Eclipse Portal October 2023: Patterns of Liberation, Self Care is KEY, Follow Your Highest Integrity
New Moon blessings to you!
We are about to have an extremely powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra (which will be a 'ring of fire' eclipse) tomorrow, October 14th.
This will be followed by a 2-week Eclipse Portal, ending with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on October 28th.
Pluto is squaring the nodes, creating extreme amounts of tension. Self-care is my biggest recommendation to everyone this month.
Click on the video below to learn all about the eclipse portal and how our Patterns of Liberation are highly supported at this time!
I wish you the brightest blessings, now and always 💖
Lots of love,
Jocelyn Star Feather
Spiritual Alchemist & Visibility Coach for Visionary Entrepreneurs
Founder of Sacred Planet