Astrologically, we are in a time of massive opportunity.
Alongside all of the challenges of our time, there are some magnificently positive transits coming up in 2025, 2026, and 2027.
There are certain timeframes in the next 3 years that are going to be MEGA opportunities – based on certain planets transiting particular places in people’s birth charts –
For each individual to completely shift their identity, begin a fortuitous new era of their life, change to a new timeline, welcome in huge amounts of abundance, and infinite other possibilities.
The type of opportunity depends on which planets & transits are hitting each person's chart in certain sectors.
Because we are in such a star portal of opportunity right now, and over the next 3 years ...
I’m gathering a small & powerful group of Lightworkers, Healers, and Visionaries ...
Where I'll guide them in identifying their Galactic Superpower (as written in the cosmic blueprint of their birth chart).
Your galactic superpower is the vital missing Aspect of your power as a multidimensional leader, lightworker, and Change Maker.
It is the highest-level, fully-activated, magnetic version of yourself.
Discovering your Galactic Superpower helps you build your soul purpose work into abundant alignment with your highest calling in this lifetime, AND with the massive opportunities happening from now through 2027 … and beyond.
I'm also guiding everyone in this small group to unlock their personal Cosmic Timelines – The pivotal timeframes in 2025, 2026, and 2027 that are MEGA opportunities, specifically for YOU as an individual, to create abundance & success.
All of this is revealed through your unique & one-of-a-kind birth chart, the map of the stars & planets at the exact moment you were born.
By unlocking the codes of your birth chart, our current planetary transits, and how those transits interact with your chart ...
You'll come into full alignment with the Multidimensional Divine Plan for your life.
That's your HIGHEST plan - It's what you were created to do & who you were created to be.
And when you get clearly connected to THAT plan, you step 1111% into Miracles, Synchronicities, and Revelations.
The path from the universe opens wide to guide you.
Unbelievable magical occurrences show up at your doorstep.
I want YOU to experience this kind of magic!
That’s why I created:
Use Your Astrological Birth Chart To
Unlock your magnificent opportunities
In 2025, 2026, 2027, and Beyond
Guided by Jocelyn Star Feather
We Begin on January 6, 2025!
Testimonials for working with Jocelyn
“A Space Where Everything is Possible”
“Jocelyn is a power house of fierce love for the 21st century, and working with her has changed my world. With Jocelyn’s support I have created my own, unique coaching practice and launched it into the world. Whereas before I had very little experience as a business woman, I now have clients, a mailing list, a thriving online course and vibrant energy to keep on building. I gained 3,870 subscribers and 140 Lifetime Access sales from my first summit. Sessions with Jocelyn have seen me step into a space where everything is possible; a space where grounded, practical entrepreneurial tactics meet the unseen realms and I hear my soul’s whispers with clarity."
~ Ellie Paskell, UK:
“You Believed In Me When Nobody Else Did”
"Jocelyn believed in my success even when my own family members did not! She helped jump start my online business and helped me crystallize my own vision of what I wanted to offer to the world. I came from having 0 subscribers to 7, 700 after creating an online summit guided by her. Her vast knowledge of the business world and gentle approach are a perfect combination! There is so much more I can say, but there are not enough words to capture her brilliance. She is my inspiration and aspiration."
~ Maya Z, Florida:
“It Was A Total Transformation, at the Deepest Levels”
“I feel like a completely new person. Creating a summit was such an amazing journey. It was a total transformation, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, at the deepest levels. This 6-month journey has been a catalyst bringing me into who I truly am. Going through this process has helped me own my voice, my opinions, and my beliefs, and knowing that they are valid and worthy of sharing with the world. My list grew from 0 to 2500, and I received $3200 from the Lifetime Access sales!”
~ Kate Ballo, New York:
“I Quit My Day Job”
“With the help of Jocelyn, I built out my entire vision into something real. I hear from so many people how my event impacted them. I grew my audience and connected to clients from all over the world who are totally aligned with me. I took my local business online and quit my day job because of this program! I am so much more confident now!”
