access the crystalline sacred geometric crystalline structure of your body, and attune your chakras to the sacred sites of the Earth

  • How to hold the highest frequency at every moment of life, no matter how complicated or unsettling it gets in the world around you

  • How to be a beacon of light, fractalling your calm & clear energy out to help the entire reality to stay balanced

  • To embody Ma’at — Energizing natural order & cosmic law — How to live & embody this on all levels 

  • How to transform your wounds into the vast bright light that emanates from you

  • To recognize & live from the absolute beauty & magnificence that we live in, and honor it — Feel the full & expansive joy of it — Every day

  • How to truly live & embody the fullest life

  • Accessing ritual as a doorway to enter such a profound connection & reciprocal relationship with the universe, that your life becomes a consistent chain of synchronicities and miracles because you are constantly in a co-creative flow with the Great Mystery

  • And so much more!



This is a pre-recorded course that you can complete at your own pace. It is recommended that you leave 2 weeks between each module, to allow time for the paradigm shifts & changes in perception to fully integrate into your being.


Class 1

Bring Your Body – The Physical Vessel of Your Spirit and Soul – Back Into Alignment with Natural Order and Cosmic Law

  • Learn how & why we are embedded in a false matrix, and how we know this matrix is an illusion, a distorted reality

  • Explore where your doubt and woundings came from

  • Connect with & truly FEEL the crystalline sacred geometrical structure of your body, and begin to access its true potential in connection with the Ley lines and sacred sites of the Earth

  • A potent shamanic journey to heal & clear these woundings, and bring you back into alignment with the crystalline architecture of your true being

  • Gathering your council of guides & protectors

  • Creating your altar which is an extension of your own sacred geometry & which serves as a focal point of your connection with the web of life & foundation for your connection with your guides

Class 2

Align Your Chakras with the Sacred Sites of the Earth: Access Profound & Multidimensional Inner Power

  • Learn how each chakra is the intersection between ourselves and the multidimensions of reality, and each one governs different creative & transformational abilities

  • Strengthen your connection from your meridiens & chakras (where the body’s energy constellates), with the ley lines and sacred sites of the Earth

  • How to weaving the fabric of reality back into alignment, in your life and your external reality, more & more each day

  • How to create refinement in what you are sending out — We are constantly spinning out fractals, ripples, with every word we say & every action we do

  • As this healing process progresses, you will feel your creator power returning to you & feel the return of all that you are truly meant to be

  • Begin to witness your life shifting into a constant flow of freedom, synchronicity, and miracles


Class 3

Your Sacred Compass: The Knowing of the Womb, Heart, and Third Eye — And Reducing Your Dependence on the Mind

  • Sacral Chakra: Connects us to the galactic center & force of creation & attraction from which all things are birthed

  • Heart Chakra: The frequency of love, trust, and oneness

  • Third Eye Chakra: Intuition, vision, our connection to the vast sacred geometrical intelligence of the cosmos 

  • Learn how to activate these 3 centers of knowing so you can drop your dependence on the mind

  • Seeing yourself as a work of art within the larger story, the mythology of Earth; you are a part of Her sacred awakening journey

  • Learn how to cultivate a deep trust in everything that occurs & where you are guided 

  • The crucial importance of imagination and inspiration 

  • Letting go of logic & rational ways of perceiving – Acknowledging that these are inherently limited and will create unnecessary obstacles 

  • An eye-opening study of ancient cultures’ perception of the heart

Class 4

The Cosmos: Sun, Moon, Planets, Stars, and Asteroids – Guides to All Of the Vastness Within You

  • Open to these cosmic beings as guides to the infinite forces within you

  • Learn the key archetypes of your birth chart, and access them as guides and anchors for transformation

  • Explore the low expression & high expression of each archetype in your blueprint, and find your power to CHOOSE 

  • Quantum Physics & Quantum Entanglement   

  • Decoding your life purpose & highest mission, based on your birth chart

  • An awakening to astrology as a gift from the divine – the map of the stars & planets at the very moment of your birth – a map for this lifetime – that can reveal & help you to awaken all of the divine gifts that you hold within 

Jupiter’s Massive and Breathtaking Cloud Formations

Ceiling of Dendera, Temple dedicated to Hathor, Egypt

Class 5

We Are Eternal & Immortal: The Deepest Mystery of All

  • Explore the immortality traditions of key ancient cultures where the deepest mysteries were held: Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, India

  • Why we must trust our immortality

  • The truth that psychedelics and near death experiences reveal to us: Seeing beyond this one life

  • Look at your own life: What are you clinging to? Where are you stuck? In these places, you will find a fear of death. How to work with this & heal this.

