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Mysteries of EGYPT:

The Keys to Our Future Are Hidden In the Past

Magical Online Course

Guided by Jocelyn Star Feather

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“Change is a difficult task, a dying, a dreaming, an awakening.”

~ From the Egyptian Book of Coming Forth By Light (also known as the Book Of The Dead), as translated by Normandi Ellis

We must come back to the sacredness of life itself.

So many world events are occurring at this time, which make it clear that collectively, as human beings, we have forgotten about the sacredness of life.

In absolutely every single ancient & indigenous culture, LIFE was held, honored, respected, and prioritized as the most important facet of existence.

Arkan Lushwala, a Peruvian Native American elder, tells us that upholding and strengthening the energetics of the universal life force is the very most important responsibility that human beings were placed here to Earth to uphold.

Arkan says that we as human beings – At the very core of our essence – Are meant to dance, sing, play music, and light the sacred fires in order to enliven and strengthen Life Itself.

Many humans seem to have completely forgotten this.

But there are some of us who still remember.

Dear Spiritual Warrior, if you are reading this page, I know that YOU are one of those who do remember.

You are one who knows deep in your own heart & soul that Life Is Sacred, and that those of us who are awake and aware …

We can bring this remembrance back, in service to the whole of life …

In service to all beings on our beautiful Sacred Planet.

We can do the work together. We can remember the ancient songs, the chants, the dances …

We can re-enliven the rituals and the prayers …

And when we do this in community, guided by our hearts and our intuition …

We have the power to shift the entire trajectory of our world.


The Sky Goddess Nut, who eats the Sun each day at sunset and births the Sun anew each day at sunrise. Image from Dendera Temple.


There is nowhere on Earth that the ancient words of power, the sacred rituals, the prayers and incantations, the mythical art, and the understanding of Life Itself …

Was better understood, or has been better preserved …

Than in Egypt.

The people of ancient Egypt had an incredibly vast & detailed understanding of the sacredness of both Life and Death.

They knew how to perform the rituals, sing the hymns, and speak the words of power that would ensure the continuation of Life Itself.

And they did so, for thousands & thousands of years, because they were aligned with the higher forces of the universe.

They were carrying out the sacred role that humans have always been meant to do:

Through their pyramids, temples, rituals, fires, dances, and songs …

The ancient Egyptians were enlivening and strengthening the Life Force of All Creation.

Their entire culture was centered around the universal truths of uniting the Great Above (Cosmos) with the Great Below (Earth) to ensure a lasting & vital connection between the people and the greater forces which initiate and sustain life.

The benevolent Egyptian God of the Underworld, Osiris (Usir). Image from Nefertari’s Tomb.

So in these unparalleled times of change and FORGETTING in which we find ourselves today …

Let us turn to ancient Egypt.

Let us learn from them.

Let us re-align our understanding of reality with their secrets & mysteries.

Let us walk through their temples.

Let us explore the secrets hidden within & beneath the Pyramids of Giza.

Let us gaze into the eyes of the Sphinx.

Let us read their alchemical texts and understand, more deeply than ever before, why these texts were written and preserved in such wholeness, over so many millennia.

Let us immerse in the full & deep REMEMBRANCE of what we used to know.

The previous versions of ourselves left clues for us to uncover today.

It is no mistake that the ancient Egyptians designed their temples and hieroglyphs to stand the test of time, and to still be here for us to marvel at in awe & wonder today. 

They knew clearly what the ancient prophecies said.

They KNEW that we would need this wisdom, NOW, in order to revive the sacredness of life, in our hearts and in our minds.

In order to shift everything that is happening in our world.

We can turn to their wisdom now. Let us explore it together in:

Mysteries of Egypt:

The Keys to Our Future Are Hidden In The Past

Guided by Jocelyn Star Feather, the Goddess Sekhmet, and the God Tehuti

Through a study of & immersion in the wisdom of ancient Egypt, we can remember who we truly are …

And together in community, we can perform the actions to restore the Sacredness Of Life to our world once again.

Everyone in the world does not need to change.

Only a few need to come back into remembrance.

Throughout the many times that I have walked through the temples, or studied the Egyptian art in museums, or felt the power of the ancient tombs, I have come to the same deeply moving conclusions again & again:

  1. The ancient Egyptians did not do anything halfway.

  2. The ancient Egyptians had an unparalleled understanding of both Life and Death, including the actions that will ensure the continuance of Life Itself.

  3. If just a small percentage of us Will truly re-embody and re-enact what they were doing in ancient Egypt, we Will find the power to shift the entire trajectory on our planet.

So let us learn from them!

Let us turn to the knowledge which is so well-preserved in the temples, tombs, art, and texts from ancient Egypt …

Let us enter into a ritual space together, opening up to receive the transmissions and instructions from the Divine Intelligence, from the Earth and Cosmos, and from the Egyptian Neters about how we should proceed, what prayers are most needed, and what actions we should take.

Let us begin this critically-needed work of taking the actions to ensure the continuance of Life Itself.

Clearly, we stand at a time when this is more deeply needed than ever before.


