Aquarian Wisdom Festival BACKGROUND ONLY_Starburst_Narrow Email Header_1400.png


Thank you for being a featured presenter in

The Aquarian wisdom festival

May 17 - 21, 2021


on this page you’ll find all of the promotional resources you'll need to share the event with your audience.

Key dates:

May 3 - 16: Pre-Launch Promotional Period

Send your 2 dedicated emails to your full list, post the conference banner on your website, and tell everyone you know!

May 17 - 21: Online Conference is live!

Post on social media, continue showing the summit banner on your website, and notify your subscribers / followers about the day your presentation will air.

Unique Affiliate Links

Please be sure to use your unique affiliate link in ALL of your promotions & marketing announcements.

*Important* Please avoid using shortened ( links in your emails as they will be marked as spam/junk.

Here are your affiliate links:

Chris Bache:

Adey Bell:

James Burford:

Rachel Capurso / Aeolian Heart:

Verdarluz Celestiowl:

Olivia Colboc:

Nicole Costerus:

Akosua Dardaine Edwards:

Kathy Forest:

Whitney Freya:

Veronica Goodchild:

Alice Hong:

Chelsea Hulin:

Sandra Ingerman:

Willemijn Maas:

Michael Meade / Corin Lindfield:

Carly Mentlik:

Pam Montgomery:

Leslie Nolan:

Shawnrey Notto:

Dr. Andrea Pennington:

Annie Sparks Poteat:

Lauren Sapala:

Helane Wahbeh:

Dr. Tayria Ward:

Sara Yamtich:

Kadidja Yansane:

If you do not see your unique affiliate link here, please go to this link to register as a Sacred Planet affiliate:


Festival Banner Images:

For Use in Promotional Emails, Social Media, and on Your Website

Important: Every time you use these images, please be sure they are a clickable link going to:

You can right-click on the images below, save them to your computer, and then use them in emails, social media, as a clickable image on your website, etc.

If you need a different size image than posted here, please let me know by email (

Email Headers (1400x400 px) - 2 options:

Aquarian Wisdom Festival Banner_NEW Starburst_Narrow Email Header_1400_NEW.png
Aquarian Wisdom Festival Banner_Confetti_Narrow Email Header_1400.png

Instagram Post (1080x1080 px) - 2 options:

Aquarian Wisdom Festival Banner_Starburst_1080 Sq.png
Aquarian Wisdom Festival Banner_Confetti_1080 Sq.png

Facebook Post / Larger Email Header (1200x630 px) - 2 options:

Aquarian Wisdom Festival Banner_Starburst_Large Email Header_1400.png
Aquarian Wisdom Festival Banner_Confetti_Large Email Header_1400.png

Square Graphics with Speaker / Performer Photos:


Here is the copy for email and social media.

The copy below is a suggestion; please feel free to edit as you see fit, to reflect your unique voice.


1. Promotional Email Copy (4 versions to choose from) ...

*** Important: When composing your email, please be sure to include one of the event-specific banner images above, and make it a clickable link to: ***

Email Copy Sample #1:

Subject Line Ideas:

Subject Line A: ⭐ Starting on May 17! The Aquarian Wisdom Festival ⭐

Subject Line B: YOUR role in being an architect of the future ~  The Aquarian Wisdom Festival 

Subject Line C: ✨ Check out the mind-bending topics, alternate realities, and creative spaces that you’ll discover (free) in The Aquarian Wisdom Festival!

Dear [Name], 

The old systems & structures of our world are not working anymore, and in fact are crumbling before our eyes ~ Yet the new models have not yet been created. 

This the point where we stand today: We are here to architect the future.

We are here to birth radical new perspectives, understandings, and ways of living.

We know we need to resurrect tomorrow from the ashes of today. 

We feel a pull from our hearts to co-create a bright & vibrant new foundation for ourselves, for our children & grandchildren, and for all beings on our beautiful planet. 

This is an initiatory time! And so, it is natural that: 

  • We may feel doubt.

  • We may feel fear.

  • We may feel that the task ahead is too daunting, too overwhelming.

  • The modern world with all its problems may seem too big - How can any one of us truly make a difference?

But we also know deep in our hearts that something very unusual is taking place during these catalyzing times.

We are standing at a brand new threshold.

And we realize that we're each carrying far greater power than we've ever had access to before. 