~ Stephanie Briggs: and
“You Have Been Fully Pivotal in My ‘Coming Out’ to the World This Year”
“Thank you so so much. You have been such an immense support and fully pivotal in my "coming out" to the world this year. It was the most beautiful, exquisite, delightful, scary and stressful at times, but powerful way to learn about a topic and at the same time be more visible myself. Now my business is in a really solid position for the upcoming year!”
~ Eimear Stassin, UK:
“You Have Guided Me To Places I Thought Were Impossible”
“Jocelyn - You are truly a gift: To me, to us, to the world. You have guided me into places I once thought were impossible to get to. You have changed my life in radical and fulfilling ways. My life would not be what it is today - in the best ways possible - if you weren’t a part of it. I can’t wait to see what impossible places you bring me to in 2020!! It’s so exciting. I honestly cannot thank you enough.”
~ Dottie Lamoureux, Ohio:
“Transformed My Business As Well As My Life”
“Working with Jocelyn transformed both my business as well as my life. With her guidance, which consisted of both deeply caring for my results as well as challenging me to attain them, I fully stepped into a new phase of being that had called to me for many years. I now have a powerful structure for my business as well as firsthand experience regarding what it means to coach someone with extraordinary integrity. I faced nearly insurmountable personal challenges while creating my first summit, but Jocelyn remained committed to my results and assisted me in holding the vision of the creation that wanted to come through me. I remain grateful on a daily basis that I heeded the “full-body YES” when it came to creating a virtual conference using Jocelyn’s framework.”
~ Helena, New York:

Here’s how we’ll do it!
During 5 powerful LIVE class sessions, from January 6th to March 3rd, we will meet for deeply transformational astrology teachings in which you’ll learn how to decode in your own chart:
Your Galactic Superpowers: The highest-level, fully-activated, magnetic version of yourself that you are meant to BECOME in this lifetime.
Your Cosmic Timelines in 2025 – 2026 – 2027: Pivotal timeframes that are MEGA opportunities for YOU, specifically, to create abundance & success.
The Multidimensional Divine Plan for your lifetime: What you were created & incarnated to do, become, and create on the Earth at this pivotal time.
Precisely where in your birth chart these aspects are located.
Week 4 (February 11th) will be a very special workshop in which I will guide you to create your Three-Year Multidimensional Action Plan. This plan will give you crystal clarity on exactly what to build & when during 2025 – 2026 – 2027.
Week 5 (March 3rd) will be a super-potent open Q&A. Now that you have studied all of these aspects of your personalized birth chart in depth, you can ask me ANY questions you may have, and I will provide clarity & breakthrough understandings to guide you.
You will emerge from this class with an Action Plan for building your Life & business, that is stunningly aligned with your life purpose & Multidimensional Divine Plan that the Cosmos mapped for you at the moment of your birth.
It’s going to be an incredible experience!
Throughout the program, you’ll receive:
Coaching on how to fully step into who you are BECOMING and build that revolutionized awareness of WHO YOU TRULY ARE, into your Three-Year Multidimensional Action Plan.
Write your next-level declaration to the universe – In your own Words of Power – Commanding your abundant new reality into being.
Take the coaching hot seat and get my laser guidance on EXACTLY WHAT TO FOCUS ON to create the life of your dreams into reality. Breakthroughs, revelations, and miracles are coming your way.
We’ll do it all within an inspiring Sacred Feminine visionary framework + Sacred Masculine action orientation.
All of the above in alignment with the imaginal realms, your heart & soul, and the Sacred Instructions from the Earth & Cosmos that are meant just for you.
Revelations & miracles will flow in powerfully during our time together!
