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Mysteries of the Great Goddess

Unlocking the Light Codes of Isis, Hathor, Seshet, Sekhmet & Ma’at

In Person Pilgrimage to the Temples & Pyramids of Egypt

Led by Jocelyn Star Feather

With Guest Speakers Cynthia Honores and Vox Lumina

✨ April 15 to 25, 2025 ✨

You are welcome to add on the optional Tour of Mystical Cairo from April 8th to 14th - Click here to learn more!


“I highly recommend this experience to anyone who is seeking answers about ancient Egypt that go far beyond the limited explanations given by mainstream textbooks and what we learned in school. I felt my heart open and expand. This trip has given me more confidence to expand my current routine and plan more travel!”

~ Carol, Egypt Tour Participant in 2024

~ You’re Invited into a Life-Changing, intimate connection with the Great Goddess ~

The Seven Hathors in procession with Sistrums and Frame Drums, Edfu Temple

There is nowhere on Earth that the ancient words of power, the sacred rituals, the prayers and incantations, the mythical art, and the understanding of Life Itself …

Was better understood, or has been better preserved …

Than in Egypt.

The people of ancient Egypt had an incredibly vast & detailed understanding of the sacredness of both Life and Death.

They Knew How To Perform The Rituals, Sing The Hymns, And Speak The Words Of Power That Would Ensure The Continuation Of Life Itself.

And They Did So, For Thousands & Thousands Of Years, Because They Were Aligned With The Higher Forces Of The Universe.

“[In the Egyptian Pyramid Texts], the soul is introduced to the entities of the sky … For the soul must remember itself and where it comes from.

‘Who are you?’ the soul is asked. The answer, ‘I am a child of the starry dawn.’ “

~ Susan Brind Morrow, in her book The Dawning Moon of the Mind: Unlocking the Pyramid Texts

The ancient Egyptians were carrying out the sacred role that humans have always been meant to do:

Through their pyramids, temples, rituals, fires, dances, and songs …

They were enlivening and strengthening the Life Force of All Creation.

Their entire culture was centered around the universal truths of uniting the Great Above (Cosmos) with the Great Below (Earth) to ensure a lasting & vital connection between the people and the vast forces of nature which initiate and sustain life.


And the Great Goddess was at the heart of it all.

She Is the wombspace of the sacred Life Force of all beings.

She Is the Queen of Mystery & Magic.

She Is Natural Order & Cosmic Law.

She Is the Fierce Love of the primordial Mother.

She is the Energy of Creation that pervades everything.

In order to truly understand the depths & heights of what was known in ancient Egypt, we must walk hand-in-hand with the Great Goddess of Heaven & Earth.

We must get to know Her on an intimate, and cosmic, level.

That is precisely what we will do, during this powerful journey in April 2025, throughout the pyramids & temples of Egypt.

“I Return To The Rhythm Of Water, To The Dark Song I Was In My Mother’s Belly.”

~ From Awakening Osiris, a translation by Normandi Ellis of the Egyptian Book of Coming Forth By Light


Our wonderful group in March 2023 outside of Dendera, the Temple of Hathor


We will enter the Temples of the Great Goddesses, with honoring & ceremony.

Our journey includes special visits to hidden places, where you’ll be held in sacred space during profound Shamanic Journeys and Sound Healing experiences.

You will be guided to connect, on a very personal level:

✨🌙 with Isis at Philae Temple.

✨🌙 With Hathor at Dendera Temple.

✨🌙 With Seshet in the Writings & Cosmic Alignments of Every Ancient Structure.

✨🌙 With Sekhmet in her secret chapel at Karnak.

✨🌙 And with Ma’at throughout every temple we visit.

✨🌙 The Goddesses Nehkbet (the Primordial Mother Vulture) and Wadjet (the serpentine energy of our Kundalini life force) will also be present with us in every temple.


Jocelyn receiving the Light Codes in the secret chapel of Sekhmet, within Karnak Temple

Let us learn from these Great Goddesses.

What Cosmic, Starry Truths do they know?

Which earth codes and Light Codes Will They Reveal To You?

