Dear Courageous Adventurer,
We live in magic. We ARE magic. LIFE itself, is magic.
Death is not an ending; it is a doorway to new life. Science cannot explain life or death. These aspects of our experience are beyond the comprehension of the human mind.
So we must be prepared to go beyond the human mind in our explorations and understandings, as we build the new world from the ashes of the old.
We must open up to realms of perception beyond what we thought was possible.
The upcoming eclipses in April & May 2022 are a massive portal for breakthroughs, revelations, and completely new possibilities & opportunities to become clear & evident, right before our eyes, and within our hearts.
You are invited to watch this inspiring video workshop to learn:
What to expect on each of the eclipse days, April 30 2022 and May 16 2022
Why the April 30th eclipse is a POTENT day to set intentions around welcoming in new wealth, abundance, and relationships
The catalyzing journey that our relationships have been going through over the past several months ~ In support of new Sacred Unions being formed ~ Starting with the Venus Rx that occurred in December 2021 to January 2022
Why the May 16th eclipse is going to feel more dark & challenging, and how to navigate it
A dive into the Mystery Schools and resurrection ceremonies of ancient Egypt, where they held a highly refined understanding of life and death
An exploration of the Eleusinian Mysteries in ancient Greece
What we can learn from these ancient rituals to empower & inspire us as we are now called to release what is no longer in alignment with our future selves
Enter your name & email address here to receive immediate access to Eclipses Incoming!:
Wishing you an inspiring & transformative Eclipse Portal!
Love and magic,
Jocelyn Star Feather
Founder of Sacred Planet