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An epiphanous 3-month group experience with Jocelyn Star Feather

the music of the spheres

Unlocking the Sacred Architecture of the Universe — Secrets to Build Our New World

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“The music of the spheres is orchestrating everything that is happening down here. The more we can resonate at the frequency of the spheres, the more we will be prepared for this journey, and for what lays ahead.”

~ Thoth (Tehuti), Egyptian God of Time & Space, Language, Magic, and Sacred Records

group program astrology readings initiatory journey

It is extremely important for us, at this time, to become intimately familiar with the Sacred Architecture of the Universe.

Sacred Geometry.

The Matrix.

The Universal Sacred Architecture is what allows the light of the sun to shine out through the eyes of all living creatures.

It allows the planets to stay in their orbits, each singing their unique and unforgettable song.

It allows each of us to be a jewel on Indra’s Net, the vast web of life that interconnects all things, each one of us in sacred relationship to every other being.

When we look up at the nighttime sky and see the stars the way they used to be seen, we will see a vast web of interconnecting threads, weaving each star and planet and nebula to every other one.

In the same way, YOU are woven into a vibrant, infinite tapestry of life, connected to each blade of grass, each ant, each star, each child, each mountain, each ocean.

But we have mostly forgotten how to see & perceive this.

In our confusion, we are creating a world in which separation seems more & more like the truth, and the vast interconnection of the Sacred Architecture seems unreal.

As we dive into 2021 and beyond, it is absolutely essential & critical that we remember and honor the Sacred Architecture.

We must be informed & educated about the truth: The magical, mystical reality of our world.

In 2021 & beyond, we will be actively tearing down all of the old, so that we can build the new.

And how can we possibly construct a new world that is in fullest alignment with the ancient wisdom, the prophecies, and our hearts?

A new world that is based upon mutual respect, love, and compassion?

A new world in which all of LIFE, including Mother Earth, is honored and treasured?

We must re-familiarize ourselves with the structure of our DNA, of the stars & planets, of our energy systems, of LIFE itself.

When we dive deeply into the original creation stories … The way we are built … And the mysteries that the Ancient Ones knew to be true …

We will come back into remembrance of who we really are.

THEN, we will know how to begin building. We will know what to build, that will be in highest alignment with the ALL.

The portal is open NOW for us to construct this new reality.

“We have to create miracles. A miracle is not the intercession of an external divine agency in violation of the laws of physics. A miracle is simply something that is impossible from an old story but possible from within a new one. It is an expansion of what is possible.”

~ Charles Eisenstein

HOW do we build the new world?

​THIS is our primary guiding question for this catalyzing time!

We must surrender our understanding of what reality is.

We must trust in the Ancient Ones to help us.

This involves far more than simply the structures of things …

It includes how we use our voice & words …

As we allow the spirit of magic to arise from mundane objects and from our intentional language …

As we allow the Gods & Goddesses to be reborn within us.

Artwork from the Isis Oracle by Alana Fairchild

Artwork from the Isis Oracle by Alana Fairchild


This is a completely new frontier for us. 

It's difficult for us, peering out from beneath millennia of conditioning & programming, to imagine HOW to build the new world.

In order to receive the sacred instructions that will guide us,

We must surrender & release any ideas about “possible” vs. “impossible.”

We must step completely outside of everything we've ever known.

As Einstein said, "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."

So, we must use every tool available, in order to:

  • Completely shift our perspective

  • Open up to do what we've been told is impossible

  • Study what the ancient & indigenous people have always known, which has allowed them to live in harmony and reciprocal relationship with the Earth

  • Seek instructions and answers from ways of KNOWING beyond what the modern human mind normally perceives

  • Open up to our senses that operate far beyond the 5 basic ones (did you know that the ancient Egyptians may have experienced up to 360 senses??)

  • Accept that paradox is an essential part of the natural laws of the universe

  • Work together, in community & collaboration, rather than competition

I believe that we are ALL meant to be the builders and co-creators of the new world.

And we are on this unprecedented path together.

We are here to learn together, experiment together, and receive the sacred instructions together …

And share all that we’re learning, in community, so that TOGETHER we can begin truly building the world our hearts have been longing for.

That’s why I’m inviting YOU into an exciting & magical new experience of awakening & remembering!

It’s called:

The music of the spheres

Unlocking the Sacred Architecture of the Universe:
Secrets to Build Our New World

An epiphanous Group Experience with Jocelyn star feather

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In The Music of the Spheres program, here’s what you’ll receive:

  • Spend 16 weeks exploring, unlocking, and uncovering the hidden mysteries written into the Sacred Architecture that surrounds us

  • Re-member and re-familiarize yourself with the structure of your DNA, the stars & planets, your own & the Earth’s energy systems, and LIFE itself

  • Experience profound shamanic journeys and experiential practices; enter into conversations & form relationships with the essential & mystical building blocks of our world; and retrieve the sacred instructions for what we need to build next

  • Surrender into the process of profound healing and deeper levels of awakening than you’ve ever experienced before, as you learn about how we & all of creation are built and then begin to apply these principles in your own life