In truth, we already have everything we need to create the massive changes that are required.

But we must learn how to activate it. 

We must awaken to the fullness of our power within. 

Once we let go of previously-held beliefs and limitations, what more is possible?

And where can we find like-hearted souls who are ready to leap out upon this journey alongside us? 

To answer these questions and to explore a multitude of paradigm-shifting topics to guide us during this time of rapid change, my dear friend and colleague Jocelyn Mercado has created an exciting online festival that will guide you to live a passionate, fully-awake life; and empower you to choose the reality you wish to create. It’s called:

⭐ The Aquarian Wisdom Festival ⭐

Catalyzing Vast New Realities ~ Co-Creating Our Bright & Vibrant Future

LIVE BROADCAST from May 17 – 21, 2021

Click here to join now (free)! 

[Link to: or your affiliate link]

I’m delighted to be one of the featured presenters in this festival. The topic I’ll be sharing on is: [FILL IN YOUR PRESENTATION TOPIC HERE] 

Together in the Aquarian Wisdom Festival, we create a safe & sacred space where a global community of changemakers & visionaries (that's you) can gather live & in real time with brilliant experts, thought leaders, shamans, scientists, revolutionaries, and creatives. 

And here’s something even more exciting: ⭐ You’ll get to be part of the conversation! ⭐

We'll meet via LIVE Broadcast each day from May 17 - 21, 2021. 

You can ask our presenters your questions, learn powerful practices & mindset-shifting techniques, and enjoy our exciting creative workshops & live musical performances! 

Inside the festival space, you will discover completely new ways truly embody the bright & vibrant future that you wish to experience – In your own life, as well as for our human collective.

Click here to register (free) for the Aquarian Wisdom Festival. [Link to: or your affiliate link]

I can’t wait to see you there!

[your signature]

P.S. ~ Check out a few of the mind-bending topics, alternate realities, and creative spaces that we’ll explore:

  • Your Genius is Calling with Michael Meade

  • An Introduction & Guide to Dream Travel by James Burford

  • Shamanism as A Way of Life with Sandra Ingerman

  • The Science of Channeling ~ What Is It and How Can We Verify It? with IONS Scientist & Director of Research Helané Wahbeh

  • Contact Your Inner Child to Heal Trauma & Stress by Dr. Andrea Pennington

  • Synchronicity: A Portal to Other Dimensions Beyond Space-Time with Veronica Goodchild

  • WISHCRAFT: A Divinatory Musical Performance by Adey Bell

  • LSD and the Mind of the Universe with Christopher Bache, Ph.D.

  • The Aquarian Age and the Emerging Renaissance by Aeolian Heart

  • Your Journey to Unstoppable: A Creative Workshop with Whitney Freya

  • How Cryptocurrrency is Revolutionizing Our Global Economy with Joey Ryan

  • Be With Your FLOW ~ Shine as Your True Self: A Musical Performance by Olivia Colboc

  • Creating New Realities & Re-Writing Your Identity Through Ancient Egyptian Wisdom with Jocelyn Mercado

  • Dancing with the Elements & the Cosmos: A Movement Workshop with Annie Sparks Poteat

  • Creative Workshop: Intuitive Writing ~ Accessing Feminine Energy to Deepen Your Creative Connection by Lauren Sapala

  • Emotional Courage & the Waikau Fern with Ke'oni Hanalei

  • Dream Thinking & Oracular Ways of Being by Tayria Ward, Ph.D.

  • Pillars of the Feminine Mysteries: Stalking the Goddess in the 21st Century with Kathy Forest

  • And many more!

You definitely don’t want to miss this! Click here to register today. [Link to: or your affiliate link]

P.P.S. ~ Please forward this email to others who may be interested in attending this groundbreaking event ✨✨​✨

Email Copy Sample #2:

Subject Line Ideas:

Subject Line A: Learn how YOU can help to architect the future ~  The Aquarian Wisdom Festival 

Subject Line B: ✨ Check out the mind-bending topics, alternate realities, and creative spaces that you’ll discover (free) in The Aquarian Wisdom Festival!


Brilliant [Name], 

We live in a catalyzing time that is filled with chaos and the unknown. 

As humans, we love for things to be in ORDER! We feel quite uncomfortable with chaos.

And yet we have a deep sense that, although the chaos is not fun, it is necessary, and it's helping us to change and to awaken.