~ Our Live Class Structure ~
Class 1 ~ January 6th at 12 noon New York
Claim Your Galactic Superpowers
The Alchemy & the Science of Identity Shift — Why changing your perception of who you are, is possible for YOU, right NOW
Build your new life with your Galactic Superpowers as the foundation
Use the key archetypes in your astrology chart to catalyze your understanding of who you truly are, so you can:
Release the conditioning that has kept you playing small
Release limitations placed upon you by others
Expand into the fullness of who you were created to be & TAKE ACTION on what you were created to DO in this lifetime
How to connect to Source and draw down the energy of your highest version ~ Becoming who the universe designed you to be
How to build a successful, abundant business that is 1111% aligned with your unique Galactic Superpowers
A powerful portal-opening shamanic journey & activation to crystallize & integrate your Galactic Superpowers on all levels of your being
Class 2 ~ January 21st at 12 noon New York
Unlock Your Cosmic Timelines
Understand the Key Timelines of Massive Opportunity that You’ll Be Working with in 2025-2026-2027
Learn how to engage with each of them, based on your own birth chart:
(1) North Node - Venus - Saturn Conjunction in Mar-Apr 2025: Building the Life of Your Dreams with Ease, Grace, Love, and a Solid Foundation
(2) Saturn - Neptune Conjunction in Feb 2026: Changes to Your Inner Belief Systems and How You Are Manifesting
(3) Pluto in Aquarius trine Uranus in Gemini, 2024 to 2028: Creating Radical Realities & A Bold New Future
(4) Eclipses & Positions of the Nodes: Your Destiny Transformation Points
(5) Individual transits in which your own Sun, Moon, ASC, Midheaven, Mercury, Venus, or Jupiter come into contact with particular beneficial transiting planets
Begin drawing the map of your key action steps in the next 3 years based on the specific Timelines when YOUR INNATE POWER will be most activated
Receive personalized coaching from Jocelyn on which actions will be best for you to take during the next 3 years
Class 3 ~ February 3rd at 12 noon New York
Activate Your Multidimensional Divine Plan: Your Pivotal & Sacred Role In the World
Understanding the depths & nuances of your own sacred & unique Plan
Why does astrology work so accurately? And how this powerfully informs you about carrying out your plan
Testing the Magic ~ Putting it into practical action: I will coach each of you around choosing and taking one single action in alignment with your Multidimensional Divine Plan, and you will record the proof of magic & synchronicities arriving unexpectedly into your life. (This part is where it becomes a truly incredible experience.)
Writing & speaking your Words of Power to activate your Plan
A shamanic journey through the Star Portals to begin building out the rest of your life, in magnificent alignment with your Multidimensional Divine Plan
Class 4 ~ February 11th at 12 noon New York
Craft Your Actions for Success, Aligned With Your Original Pristine Plan from the Moment of Your Birth
I will guide you to craft your Three-Year Multidimensional Action Plan
It’ll be fun & creative! You’ll paint or draw a chart of your Cosmic Timelines, when YOUR INNATE POWER will be most activated …
Then I’ll guide you to fill in the key action steps at the points where YOU specifically have the optimal opportunities opening up for success, abundance, fulfillment, and joy
We’ll design your new, galactically-inspired ‘Elevator Speech’ — The words you will use to answer that question “What do you do in your work, anyway?” You’ll now be able to answer this question with a gleam in your eye and confidence in your heart, knowing it’s fully aligned with your astrological blueprint.
A shamanic journey into the multidimensions where your guides will surround you and send you love, visionary images of your future, and confirmation that you have stepped into alignment with your highest path in this lifetime.
Class 5 - March 3rd at 12 noon New York
Open Q&A - Ask Me Anything About the Course!
Now that you have studied all of these aspects of your personalized birth chart in depth, you can ask me ANY questions you may have, and I will provide clarity & breakthrough understandings to guide you.
I will guide you in a closing Shamanic Journey to bring you even greater clarity and confidence around the magnificent gifts encoded in your birth chart.
* Special Announcement *
when you register by December 27th, you’ll receive all of this for only:
Registration is Now Closed.
Questions? Email Us at
Upgrade Option
If you wish to upgrade, you can add on a 60-minute 1:1 Alchemical Astrology Reading with Jocelyn!
In this reading, you will learn:
Exactly what Your Galactic Superpowers are (The highest-level, fully-activated, magnetic version of yourself that you are meant to BECOME in this lifetime).
Your Cosmic Timelines in 2025 – 2026 – 2027 (Pivotal timeframes in 2025, 2026, and 2027 that are MEGA opportunities for YOU, specifically, to create abundance & success).
The Multidimensional Divine Plan for your lifetime (WHAT you were created & incarnated to DO on the Earth at this pivotal time).
Precisely where in your birth chart these aspects are located.
The reading will include any asteroids or fixed stars that are important to your Galactic Superpowers and Cosmic Timeline, as well.