Anubis, the Opener of Pathways, smiling. Image from Nefertari’s Tomb.


““I flew straight out of heaven, a mad bird full of secrets. I came into being as I came into being. I grew as I grew. I changed as I change. My mind is fire, my soul is fire. The cobra wakes and spits fire in my eyes. I rise through ochre smoke into black air enclosed in a shower of stars. I am what I have made. I am the seed of every god, beautiful as evening, hard as light.”

~ From the Egyptian Book of coming forth by light (also known as the book of the dead), as translated by normandi ellis


The previous versions of us left clues that we were meant to return to and uncover today ✨✨✨


This is a pre-recorded course that you can complete at your own pace. It is recommended that you leave 2 weeks between each module.

During the 8 sessions of the class, We will Receive Guidance From the Egyptian Neters (Sekhmet, Tehuti, and others) to create and perform Four Unique and Divinely-Inspired rituals, Designed to:

✨ bring you into alignment with Life Itself ✨

✨ connect you with the ancient egyptian understanding of reality ✨

✨ assist in the global awakening of consciousness ✨

✨ Help to Ensure the Continuation of Life Itself ✨


Class 1

The Foundations: Atlantis, Alchemy, and Architecture

  • The Myth / History of Atlantis & how it leads into the story of Egypt

  • Zep Tepi: The Beginning Times — How long ago was Zep Tepi??

  • Thoth, instigator of Alchemy, creator of the caduceus, the one who carried forth the wisdom from Atlantis

  • Astrology, astronomy, and magic

  • Nabta Playa and Göbekli Tepe — The earliest known astronomical sites — And what they have to do with Egypt

  • The serpent Wadjet and the vulture Nekhbet

  • Seshet, keeper of the architecture which mirrors the fabric of creation

  • Astronomical Alignments of the Egyptian Temples — The Keeper Beetle and the Sun rising on the Winter Solstice

  • The neters Ptah and Khnum, the ones who bring form into creation and creation into form

  • We will receive the Transmission of the First Ritual & activate the steps to carry it out

Class 2

Saqqara, The Giza Plateau, and the Hall of Records Beneath

  • Saqqara and the Pyramid Texts — The earliest magical spells ever written down by humankind

  • The Sphinx and the lion-headed beings, Tefnut and Sekhmet

  • Light codes of the Immortal Stars and the eternal protection of the Soul

  • Resurrection chambers, King’s Chamber, Queen’s Chamber

  • The subterranean chamber and the tunnels underneath

  • How were the pyramids constructed? Did we have involvement from extra-terrestrials? An exploration of the facts and the mythology

  • Experience a Shamanic Journey to connect with the principle of Sound as the primordial force of creation — To create a new, harmonic frequency within yourself

Class 3

Philae: The Temple Devoted to the Great Mother Goddess Eset (Isis)

  • Magic and ceremony in ancient Egypt — What was the focus & purpose of the Egyptian rituals?

  • The history, construction, and re-construction of Philae Temple

  • The Great Goddess Eset and her Words of Power

  • How to bring Words of Power into your own life

  • The mythology of Eset & Usir (Isis & Osiris) and how this still guides us today

  • Eset as the desperate mother, outcast, in hiding, raising her son Horus along the banks of the Nile

  • Calling upon Eset to bring us her infinite energies of love, compassion, and protection

  • A Shamanic Journey with Eset to be held in the arms of the Great Mother, to honor your journey & the times when you have felt hopeless, and to re-awaken the magic that has been lost & abandoned within you

  • We will receive the Transmission of the Second Ritual & activate the steps to carry it out

Class 4

Abydos: Star Portals to Higher Consciousness

  • The Great God Usir (Osiris), guardian of the Underworld and bringer of new life

  • The Abydos Kings List, as well as other documented Kings Lists from Egypt — What do they reveal about the truth of who we are?

  • The Osirion, a mystery constructed during far more ancient times that holds the energetics & the waters of renewal and rebirth

  • The Sem Priest — Shaman-Priest wearing the Leopard Skin who travels into the unseen realms to find the soul of Usir

  • The annual pilgrimage to Abydos and the rituals to ensure the continuation of Life Itself

  • Abydos as a healing temple

  • A potent Shamanic Journey that will recalibrate your perception of your identity — As well as the identity of humankind — And shift your entire reality

Class 5

Dendera and the Currents of Creation

  • The Goddess Hathor, the Sacred Cow, and the Womb of all Creation

  • The Goddess Nut, the Nighttime Sky, and the Keeper Beetle

  • The Dendera Zodiac hieroglyphs & what they reveal about the cycles of eternal return in which we are immersed

  • Fractal nature of reality & how this sacred geometrical structure supports Life Itself

  • The Mammisi — Sacred space for birthing and fertility

  • The importance stepping into the awareness of the ancient Egyptians to guide us in the work we must do today, as we birth new worlds & new realities

  • The layers of architecture beneath: There is so much more encoded here than what you can see

  • Experience a delightful Shamanic Journey with Hathor to access the energy of Birthing — Feel the beauty & pleasure of letting go as you allow these vast forces that birth universes, to weave & flow through you.