We have survived, truly, one of the most challenging years in living memory: The portal of 2020.

We know that there are great changes to come, now that we have made it through this narrow passage.

But this is a brand new frontier for us. 

Making a commitment to build the new world will require us to step completely outside of everything we’ve ever known.

The rules, regulations, and limitations that we’ve been taught – They need to be released.

The consensus trance that we’ve been indoctrinated in, by being raised in modern society – We must open to ideas & perceptions & realities far beyond this.

All of the previous identities that define who we are and what we are capable of – MUST be relinquished.

We find ourselves capable NOW of infinitely vaster change, possibility, opportunity, and accelerated evolutionary potential than we've ever known before. 

I’m delighted to share with you today, an upcoming event that was created specifically to address these massive changes & support you during this momentous time:

⭐ The Aquarian Wisdom Festival ⭐

Catalyzing Vast New Realities ~ Co-Creating Our Bright & Vibrant Future

LIVE BROADCAST from May 17 – 21, 2021

Click here to join now (free)! 

[Link to: or your affiliate link]

The Aquarian Wisdom Festival was created by my dear friend and colleague, Jocelyn Mercado.

It’s happening via Live Broadcast from May 17 – 21, 2021! Click here to learn more & register (free)! [Link to: or your affiliate link]

In the AQUARIAN WISDOM FESTIVAL, you're invited to gather LIVE and in real time with speakers, teachers, thought leaders, musicians, and creatives who will provide paradigm-shifting perspectives and wisdom from many diverse and multidimensional fields. 

All topics included in the festival are designed to guide YOU to live a passionate, fully awakened life.

Together in sacred space, we will hold creative workshops, lead experiential practices, and guide you into alternate realms where the vastest potentials await.

Let us open up the portals to other realities – 

So that together, we can optimally navigate this momentous paradigm shift and co-create a bright & vibrant future for our planet and all beings.

I’m delighted to be one of the featured presenters in the festival. The topic I’ll be sharing on is: [FILL IN YOUR PRESENTATION TOPIC HERE] 

Here are just a few of the other exciting topics and speakers you’ll discover:

  • Your Genius is Calling with Michael Meade

  • An Introduction & Guide to Dream Travel by James Burford

  • Shamanism as A Way of Life with Sandra Ingerman

  • The Science of Channeling ~ What Is It and How Can We Verify It? with IONS Scientist & Director of Research Helané Wahbeh

  • WISHCRAFT: A Divinatory Musical Performance by Adey Bell

  • LSD and the Mind of the Universe with Christopher Bache, Ph.D.

  • Contact Your Inner Child to Heal Trauma & Stress by Dr. Andrea Pennington

  • Your Journey to Unstoppable: A Creative Workshop with Whitney Freya

  • How Cryptocurrrency is Revolutionizing Our Global Economy with Joey Ryan

  • Be With Your FLOW ~ Shine as Your True Self: A Musical Performance by Olivia Colboc

  • Creating New Realities & Re-Writing Your Identity Through Ancient Egyptian Wisdom with Jocelyn Mercado

  • Dancing with the Elements & the Cosmos: A Movement Workshop with Annie Sparks Poteat

  • Emotional Courage & the Waikau Fern with Ke'oni Hanalei

  • Dream Thinking & Oracular Ways of Being by Tayria Ward, Ph.D.

  • Pillars of the Feminine Mysteries: Stalking the Goddess in the 21st Century with Kathy Forest

  • And so many more! 

You really don’t want to miss this.

You can attend The Aquarian Wisdom Festival completely FREE, and what’s even more exciting is – YOU will get to be a part of the conversation! 

✨ During our LIVE Broadcast each day from May 17 - 21, 2021 … ✨

You can ask our presenters your questions, learn powerful practices & mindset-shifting techniques, and enjoy our exciting creative workshops & live musical performances! In this space, you will discover completely new ways truly embody the bright & vibrant future that you wish to experience – In your own life, as well as for our human collective.

Click here to register (free) for the Aquarian Wisdom Festival. [Link to: or your affiliate link]

I can’t wait to see you there!

[your signature]

P.S. ~ The Expert Interviews, Creative Workshops, and Musical Performances that you’ll experience in the Aquarian Wisdom Festival …

Will guide you to a profound understanding of the secrets, mysteries, insights, and pathways that WE NEED NOW, to architect the future.