  • Experience the expansion of coming into alignment with Natural Law and the highest vibrational frequency — so that you can move beyond fear, ego, and duality consciousness, and activate abundance and joy

spiritual guide cosmos earth
  • Develop and enhance your more-than-human senses, intuition, visionary abilities, dreams, psychic abilities, and healing presence

  • Be fully supported & held, for the first 3+ months of 2021, in an intimate community of like-minded spiritual adventurers who are dedicated to finding a new way forward – for ourselves and for our planet

  • Learn how to live shamanically – To walk between the realms continuously & be in constant connection with the Earth, Cosmos, your guides, and the unseen realms

  • Vastly expand your ability to receive guidance and instructions from the Higher Intelligence of the universe

  • Receive channeling and guidance from star beings and ancient deities that will open up your astral understanding of the fabric of creation & the larger plan that is rapidly unfolding at this time

  • And so much more!


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“We cannot create a new world unless WE are new.”

~ Matías de Stefano


This is a pre-recorded course that you can complete at your own pace. It is recommended that you leave 2 weeks between each module, to allow time for the paradigm shifts & changes in perception to fully integrate into your being.

Alchemical Initiatory Journey Group Coaching Program

Class 1:

The Music of the Spheres and the Sacredness of 7

Through profound exercises, teachings, and shamanic journeying, you will learn / experience / discover:

  • Our Guides: Isis and Thoth — Embodying the Vast Spectrum of All the Magic You Can Create

  • The 7 planets: Gravity, Orbit, and Sacred Soul Song

  • Alchemy and the Structure of Transformation

  • 7 Chakras: The Energetic Architecture of our Physical Temple

  • The Pleiades: Creation Stories and Legends from Around the World — The Importance of Cosmology (Origination Stories) As We Build the Future

  • A shamanic journey to discover your personal planetary guide for this program, and connect your own Sacred Soul Song with theirs

Class 2:

Sacred Geometry, Serpents, Spirals, and DNA

Through profound exercises, teachings, and shamanic journeying, you will learn / experience / discover:

  • Our Guide: Saturn in Aquarius — How to Build the Structures of the Future

  • The Fibonacci Sequence — The Golden Ratio

  • Ayahuasca, Entheogens, & the Great Cosmic Serpent

  • DNA — The Double Helix and Basis of All Life Forms (but why do scientists only understand 7% of it?)

  • Near Death Experiences and The Golden Rule

  • An alchemical meditation guiding you to connect with the Higher Consciousness of the universe, that which built you and all things, so the blueprint of Creation can be revealed to you

  • Why Butterflies Herald Transformation, and The Eternal Principle that Must Be Intentionally Built into Our Collective Future

Great Cosmic Serpent Spiral DNA Double Helix

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Class 3:

Constructing in Alignment with the Stars & Ley Lines - The Great Above & The Great Below

Through profound exercises, teachings, and shamanic journeying, you will learn / experience / discover:

  • Our Guides: Seshet and Jupiter in Aquarius

  • Honoring the Holy Day of Imbolc, the turning point in our seasonal calendar

  • We’ll take a deep dive into ley lines / dragon lines / paw lines AND the Milky Way ~ What all of this means for us & how we can align our physical vessels as well as our creations with the Great Above and the Great Below

  • Atlantis, Ancient Egypt, and Star Portals

  • Galactic Center and the Formation of Consciousness

  • How the Above Mirrors the Below, and How We Can Create in Alignment with Both

  • We will connect with a shamanic star portal in the sky, gather the messages and energy from that sacred location in the cosmos, and channel healing from that star portal into the Earth for planetary healing

Class 4:

The Akashic Records

facilitated by Dottie Lamoureux!

Through profound exercises, teaching, and shamanic journeying, you will learn / experience / discover:

  • What are the Akashic Records?

  • An introduction to the history & science of the Records

  • What an experience in the Akashic Records might feel like

  • The benefits of having an Akashic Records practice

  • A meditation to meet your Akashic Guide(s)

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Class 5:

Sound, Song, Voice, and Words

Through profound exercises, teaching, and shamanic journeying, you will learn / experience / discover:

  • Our Guide: Saraswati — Hindu Goddess of knowledge, music, art, speech, song, wisdom, and learning

  • How you can expand into the highest personal vibrational frequency — And why this is one of our key tools for building the new world

  • Our voice (and our words) as magical instruments to create new realities

  • Technology & science of sound

  • The importance of birds and their song — Initiators of language, always reminding us to ascend

  • Our life-giving breath & its magic — How we enter and exit the world

  • A shamanic journey in which you will learn the Alchemical Green Language, or Language of the Birds, vastly expand your vibrational frequency, and bring back essential wisdom for our tribe

Class 6:

Cycles & Structures of Time, and Why the Time is NOW

Through profound exercises, teaching, and shamanic journeying, you will learn / experience / discover:

  • Our Guides: Neith, and Uranus in Taurus — Changing the Rules of Creation

  • The Yugas and Pachakutis — Vast Cosmic Aeons & Their Influence on Us

  • Spirals, Twisting Fibers, and Circular Patterns: The Natural Basis of Time and LIFE

  • The Time is NOW — The importance of what has been foretold by ancient prophecies for 2012 to 2021 … And what comes next

  • The Precession of the Equinoxes — Chaos and Order Throughout the Ages

  • Honoring the Equinox, a sacred day when the portals & doorways to other realms are wide open

  • A shamanic journey where Neith, the Egyptian Goddess of weaving who created all living creatures, will guide you to step out of the linear concept of time and into the circles / spirals / vortices of life itself.

