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The Heart of Alchemical Mastery

How to Receive the Highest Gifts During Times of Polarity & Change

free video Presentation & Shamanic Journey

Guided by Jocelyn Star Feather


Have you been wondering why the polarities (extremes / opposites) have become so strong in our world lately?

Differing points of view, the highs and lows of our own human experience, even the rapid fluctuations in weather ~ Polarity shows up on many levels.

Polarity and paradox are alchemical principles that it's critical for us to understand, in order to embrace our own magic and receive the GIFTS of these times.

Here's the secret to all of this:

The polarity we're seeing now, IS the change we've been waiting for!

The intensity IS the magic coming back into our world!

The challenges ARE the opportunities for upleveling!

The rapid change IS the mystery and freedom breaking through, to revolutionize us into more highly-evolved versions of ourselves.

As humans, we've been waiting so long for this transformative time ...

Our ancestors have been waiting for many millennia ...

And those of us who are here now, are meant to embrace and fully live our own magic as it returns!

To dive deeper into this topic, I have prepared for you a potent & inspiring presentation, which I'm excited to share with you:

How to Receive the Highest Gifts During Times of Polarity & Change

FREE Video Presentation & Shamanic Journey

Guided by Jocelyn Star Feather

Enter Your Name & Email Address Here to receive the FREE video presentation:

    This presentation is a deep journey, far back into the past, to explore our earth-and-star-based origins as human beings; as well as out into the Galactic Center, the birthplace of our galaxy.

    During this exciting presentation, you will learn:

    • The nature of Polarity and Paradox, and why they are UP in our world at this time

    • What do Polarity and Paradox have to do with the ancient alchemical principles of change & transformation?

    • The indigenous perspective on the necessity of Paradox

    • How to shift your frame of reference so that you can see & receive the highest outcomes, instead of feeling stuck, afraid, or overwhelmed

    • How we can be certain that this is a time of huge opportunity, upleveling, and breakthroughs

    • What part does MAGIC play in the midst of all this change and transformation?

    • What are the key polarities of our times, and how can we powerfully work WITH them to receive the highest gifts and outcomes?

    You don't want to miss this! 💖


    Simply enter your name & email address below to register, and the video presentation will be sent to you immediately:

      Wishing You Magical & Mysterious Blessings, Now And Always,

      Jocelyn Star Feather

      Spiritual Alchemist & Visibility Coach for Visionary Entrepreneurs

      Founder of Sacred Planet