You’ll be guided to let go of the outdated structures of modern society, surrender to the greater story emerging through us, and open to how we can build an entirely new future for the Earth.

You definitely won’t find this unique panel of presenters & performers anywhere else!

Click here to register now. [Link to: or your affiliate link]

We’re going to have so much fun ✨✨✨

P.P.S. ~ Please forward this email to others who may be interested in attending this groundbreaking event ✨✨​✨

Email Copy Sample #3:

Subject Line Ideas:

Subject Line A: This hasn’t happened in 26,000 years ✨✨✨

Subject Line B: ✨ Starting May 17! Immerse in both ancient & modern wisdom as we build the future together ~ The Aquarian Wisdom Festival

Subject Line C: Our Time Has Been Foretold in Ancient Prophecies for 5,000 Years or More ✨

Subject Line D: ✨ Are you ready to leap into Aquarian Wisdom? ✨


Dear [Name],

Did you know that we as humanity are completing a 26,000-year cycle? … And simultaneously starting a brand new one!

This cycle is called the Precession of the Equinoxes. 

Here’s what it means: Because of the almost imperceptible ‘wobble’ of the Earth’s axis as it spins in space, the stars in the sky appear to spin in a great cycle, the pole star shifting with each age. 

As a result of this, while today the star Polaris lies approximately at the north celestial pole, this will change over time, and other stars will become the “north star”.

Each zodiacal age during this larger cycle lasts approximately 2,100 years, and the full extent of the great cycle takes an amazing 26,000 years to complete.

What is especially fascinating about this, is that MANY ancient civilizations (including the Egyptian, Mayan, many African traditions, Chinese, Incan, Hindu, and Babylonian cultures, to name a few) were aware of the Precession of the Equinoxes, long before any of our modern astronomical technology was developed.

And MANY of these civilizations agreed upon the 26,000 cycle (or very similar) to base their perception of long-term spans of time, including their “long-count” or “great year” calendars.

What is even more fascinating, is that a number of these ancient cultures had written or oral prophecies which all converged upon a specific point in time when tremendous changes would occur in human consciousness.

And that time is NOW.

These ancient prophecies, from around the world, agree that right now we are living in a time that is the ending of one 26,000 year cycle, and the beginning of another.

When we look at what age we are entering now by Zodiac sign, it’s the beginning of the AQUARIAN AGE (and the ending of the Piscean Age).

The age we're living in has been foretold, for many millennia and by many different ancient cultures ...

To be a time of catalyzing shifts, when humans would realize that they need to make significant & sometimes shocking changes to their ways of living, perceiving, and even thinking and dreaming – 

So we can come back into alignment with Natural Law and the Cosmic Order. 

To help guide you through this initiatory period, my dear friend & colleague Jocelyn Mercado has created a space where we can gather, to dive into both ancient & modern wisdom, and share many diverse & inspiring perspectives about the Aquarian Age. 

We can learn how to live into and embody the vast potentials that are becoming available to us now. 

It starts on May 17th:

⭐ The Aquarian Wisdom Festival ⭐

Catalyzing Vast New Realities ~ Co-Creating Our Bright & Vibrant Future

LIVE BROADCAST from May 17 – 21, 2021

Click here to join now (free)!

[Link to: or your affiliate link]

I’m thrilled to be one of the featured presenters in this festival. The topic I’ll be sharing on is: [FILL IN YOUR PRESENTATION TOPIC HERE] 

Inside the festival space, you’ll get to: 

  • Tap into the wisdom of these ancient prophecies and immerse in the vast knowledge of our ancestors

  • Gain a much deeper scientific understanding about the massive changes we’re experiencing

  • Attend creative workshops & movement practices so you can fully expand into & embody the new, uplifting potentials & opportunities of our Aquarian times

  • Enjoy live musical performances designed to awaken & delight your senses 

  • Shift your perspective and ignite your imagination to embrace completely new possibilities for our future, far beyond what you have previously believed possible 

  • And so much more!

You’ll discover completely new ways to truly embody the bright & vibrant future that you wish to experience – In your own life, as well as for our human collective.

And here’s something even more exciting: 

⭐ You’ll get to be part of the conversation! ⭐

We'll meet via LIVE Broadcast each day from May 17 - 21, 2021. 