What secrets will we unlock as we hold ceremony together with them in Egypt, on ancient lands which Uplifted the footsteps of Priestesses & Oracles, thousands of years ago?

As you stand in the ancient temples, you will be infused with the perfect alignment of energies from the stars & heavenly bodies in the Great Above; and the life-giving currents of the ley lines & underground waterways in the Great Below.

You will be healed.

You will be forever changed.

Stand in these sacred spaces, and the Great Goddess of our ancient past will speak to you.

Allow Her to re-align your understanding of reality, to come into resonance with Her secrets & mysteries.

Allow Her to reveal the halls of records hidden within & beneath the Pyramids of Giza; within and beneath each temple structure that we will visit.

Together, we will gaze into the eyes of the Sphinx.

Together, we will read the alchemical texts on the temple walls, and I will guide you in understanding, more deeply than ever before, what is written there and why it had to be preserved in such wholeness, over so many millennia.

We will see what is revealed in the nighttime dreaming, and through the daytime synchronicities. Always when we immerse in the mysteries Egypt, the Dreamtime and the Daytime merge and become one.

We will be guided by the potent astrological & astronomical energetics of these days together, recalling our lifetimes as Priest/Priestess-Magician-Astronomers.

Together, we will immerse in the full & deep REMEMBRANCE of what we have always known.

The Previous Versions Of Ourselves Left Clues For Us To Uncover Now.

Are you ready for the journey of a lifetime?


Alchemical hieroglyphic panel with Thoth administering the Resurrection Rites to the Pharaoh, inside the Osiris Chapel, Temple of Seti I, Abydos


As we begin our time together in Egypt, I always tell our groups:

When you visit here, the Great Goddesses of ancient Egypt will look deep into your heart, and find your most dearly-held dreams, visions, and desires. And then, they will move mountains, in your life & in the world, to help those dreams come true.

There is no way I can fully express on this page, the depth of what you will experience in Egypt.

It is profound, and it is beyond all your imaginings.

Join me there, and find out what mysteries will be revealed to you …


🌟 A Summary of Our Journey 🌟

As an optional and super potent beginning to our time together, from April 9th to 13th, we will travel across the Western desert to Siwa Oasis, where we’ll explore the oracular priestess temples of ancient Egypt. This is a deeply healing place with salt lakes and unusual Egyptian temple structures, which served similarly to the Oracle of Delphi in Greece. Click here to learn more about this optional journey.

Then from April 15th to 25th, we’ll embark on an immersive tour to explore the Mysteries and Secrets of the Great Goddess, connecting deeply with Isis, Hathor, Sekhmet, and Ma’at through sound, light, and shamanic journeying within the feminine temples of Egypt.

We will visit Denderah (Temple of Hathor), Philae (Temple of Isis), Karnak (including the Chapel of Sekhmet), the vastly ancient Osirion in Abydos, between the paws of the Sphinx, and many additional powerful sites.

“Embrace what you don’t know, especially in the beginning, because what you don’t know can become your greatest asset.”

~ Sara Blakely

Your Guides for This Potent Journey

Jocelyn Star Feather: Founder of Sacred Planet and the Global School for Quantum Evolution

Jocelyn Star Feather is a Visibility & Thought Leadership Coach for Visionary Entrepreneurs, Spiritual Alchemist, Sacred Sites Tour Facilitator, Astrologer, Channel, Intuitive, and Founder of Sacred Planet and the Global School for Quantum Evolution. 

She shares shamanic and ancient wisdom to guide courageous seekers in co-creating a revolutionary new world in alignment with Mother Earth and the vast intelligence of the Cosmos.

After a successful 15-year corporate career working in finance for major multinational companies, Jocelyn was thrust into a deep spiritual awakening. It was that awakening that turned her life upside-down ... And from which she emerged with a powerful understanding of how to use her intuition and healing abilities ~ Aspects of herself that she’d never had access to before.

She dove deeply into earth-based & shamanic practices, and she has studied alongside elders and wisdomkeepers ever since. She has extensively studied ancient civilizations, especially cultures where the Goddess held a strong presence; and she has spent profound & life-changing time in the ancient temples and pyramids of Egypt.