  • Making the shamanic commitment to walk between the realms and enter into initiatory places, outside your comfort zone, to face your fears and make them your friends.

  • Trusting that YOU ARE SAFE — Remembering that any notion that you are not safe is a complete illusion, a distortion.

  • A question from your guides: Do you not trust? Looking at all of the beauty, magic, and synchronicities that have always guided you. Coming into a space of deep trust and connection with your guides and the living consciousness & intelligence of the universe.

Class 6

Your Visionary Ability to Create Alchemy & Transformation

  • Sacred Instructions: When the universe speaks directly to YOU

  • How to respond to the universe when miracles are sent — Even if you have no idea how to take action

  • Doubling down on the Alchemical Prayer ✨

  • The importance of TRUST and SURRENDER

  • Alchemy: Saying yes to that which frightens you the most. Learn to access the Magic inherent in Fear – Fear is always pointing you toward your highest purpose & deepest power. How to go into the underworld and find the light.

  • How to embrace the initiations, the unknown, all the universal forces that are working to crack us out of our shells, our of our familiar comfort zones right now.

  • How to lean into the massive process of change and transformation that our world is infused with at this time, and use these forces of nature to catalyze, to alchemize, a revolution, a re-activation, a re-awakening of ALL THE POWER within you.

  • Learn the single biggest thing that will propel you deeper into the mystery, miracles, and magic.

  • Transforming the wound into the vastest brightest light that emanates from you, makes you magnetic, & guides you in everything that you do.

  • The extraordinary, life-altering power of the Sacred Yes

  • A ritual to release pain & fear and open you to the expansiveness & vastness of LIFE ITSELF.

“Try not to resist the changes that come your way. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?”

~ Rumi

Class 7

Bringing It All Together: How to Create from the Highest Potential Within You

  • Activating your creative life force through the chakras and the etheric field of your body, drawing upon the energies of the Earth & Cosmos

  • Align your entire being with the currents of creation, so you can open yourself to receive the miracles & synchronicities that are your birthright

  • Sacred sexuality and activating the creative force of life, which courses through you infinitely, to create new realities

  • Connecting with the womb of Mother Earth and the Galactic Center from which our galaxy was birthed

  • Inexhaustible creation & Quantum mechanics: The forces at the center of the Universe, and at the center of yourself

  • Discerning & defining your purpose and life’s mission — You already know! How to tap into the vastness of what you are here to create & accomplish.

  • Become a beacon of light, fractalling your calm & clear energy out to help the entire reality to stay balanced

  • Supporting the other sacred beings who are weaving the fabric of reality at every moment

  • Being Ma’at — Energizing natural order & cosmic law — Living & embodying it on all levels 

  • How to become the source of your hologram – Accept, embody, and FEEL your role as a true creator of reality

  • We can reform and refine the hologram into the new reality we are CHOOSING and actively, intentionally CREATING.

Class 8

Ceremonies and Rituals to Anchor the Highest Frequency Into Yourself and the Collective

  • The importance of Ceremony & Ritual in anchoring the new realities

  • Creating heaven on earth, through your field – Highest level of interdimensional mastery

  • Through your will, you can shift the fabric of creation into the forms it was originally intended to be

  • How to truly live, welcome, & embody the fullest life

  • Accessing ritual as a doorway to enter such a profound connection & reciprocal relationship with the universe, that your life becomes a consistent chain of synchronicities and miracles because you are constantly in a co-creative flow with the Great Mystery

  • A reawakening of the mechanisms of creation & what we are meant to be — What the ancient Egyptians & the Mystery School Priests / Priestesses always knew


“What you seek is seeking you.”

~ Rumi



Regular Price $777
Early Bird Price $333

* Special Announcement *



This is a pre-recorded course. Upon registration, you’ll gain access to all of the class recordings and materials.

