Reclaiming Ritual & Magic ~ A Multidimensional Experience led by Jocelyn Star Feather


We had an absolutely beautiful & immersive call today. If you missed the LIVE call, no worries, you can watch the replay right here:

Reclaiming Ritual & Magic as an Integral Part of Our Daily Lives

During this fun & interactive presentation, you will learn:

  • How can we return to the secrets that the ancient people knew, 5000 years ago or more? How can we embrace these secrets TODAY in a very embodied & hands-on way?

  • An overview of the Mysteries and why they went into hiding

  • Two secrets of the Egyptian Goddess Nepthys, the sister of Isis

  • Two secrets of the Egyptian God Anubis, son of Nepthys

  • How to regain your innate ability to call upon the Natural Law & Cosmic Order – So you can come back into wholeness & alignment with the Earth & Cosmos

  • A fun & eye-opening practice to find proof of magic & miracles in your life

  • A shamanic journey & experiential ritual to discover what is the most dense aspect of your life, which you are ready to release

When you listen, please have with you a candle, as well as a sacred object that feels inspiring to you (perhaps a feather, statue of a god or goddess, crystal, pinecone, or other beautiful object). Bring your journal and a pen or pencil as well.

Enjoy! ❤️

ALSO, I'm thrilled to announce ...

I've created a very special guided ritual experience that will begin on Monday, July 26th! It's called:

Alchemy, Astrology, & Magic:

A Multidimensional Ritual Immersion

CLICK HERE to learn more!

We know innately that there are infinitely more layers of light in the world than we can see day-to-day with our human eyes.

We catch a glimpse of it in the way the sunbeams play on tree leaves, in the magic of a butterfly emerging from its cocoon, in the sound of a child’s laughter. We receive clues of it in the imaginal messages & symbols gifted to us in our dreams.

And yet the Mystery can seem fleeting. How can we really work with it? How can we be confident in what we ask for the universe to send us? How can we be sure we are a clear channel for the will of the Divine?

We feel this way, we ask these questions, only because we have long forgotten the ancient & indigenous practices of connecting our own thoughts, words, and energies with the Cosmic Order.

We have forgotten the sacred & appropriate ways to ask for what we need, to set intentions in a respectful manner aligned with the Divine Intelligence.

We have forgotten just how intricately, infinitely interwoven we are with All-That-Is.

And perhaps most importantly, we have forgotten our PowerEvery word we say, every thought, every action sends fractals and ripples out which affect every other thing in existence.

Right now, for the most part in the human collective, we are often using that Power carelessly, or without refinement.

We've been told that we are weak, that life is short, that there is only so much you can do, that everything has its limits. But these are all lies!

As a result of these lies & illusions, we harbor feelings of doubt within our own hearts & minds. We speak negatively to ourselves and others. We act with much lower confidence than our eternal nature is actually meant to reflect.

But we KNOW that this feels wrong.

We KNOW we are immensely powerful.

And the time has come to reclaim that Power which was stripped from us millennia ago.

The time has come for humans to once again set our goals, our intentions, our hopes and our prayers into absolute & perfect alignment with the Natural Law. With refinement. With devotion. With trust and surrender and blessing from the deepest wells of our hearts.

The time has come for us to once again make offerings upon the land, to hold the rituals that shift the very foundations of reality, to remember the sacred words of power for our prayers & petitions, to ask the stars & planets to facilitate a miracle for us.

In Alchemy, Astrology, & Magic: A Multidimensional Ritual Immersion, you will learn how to do this.

We will work with the moon and the (fairly intense) astrological alignments coming up during the remaining months of 2021. You will learn to align with the Earth and Cosmos, on a deeper level than you ever believed possible, and to restore Cosmic Order within yourself and in the environment around you.

You will be guided by the Egyptian Gods & Goddesses as well as other beings who are eager to assist us: Ganesha, the Hindu God who is the remover of obstacles; the Dragon Beings, who are able to transmute lower energies and guide us in our ascension process; Venus, the planet & Goddess of love and beauty; and the Bee Priestesses from the Oracle of Delphi in ancient Greece.

Click here to see the full curriculum and all that's included.

Please Note: This very special guided ritual experience, which I am incredibly excited to share with you, has a full price / full value of $777.

I was going to make it available at the Early Bird price of $444.

But I have decided to make this course available on a DONATION basis instead!

So you can join at the amount that feels aligned for your heart & soul at this time.

CLICK HERE to learn more and register via donation.

I can't wait to share this with you!

Love and magic,

Jocelyn Star Feather
Founder of Sacred Planet

Jocelyn Star Feather