  • We will receive the Transmission of the Third Ritual & activate the steps to carry it out

Class 6

Edfu: The Building Texts and the Followers of Horus

  • Horus, the Solar God and the one who holds the highest consciousness for humanity

  • The Edfu Building Texts, which speak of the Original Times (Zep Tepi) and the Followers of Horus from long ago

  • The Stretching of the Cords Ceremony with Seshet — Laying the foundations of the temples that are divinely aligned with the Cosmos and which connect the Great Above with the Great Below

  • Tehuti (Thoth) and his teachings of Alchemy — Bringing forward the wisdom from the age of Atlantis, to guide us today

  • How to access your ability to believe in the highest potential of what is truly possible — Even when you cannot yet see it.

  • A Shamanic Journey with Horus to connect with the highest consciousness of the Universe and more deeply understand our true origins

Class 7

Kom Ombo: Healing, Overcoming Fear, and A Return to Wholeness

  • Sobek, the crocodile god who embodies the need to face our fears in order to heal at the deepest levels

  • Crocodile Mummies: Why the crocodile was so important to the ancient Egyptians

  • Traveling to the other side of death so we can see through the curtain of illusion

  • Medicine, Magic, and Alchemy in ancient Egypt

  • The Mother Nile River and the Sothic Calendar — Why the star Sirius brought the New Year celebrations

  • Shamanic Journey to dive into the Nile River and swim with Sobek to overcome the depths of your fears and see the much vaster journey of your soul across lifetimes — To better understand what is occurring in your life today

  • We will receive the Transmission of the Fourth Ritual & activate the steps to carry it out

“I return to the rhythm of water, to the dark song I was in my mother’s belly.”

~ From the Egyptian Book of Coming Forth By Light (also known as the Book Of The Dead), as translated by Normandi Ellis

Class 8

Sekhmet / Mut, the Tombs & Sarcophagi, and Ensuring the Continuance of Life

  • The Goddess Sekhmet, Fierce Warrior Lioness; and Mut, the Sacred Feminine Who Is Seated In her Power

  • Studying the astounding beauty of the tombs and the sarcophagi, as we explore the vastness of life after death, as understood by the Egyptians

  • The ancient Egyptians never did anything halfway — The power of devotion, precision, and highest conscious awareness of the impact you are creating with every action, with every word

  • If we could return to what the ancient Egyptians knew, it would shift the balance of everything in our world. How to work with this knowledge and carry it forward to ensure the continuance of Life Itself in our modern world.

  • You will be guided to draw The New Myth of Your Life — Including all of the updates, wisdom, deep ancient mythology, and revelations you’ve received throughout this class

  • A powerful closing ceremony for the class, in which Sekhmet will reveal to you how she wishes to continue working with you for the upcoming year, to open vast new possibilities into your life



Regular Price $777

Early Bird Price $444

* Special Announcement *



This is a pre-recorded course. Upon registration, you’ll gain access to all of the class recordings and materials.

I can’t wait to embark upon this potent adventure with you <3

Wishing you magical & mysterious blessings, now and always,

Jocelyn Star Feather


Praise for Sacred Planet Courses

“The course has helped me on my soul’s journey, to take me beyond my fears and embodying my inner truth and wisdom manifesting them into my life. I am so grateful.”

~ Anne, Sweden

“The course was an amazing container for healing. Jocelyn is open, honest, beautiful and fully aligned.”

~ Claire, United Kingdom

“Beyond anything, this course gifted me the inspiration and the deep self knowledge that diving deep into all of this symbolism of my subconscious is bringing me closer to the golden nuggets of my truth. I feel a richness within my soul and confidence to be my fullest self including embracing my darkness as well as my challenging but rewarding divine path. Thank you, Jocelyn, for being a powerful, celestial guide at this turning point in my journey.”

~ Stephanie, Illinois

“I loved this course! Not only was it fun, it has really helped me to connect with my intuition and given me the confidence to learn more about the amazing, magical world we live in.”

~ Donna, Australia

“This course reminded me of my magical potential. To enjoy and have fun while I grow and evolve, through the amazing journeys and key insights to myself. Very powerful!”

~ Linda, California

“I absolutely loved it. I had fantastic results. The meditations and imagery were powerful and compelling. It led me to a lot of revelations and powerful awakenings. it opened up a lot of closed doors for me personally but in a gentle way. Very profound!”

~ Ritu, Canada

“Jocelyn is such a natural teacher and shamanic guide. She answers questions with grace and ease and makes space for each person to feel heard. This course helped me become aware of my fear and how it plays a role in my life, as well as made space for me to befriend my fear and work with it in a constructive way. I feel more connected to myself and aware of my energy after this course. I am so grateful for the space that was held as a part of my personal journey.”

~ Kimber, North Carolina

“I learned so much from this course! Jocelyn's meditations are beautifully spun, and in each one I found myself traversing new landscapes within my soul. The journeys were highly activating, opening up my perspective. The material was fascinating. I loved learning about the Pleiades and our connections to the stars. I also loved finding my soul tone. Beautiful!”

~ Dasha, Tennessee

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