This reading will give you extremely valuable information about your unique Soul Purpose Role AND the impact that the next 3 years will have on your entire life!
All 1:1 spaces Have Been Filled for the Upgrade Option.
1:1 Readings with Jocelyn Are no longer available.
Here are the spectacular results you can expect to receive during Unlock Your Magnificent Possibilities:
Learn how to use Astrology and your Birth Chart to unlock the highest-level, fully-activated, magnetic version of yourself
Shift your identity and your perception of WHO you are and WHAT you were born to do, into high & vast alignment with the vital missing piece of your power as a multidimensional leader, lightworker, and speaker.
Feel super calm, confident, and in your power because now you can define & connect with the source of DEEP INNER POTENCY in your life — your Galactic Superpowers — your highest frequency gifts.
Learn how to work MASTERFULLY with the mega-opportunities coming your way in 2025, 2026, and 2027 — By understanding precisely how certain potent transits interact with your birth chart and taking key action steps at the right times to receive the highest benefits from the Cosmic energies at those times
Come into full alignment with the Multidimensional Divine Plan for your life, which opens the channels for the universe to send you everything it’s been TRYING to send you all along
Finally remove the blocks, fears, and resistance that have been holding you back as you come to entirely new levels of understanding about WHO you truly are
Learn how to utilize and make the most of the rapid shifts and upleveling which are becoming readily available & accessible to us at this time
Learn the pivotal timeframes in 2025, 2026, and 2027 that are MEGA opportunities for YOU, specifically, to create abundance — And receive powerful coaching from Jocelyn on how to take decisive action, during those timeframes, that will revolutionize your soul purpose work
Enter into a flow with the universe where you have plenty of ideas & inspiration about what to create next and you're finally able to move forward with powerful action steps.
You wake up every morning feeling joyful & passionate about your work, because you understand at a very deep, resonant level WHO you are meant to be and WHAT you came here to do, and you know your Cosmic Timelines so you are CLEAR on precisely when to take action on it.
I can’t wait to embark upon this Magnificent adventure with you 💖
Wishing you magical & mysterious blessings, now and always,
Jocelyn Star Feather
Praise for Sacred Planet Courses
“The course has helped me on my soul’s journey, to take me beyond my fears and embodying my inner truth and wisdom manifesting them into my life. I am so grateful.”
~ Anne, Sweden
“The course was an amazing container for healing. Jocelyn is open, honest, beautiful and fully aligned.”
~ Claire, United Kingdom
“Beyond anything, this course gifted me the inspiration and the deep self knowledge that diving deep into all of this symbolism of my subconscious is bringing me closer to the golden nuggets of my truth. I feel a richness within my soul and confidence to be my fullest self including embracing my darkness as well as my challenging but rewarding divine path. Thank you, Jocelyn, for being a powerful, celestial guide at this turning point in my journey.”
~ Stephanie, Illinois
“I loved this course! Not only was it fun, it has really helped me to connect with my intuition and given me the confidence to learn more about the amazing, magical world we live in.”
~ Donna, Australia
“This course reminded me of my magical potential. To enjoy and have fun while I grow and evolve, through the amazing journeys and key insights to myself. Very powerful!”
~ Linda, California
“I absolutely loved it. I had fantastic results. The meditations and imagery were powerful and compelling. It led me to a lot of revelations and powerful awakenings. it opened up a lot of closed doors for me personally but in a gentle way. Very profound!”
~ Ritu, Canada
“Jocelyn is such a natural teacher and shamanic guide. She answers questions with grace and ease and makes space for each person to feel heard. This course helped me become aware of my fear and how it plays a role in my life, as well as made space for me to befriend my fear and work with it in a constructive way. I feel more connected to myself and aware of my energy after this course. I am so grateful for the space that was held as a part of my personal journey.”
~ Kimber, North Carolina
“I learned so much from this course! Jocelyn's meditations are beautifully spun, and in each one I found myself traversing new landscapes within my soul. The journeys were highly activating, opening up my perspective. The material was fascinating. I loved learning about the Pleiades and our connections to the stars. I also loved finding my soul tone. Beautiful!”
~ Dasha, Tennessee