Lion's Gate 2021 & Leo New Moon 8/8! Let Your HEART Guide You to FREEDOM
I recorded this brand new video for you today about the upcoming Leo New Moon on 8/8, and the Lion's Gate! ✨✨✨
There will be a lot of tension during this time, because Saturn and Mercury are both going to push us toward a greater degree of mental processing and trying to strategize, organize, and figure things out.
But some things simply cannot be "figured out" from the thinking mind.
Instead, we must learn to navigate, make decisions, and understand the depths of reality from our HEART, which is the highest teaching of the Sun & Moon together in Leo.
Gather your courage and lean into the tension! The portals are opening up for us to create true & lasting change in our lives.
Throughout the upcoming week, the Earth and Cosmos will enter the Lion's Gate alignment, when the Goddess Isis makes her triumphant return from the underworld, and lends us her life-giving, immortal energy to support us in creating new timelines that are based in freedom.
Click the video screen below to watch:
What transmissions have you received from your heart lately? Please share your insights and reflections in the comments on YouTube!
Much love ❤️❤️❤️ from my heart to yours,
Jocelyn Star Feather
Founder of Sacred Planet