Cycles Structures Time Rules The time is NOW

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Class 7:

Oracles, Visions, Insights, and Epiphanies:

The structures through which breakthrough new information arises in our world

Through profound exercises, teaching, and shamanic journeying, you will learn / experience / discover:

  • Our guide: Jupiter in Aquarius — Expanding Into the Vastness of ALL Possibilities

  • The Goddesses culture of Ancient Crete — Cultivating An Epiphanous Way of Life

  • Ancient instructions for how to communicate with the divine presence

  • Sacred Reciprocity: A key structural element that we must revive

  • Cultivating a visionary presence, continually able to receive the instructions arriving from the higher intelligence of the Cosmos

  • A shamanic journey in which you’ll sit in the center of your council of sacred Guides & Protectors, meet your 7 directional guides, and solidify your intentions for this lifetime.

  • We will connect with a shamanic star portal in the sky, gather the messages and energy from that sacred location in the cosmos, and channel healing from that star portal into the Earth for planetary healing

Class 8:

How We Create Magic & Miracles: Releasing the Idea of “Impossible”

Through profound exercises, teaching, and shamanic journeying, you will learn / experience / discover:

  • Our Guides: Isis and Thoth — Embodying the Vast Spectrum of All the Magic You Can Create

  • Heka: Ancient Egyptian Magic — Opening doorways between the worlds

  • Hieroglyphic Thinking: Attuning ourselves to paradox and the interweaving of all things

  • The importance of mantras: Words of power that awaken the indwelling spirit

  • Channeling and honoring the Gods — Keep the Gods, Goddesses, and your Guides close to you & within you, and you will embody their frequency

  • Magic is our heritage — We are co-creators of the world

  • The alchemical principle of True Imagination

  • Together, we will participate in an alchemical meditation & closing ceremony designed to raise your frequency, and anchor you in a profound connection & ability to co-create with both Mother Earth and the Infinite Cosmos

  • You will be activated to connect with and channel an Ancient Deity who wishes to be your specific guide for creating a vibrant, radiant, radical new future

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“The entire universe is a gigantic act of magic: the transformation of consciousness into the material world.”

~ John Anthony West


* Special Announcement *



This is a pre-recorded course. Upon registration, you’ll gain access to all of the class recordings and materials.



I can’t wait to share this immersive journey with you!

To your visionary future ✨✨✨

With love and gratitude,

Jocelyn Star Feather

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Praise for Sacred Planet Courses

“The course has helped me on my soul’s journey, to take me beyond my fears and embodying my inner truth and wisdom manifesting them into my life. I am so grateful.”

~ Anne, Sweden

“The course was an amazing container for healing. Jocelyn is open, honest, beautiful and fully aligned.”

~ Claire, United Kingdom

“Beyond anything, this course gifted me the inspiration and the deep self knowledge that diving deep into all of this symbolism of my subconscious is bringing me closer to the golden nuggets of my truth. I feel a richness within my soul and confidence to be my fullest self including embracing my darkness as well as my challenging but rewarding divine path. Thank you, Jocelyn, for being a powerful, celestial guide at this turning point in my journey.”

~ Stephanie, Illinois

“I loved this course! Not only was it fun, it has really helped me to connect with my intuition and given me the confidence to learn more about the amazing, magical world we live in.”

~ Donna, Australia

“This course reminded me of my magical potential. To enjoy and have fun while I grow and evolve, through the amazing journeys and key insights to myself. Very powerful!”

~ Linda, California

“I absolutely loved it. I had fantastic results. The meditations and imagery were powerful and compelling. It led me to a lot of revelations and powerful awakenings. it opened up a lot of closed doors for me personally but in a gentle way. Very profound!”

~ Ritu, Canada

“Jocelyn is such a natural teacher and shamanic guide. She answers questions with grace and ease and makes space for each person to feel heard. This course helped me become aware of my fear and how it plays a role in my life, as well as made space for me to befriend my fear and work with it in a constructive way. I feel more connected to myself and aware of my energy after this course. I am so grateful for the space that was held as a part of my personal journey.”

~ Kimber, North Carolina

“I learned so much from this course! Jocelyn's meditations are beautifully spun, and in each one I found myself traversing new landscapes within my soul. The journeys were highly activating, opening up my perspective. The material was fascinating. I loved learning about the Pleiades and our connections to the stars. I also loved finding my soul tone. Beautiful!”

~ Dasha, Tennessee

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