You can ask our presenters your questions, learn powerful practices & mindset-shifting techniques, and enjoy our exciting creative workshops & live musical performances! 

Click here to register (free) for the Aquarian Wisdom Festival. [Link to: or your affiliate link]

I can’t wait to see you there!

[your signature]

P.S. ~ Are YOU an Aquarian individual? Here are some signs that you are:

   ⭐​ You feel an undeniable sense of being done with the past ways of living & perceiving that are no longer working for us

   ⭐​ You’re ready to stop being tied down by laws, restrictions, and limitations

   ⭐​ You deeply wish to come back into alignment with the Natural Law and Cosmic Order that has been honored & upheld since ancient times

   ⭐​ You are ready to stand out from the crowd and embrace your own unique, wild & crazy brand of genius 

   ⭐​ You feel a deep desire to leave your old comfort zones way behind, and do things you’ve never done before

   ⭐​ You want to be a part of communities who are coming together to build new realities for the benefit of all beings

If you’re saying YES to any or all of these points, then you belong at the Aquarian Wisdom Festival. 

Come find your tribe!! 

Click here to register (free) today. [Link to: or your affiliate link]

The Live Broadcast begins on May 17th! 

P.P.S. ~ Please forward this email to others who may be interested in attending this groundbreaking event ✨✨​✨

Email Copy Sample #4: 

{For Northern Hemisphere Audiences Only} 

Subject Line Ideas:

Subject Line A: 🌱 What are YOU Springing Forward This Spring? 🌱

Subject Line B: 🌷 Starting on May 17! What are YOU building for the future this Spring? 🌷

Subject Line C: 🌟 Claiming YOUR Forward Momentum this Spring 🌟


Dear [NAME},

Not for a long time have the turning of the seasons related so closely to the turning of our moods, energies and hearts. 

Just months ago, we were in the darkest days of winter, and the darkest days of the pandemic. Hope was hard to come by.

Now spring is here, and we are ready to blossom and bloom out of our pandemic-induced hibernation – In our spirits, our creativity, and our actions. 

What are we building for the future? 

The beautiful thing about that question is that we’re even asking it (as only months ago we had no idea what the future held in store for us.)

Now is the time to start investing in what the rest of the year is going to look like for you. 

Are you going to just “wait and see” what emerges for you as you emerge from isolation and restricted living?

Or are you going to jump into your new life of freedom, mobility and connection proactively, becoming the driver of your own life going forward?

If you’re ready to gain clarity and inspiration for what you want 2021 to be for you (and for the collective), then you won’t want to miss a groundbreaking new community gathering, created by my dear friend and colleague Jocelyn Mercado. It’s called:

🌟 The Aquarian Wisdom Festival 🌟

Catalyzing Vast New Realities ~ Co-Creating Our Bright & Vibrant Future

LIVE BROADCAST from May 17 – 21, 2021

Click here to join now (free)!

[Link to: or your affiliate link]

I’m delighted to be one of the featured presenters in this festival. The topic I’ll be sharing on is: [FILL IN YOUR PRESENTATION TOPIC HERE] 

Together in the Aquarian Wisdom Festival, we create a safe & sacred space where a global community of changemakers & visionaries (that's you) can gather live & in real time with brilliant experts, thought leaders, shamans, scientists, revolutionaries, and creatives. 

And here’s something even more exciting: ⭐ You’ll get to be part of the conversation! ⭐

We'll meet via LIVE Broadcast each day from May 17 - 21, 2021. 

You can ask our presenters your questions, learn powerful practices & mindset-shifting techniques, and enjoy our exciting creative workshops & live musical performances! 

Our intention is that you will leave this conference with:

  • An expanded view of what is possible for yourself as we rebuild the world together

  • Opening your mind to the greater realities available to you beyond the consensus trance

  • Energy and inspiration for returning to a reciprocal, sacred relationship with the earth

  • Visions, structures and guidance for a vastly more open perception of world

  • Letting go of old identities of who you thought you were

  • Finding the courage to lean into & embrace massive changes

  • Letting go of your comfort zones to build something much bigger, more expansive, more inspiring for you and the world.

If this sounds amazing to you (and how could it not?!) then we know you’ll want to join us for:

🌟 The Aquarian Wisdom Festival 🌟

Live Broadcast May 17-21, 2021

Get your free pass here: [Link to: or your affiliate link]

See you in the springtime of your heart and soul!

