Here is the antidote to what’s happening in the world right now …
It’s for us to actually FEEL again, to inhabit our bodies, to sense ourselves as biological beings intricately linked to the Earth & Cosmos …
It’s for us to feel our emotions, to sway with the Celestial forces, to walk barefoot upon the Earth, to experience what it really is to be truly alive.
When we befriend our fears and shadows, we can begin living in THIS truly embodied, fully alive way.
When We Become More Alive, the Earth Becomes More Alive.
This is an invitation to shift into living the fullest life ~ Look at where you are only halfway living ~ Look at the places that have always kept you stuck before.
What we believe creates our reality.
You are invited, in this 12-week immersion, to fundamentally shift your beliefs so that you can come into true fulfillment and joy and full self-expression.
To feel every emotion on the spectrum of the vast pool of LIVING that is available to us.
To experience the most profound, deep relationships.
To leap with heartfelt presence into who you are meant to be. What message you are meant to bring. The ways in which you are meant to influence and shift & change others in our world.
Fully living into this, every day!
When we do this, our life changes more & more & more rapidly, in the direction that we have always longed for, even if we didn’t know before what that was.
And through us, the entire world is healed. One individual at a time.
This is my invitation to you.