Massive Changes Are Coming Our Way ~ It's Time to TAKE A LEAP That Will Change Your Life


You really don't want to miss this! In my most recent call, I shared 3 key ways that you can anchor into your clarity, certainty, and personal power – And use this time as an opportunity to take a leap that will change your life.

Click on the video below to watch:

Massive Changes are Coming Our Way:
How to Become Intimately Comfortable with Uncertainty & Amplify Your Co-Creation with the Divine

During this inspiring 90-minute call, you'll learn:

  • Details & dates for the cosmic influences from Mars, Uranus, Saturn and Pluto that will help us make massive & much-needed changes in the months ahead

  • The 3 key ways to become comfortable & familiar with uncertainty, so it won't throw you off track, but rather you can embrace it and feel exhilaration as you co-create with the divine over the upcoming months

  • How we know this uncertainty is actually occurring for our highest benefit and most conscious evolution

  • Why we are being forced to come into profound new levels of integrity with our inner values and highest self at this time

  • Why clarity (instead of doubt) is a necessary construct that you can CHOOSE to grow & expand within yourself - And how to do so

  • What are the Sacred Instructions? How to hear the voice of the universe

  • You'll also experience a truly moving Shamanic Journey to travel to the Life Between Lives dimension and discover what key actions & plans will be your highest priority and focus during this lifetime

During the presentation, I announced that I'll be teaching a brand new, mythical and magical course that starts on October 15th!

It's called:

Into the Mythica:
Take the Leap that Will Change Your Life

October 15, 2021, to January 21, 2022

Click here to learn more & see the curriculum.

When you attend Into the Mythica, you will:

  • Be deeply supported over the next 4 months of rapid change

  • Become proficient and comfortable with hearing, receiving, and carrying out the Sacred Instructions – Learn how to see & understand what the Universe is saying to you

  • Make a change now that you never thought you could do – And do so with ease and grace

  • Be illuminated by seeing your past through a very different, healing lens

  • Write your NEW story of empowerment, confidence, and joy – The NEW Myth of Your Life

  • Accelerate your path of service, and find increased success with the work that brings you the greatest joy

  • Learn how to ATTUNE to and work WITH the catalyzing energies of the planetary transits and eclipses coming up over the next few months, rather than letting them bowl you over

  • Learn how to take big leaps, and masterfully handle the energy shift that comes along with them – A tool you'll use again & again in the future!

  • Be inspired by the mythology of Loki and Sigyn (Ragnarok), the Pyramids of Giza, Gobekli Tepe, Kali and Bhairava, the ancient Minoans (island of Crete), the Eleusinian Mysteries, Yhi and Oshun, and more – Learn the primordial lessons encapsulated in these ancient stories & how it can inform your life today

  • Participate in a beautiful collective project with the Into the Mythica community where TOGETHER, we will write a new cosmology that reflects who we really are as human beings. TOGETHER, we'll expand the potential of what we are here to do

  • Be witnessed and honored for who you truly are & the mythology of your own story. Enjoy being a part of our inspired, visionary global community as the world shifts around us during the next few months.

Click here to see the full curriculum!

Into the Mythica is the deepest & most potent class I have ever offered in a group format (besides the Mystery School).

I am bringing this forward because NOW is our time to do the most profound work we can possibly do, in order to give us the power & courage to take the BIGGEST LEAPS ahead, in 2022 and beyond.

Let’s create the TIDAL WAVE of humans who are ready to take the LEAP and open the path to unimaginably beautiful future realities 

You can sign up for the class by simply making a donation in the amount that feels aligned for your heart and soul!

Important details:

Registration closes on October 14th, 2021, at 11:59 pm Eastern time.

Our first class will be held on October 15th, 2021.

If you ever cannot attend a live session, don't worry! A recording of each module will be sent to all registered attendees.

Click here to learn more & register by donation.

Honoring Your Mythical Journey of Life,

Jocelyn Star Feather
Founder of Sacred Planet

Jocelyn Star Feather