[your signature]

P.S. ~ Here are just a few of the mind-bending topics, alternate realities, and creative spaces that we’ll explore:

  • Your Genius is Calling with Michael Meade

  • An Introduction & Guide to Dream Travel by James Burford

  • Shamanism as A Way of Life with Sandra Ingerman

  • The Science of Channeling ~ What Is It and How Can We Verify It? with IONS Scientist & Director of Research Helané Wahbeh

  • WISHCRAFT: A Divinatory Musical Performance by Adey Bell

  • LSD and the Mind of the Universe with Christopher Bache, Ph.D.

  • Contact Your Inner Child to Heal Trauma & Stress by Dr. Andrea Pennington

  • Your Journey to Unstoppable: A Creative Workshop with Whitney Freya

  • How Cryptocurrrency is Revolutionizing Our Global Economy with Joey Ryan

  • Be With Your FLOW ~ Shine as Your True Self: A Musical Performance by Olivia Colboc

  • Creating New Realities & Re-Writing Your Identity Through Ancient Egyptian Wisdom with Jocelyn Mercado

  • Dancing with the Elements & the Cosmos: A Movement Workshop with Annie Sparks Poteat

  • Emotional Courage & the Waikau Fern with Ke'oni Hanalei

  • Dream Thinking & Oracular Ways of Being by Tayria Ward, Ph.D.

  • Pillars of the Feminine Mysteries: Stalking the Goddess in the 21st Century with Kathy Forest

  • And so many more! 

You definitely don’t want to miss this! Click here to register today: [Link to: www.AquarianWisdomFestival.comor your affiliate link]

P.P.S. ~ Please forward this email to others who may be interested in attending this groundbreaking event ✨✨​✨

2. Social Media Copy


  • Be sure to include one of the banner images, located toward the top of this page, in all of your social media posts.

  • Use the hashtag #AquarianWisdomFestival whenever you post on social media!

Social Media Post Sample #1:

Did you know that we as humanity are completing a 26,000-year cycle? … And simultaneously starting a brand new one!

This cycle is called the Precession of the Equinoxes. 

Each zodiacal age lasts approximately 2,100 years, and the full extent of the great cycle takes an amazing 26,000 years to complete.

What is fascinating about this, is that MANY ancient civilizations (including the Egyptian, Mayan, many African traditions, Chinese, Incan, Hindu, and Babylonian cultures, to name a few) were aware of the Precession of the Equinoxes, long before any of our modern astronomical technology was developed.

And MANY of these civilizations agreed upon the 26,000 cycle (or very similar) to base their perception of long-term spans of time, including their “long-count” or “great year” calendars.

What is even more fascinating, is that a number of these ancient cultures had written or oral prophecies which all converged upon a specific point in time when tremendous changes would occur in human consciousness.

And that time is NOW.

These ancient prophecies, from around the world, agree that right now we are living in a time that is the ending of one 26,000 year cycle, and the beginning of another.

When we look at what age we are entering now by Zodiac sign, it’s the beginning of the AQUARIAN AGE (and the ending of the Piscean Age).

This age has been foretold for many millennia to be a time of catalyzing change, when humans would realize that they were heading down the wrong road and make significant & sometimes shocking changes to their ways of living, perceiving, and even thinking and dreaming – 

In order to come back into alignment with Natural Law or the Cosmic Order. 

To create a space where we can gather to dive into this wisdom and share many diverse & inspiring perspectives about the Aquarian Age …

My dear friend and colleague Jocelyn Mercado created The Aquarian Wisdom Festival! It starts on May 17th:

⭐ The Aquarian Wisdom Festival ⭐

Catalyzing Vast New Realities ~ Co-Creating Our Bright & Vibrant Future

LIVE BROADCAST from May 17 – 21, 2021

Click here to join now (free)!

[Link to: or your affiliate link]

I’m thrilled to be one of the featured presenters in this festival. The topic I’ll be sharing on is: [FILL IN YOUR PRESENTATION TOPIC HERE] 

Together in the Aquarian Wisdom Festival, we’ll create a safe & sacred space where a global community of changemakers & visionaries (that's you) can gather live & in real time with brilliant experts, thought leaders, shamans, scientists, revolutionaries, and creatives. 