Miracles, Synchronicity, and Power is based on the following radical understandings:

  • We are enveloped in a sacred plan much bigger than ourselves.

  • Each of us have the power to CHOOSE to come more & more into alignment with that larger plan.

  • Mythology and the stories & visions that we hold deep within the human psyche, point us toward essential truths and laws of nature that we can follow.

  • We can connect with the subconscious & synchronistic forces around us for guidance, for signs & dreams, and for confirmation that we are on the right track.

  • We can heal our wounds by studying the patterns of our past and identifying the pieces of our lives that need to fall away so that our true power and confidence can emerge.

  • We can learn, from both science and ancient mystical traditions, how to live & embody the highest frequency of Oneness.

  • As we do this, we will experience greater peace, ease, & grace. Even as the world changes more & more rapidly around us, we will be able to hold that calm center.

  • Simultaneously, we will feel, see, and experience more magic and mystery entering our lives.

  • This magic & mystery will give us the power & courage to take a more active role in choosing what we desire.

  • We will align our desires with the larger universal plan so we can truly receive what we’ve been longing for (both individually & collectively).

  • We can each see our place in the larger Mythology and much more deeply understand the right actions to take, that will uphold the Cosmic Order.

  • We will come into a state of recognition that we are living, acting, speaking, and deciding in ways that are attuned to the highest good for all beings.

  • We will actively participate in the mythical unfoldment of our bright & vibrant future, rather than feeling overwhelmed by the change or passively letting it impact us.

  • We will be able to take decisive and powerful action to carry out our Sacred Instructions, and thus be a part of the TIDAL WAVE of humans creating new realities, which echo back to the Original Instructions and the knowledge that our distant ancestors always knew, from the very beginning.

Are YOU ready to break free?

To shed your burdens, release your doubt, and open into the light?

To finally FEEL yourself as the potent and vibrant being that you’ve known in your heart you’re meant to be?

If you are ready to step into your full power & mastery …

To activate & awaken your Highest Frequency Self …


I can’t wait to embark upon this potent adventure with you 💖

Wishing you magical & mysterious blessings, now and always,

Jocelyn Star Feather


Praise for Sacred Planet Courses

“The course has helped me on my soul’s journey, to take me beyond my fears and embodying my inner truth and wisdom manifesting them into my life. I am so grateful.”

~ Anne, Sweden

“The course was an amazing container for healing. Jocelyn is open, honest, beautiful and fully aligned.”

~ Claire, United Kingdom

“Beyond anything, this course gifted me the inspiration and the deep self knowledge that diving deep into all of this symbolism of my subconscious is bringing me closer to the golden nuggets of my truth. I feel a richness within my soul and confidence to be my fullest self including embracing my darkness as well as my challenging but rewarding divine path. Thank you, Jocelyn, for being a powerful, celestial guide at this turning point in my journey.”

~ Stephanie, Illinois

“I loved this course! Not only was it fun, it has really helped me to connect with my intuition and given me the confidence to learn more about the amazing, magical world we live in.”

~ Donna, Australia

“This course reminded me of my magical potential. To enjoy and have fun while I grow and evolve, through the amazing journeys and key insights to myself. Very powerful!”

~ Linda, California

“I absolutely loved it. I had fantastic results. The meditations and imagery were powerful and compelling. It led me to a lot of revelations and powerful awakenings. it opened up a lot of closed doors for me personally but in a gentle way. Very profound!”

~ Ritu, Canada

“Jocelyn is such a natural teacher and shamanic guide. She answers questions with grace and ease and makes space for each person to feel heard. This course helped me become aware of my fear and how it plays a role in my life, as well as made space for me to befriend my fear and work with it in a constructive way. I feel more connected to myself and aware of my energy after this course. I am so grateful for the space that was held as a part of my personal journey.”

~ Kimber, North Carolina

“I learned so much from this course! Jocelyn's meditations are beautifully spun, and in each one I found myself traversing new landscapes within my soul. The journeys were highly activating, opening up my perspective. The material was fascinating. I loved learning about the Pleiades and our connections to the stars. I also loved finding my soul tone. Beautiful!”

~ Dasha, Tennessee

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