And here’s something even more exciting: 

⭐ You’ll get to be part of the conversation! ⭐

We'll meet via LIVE Broadcast each day from May 17 - 21, 2021. 

You can ask our presenters your questions, learn powerful practices & mindset-shifting techniques, and enjoy our exciting creative workshops & live musical performances! 

Click here to register (free) for the Aquarian Wisdom Festival. [Link to: or your affiliate link]

Social Media Post Sample #2:

The old systems & structures of our world are not working anymore, and in fact are crumbling before our eyes ~ Yet the new models have not yet been created. 

This the point where we stand today: We are here to architect the future.

We are here to birth radical new perspectives, understandings, and ways of living.

We know we need to resurrect tomorrow from the ashes of today. 

We feel a pull from our hearts to co-create a bright & vibrant new foundation for ourselves, for our children & grandchildren, and for all beings on our beautiful planet. 

This is an initiatory time! And so, it is natural that: 

  • We may feel doubt.

  • We may feel fear.

  • We may feel that the task ahead is too daunting, too overwhelming.

  • The modern world with all its problems may seem too big - How can any one of us truly make a difference?

But we also know deep in our hearts that something very unusual is taking place during these catalyzing times.

We are standing at a brand new threshold.

And we realize that we're each carrying far greater power than we've ever had access to before. 

Once we let go of previously-held beliefs and limitations, what more is possible?

And where can we find like-hearted souls who are ready to leap out upon this journey alongside us? 

To answer these questions and to explore a multitude of paradigm-shifting topics to guide us during this time of rapid change, my dear friend and colleague Jocelyn Mercado has created an exciting online festival that will guide you to live a passionate, fully-awake life; and empower you to choose the reality you wish to create. It’s called:

⭐ The Aquarian Wisdom Festival ⭐

Catalyzing Vast New Realities ~ Co-Creating Our Bright & Vibrant Future

LIVE BROADCAST from May 17 – 21, 2021

Click here to join now (free)! 

[Link to: or your affiliate link]

I’m delighted to be one of the featured presenters in this festival. The topic I’ll be sharing on is: [FILL IN YOUR PRESENTATION TOPIC HERE] 

Inside the festival space, you will discover completely new ways truly embody the bright & vibrant future that you wish to experience – In your own life, as well as for our human collective.

Click here to register (free) for the Aquarian Wisdom Festival. [Link to: or your affiliate link]

Social Media Post Sample #3:

We live in a catalyzing time that is filled with chaos and the unknown. 

As humans, we love for things to be in ORDER! We feel quite uncomfortable with chaos.

And yet we have a deep sense that, although the chaos is not fun, it is necessary, and it's helping us to change and to awaken.

This is a brand new frontier for us. 

Making a commitment to build the new world will require us to step completely outside of everything we’ve ever known.

The rules, regulations, and limitations that we’ve been taught – They need to be released.

The consensus trance that we’ve been indoctrinated in, by being raised in modern society – We must open to ideas & perceptions & realities far beyond this.

All of the previous identities that define who we are and what we are capable of – MUST be relinquished.

We find ourselves capable NOW of infinitely vaster change, possibility, opportunity, and accelerated evolutionary potential than we've ever known before. 

I’m delighted to share with you today, an upcoming event that was created specifically to address these massive changes & support you during this momentous time:

⭐ The Aquarian Wisdom Festival ⭐

Catalyzing Vast New Realities ~ Co-Creating Our Bright & Vibrant Future

LIVE BROADCAST from May 17 – 21, 2021

Click here to join now (free)! 

[Link to: or your affiliate link]

The Aquarian Wisdom Festival was created by my friend and colleague, Jocelyn Mercado.

It’s happening via Live Broadcast from May 17 – 21, 2021!

Together in sacred space, we will hold creative workshops, lead experiential practices, and guide you into alternate realms where the vastest potentials await.

Let us open up the portals to other realities – 

So that together, we can optimally navigate this momentous paradigm shift and co-create a bright & vibrant future for our planet and all beings.

Click here to learn more & register (free)! [Link to: or your affiliate link]

We’re going to have so much fun ✨✨✨

Once again, thank you for sharing your wisdom & expertise with the world, and for being a part of The Aquarian Wisdom Festival!

With love and gratitude,

Jocelyn Mercado