After multiple times visiting Egypt and being immersed in the wisdom of her wonderful teacher (Patricia Awyan Lehman), Jocelyn began leading sacred tours to Egypt in 2023. She brings a uniquely potent ceremonial and shamanic experience to every temple & pyramid that her groups visit on the tours. In addition to sharing about the Egyptian history, magic, and mystery, she also provides daily astrology updates and cosmic attunements.

Jocelyn blends alchemy, astrology, Hermeticism, ancient & indigenous wisdom, and a magical shamanic perspective to coach & guide visionary entrepreneurs, revolutionaries and change makers all around the world. 

Cynthia Honores: Shamanic Healer, Ceremonialist, and Cacao Alchemist


Cynthia is the Founder of Hathor Cacao, a space created to be of service to your connection with your inner wisdom in alignment with the heart-opening plant spirit medicine of Cacao. She is honored to be our guide in connection with Cacao for our April Egypt Tour.

Cynthia was born in Perú, but grew up living in many parts of the world, including the Americas, Africa, and Europe.  This global upbringing allowed Cynthia the ability to weave common ground between teachings and cultures. With profound respect and reverence, she now integrates and practices the wisdom of ancient world healing traditions.

After obtaining her degree in Art History, Mythology, and Symbolism from The American University of Paris, France, she worked in the New York City art world for 20+ years.

The year 2020 brought Cynthia the special opportunity to reconnect with her Peruvian ancestry and be trained by Dr. Alberto Villoldo, Founder of The Four Winds Light Body School, to become a Certified Practitioner of Andean Shamanic Energy Medicine.

In 2021, Cynthia continued her studies in depth psychology via the Centre of Applied Jungian Studies.  She also obtained her Medicinal Plants certification from Cornell University and channeled her passion for the alchemical healing power of plant spirit medicine into the study of the heart-opening wisdom of Ceremonial Grade Cacao. 

Cynthia completed her Cacao Facilitator Training through KAKAO and The Mayan Wisdom Project

Cynthia enjoys being of service via one-on-one alchemical client sessions, and lovingly collaborating with friends in the healing arts to create monthly alchemical New Moon Cosmos, Cacao, and Connection Circles.

Voxy Lu (Vox Lumina): Master Teacher in Chakras & Yogic Energy


Vox Lumina (Brooke Smokelin) is an expert in the field of energy activation and embodiment techniques and a master teacher with 30 years of experience in chakras/ yogic energy anatomy.  She is the creator and director of Chakra Activation / Chakra Activation Yoga and creator of the Chakra Activation Deck and the Chakra Affirmation Deck.  She is also a sound healing pioneer, a musician and recording artist, an environmental educator/ artist, and a Water Medicine Woman.  

Brooke's Chakra Activation Yoga is a unique fusion of "static" classic yoga poses and "dynamic" Kundalini kriyas aimed to awaken, explore, and balance each of the 7 chakra-energy centers. She offers advanced training to yoga teachers and students all over the world. She has a thriving private practice based in Pittsburgh, PA.  Her Chakra Activation Yoga empowers practitioners with a wealth of tools and techniques to IGNITE THE LIGHT within and positively embody their full spectrum physical-emotional-energetic selves.

For 25 years Brooke has been teaching transformational techniques, creating transformational tools, facilitating transformational experiences and coaching people to transform themselves and consciously create their inspired lives. 

SInce 1996 she has been the creative force behind the River Alchemy Project, traveling to rivers and water sites around the planet, creating ceremony and vibrational/musical medicine in order to restore the vital link between people and the natural world.

Bring your inner Goddess into alignment with the great mysteries of all time & space!


Testimonials for Egypt Tours with Jocelyn

“THANK YOU so much, SHOKRAN, please keep doing this!! EXCELLENT experience!! The opportunity to be surrounded by the quality of people and such an inspiring and energizing environment is priceless, once you have a taste of this, you will never see the world the same way again."

~ Natalie

"This tour provided much needed perspective on our daily lives, and connected us with deep cultural resources that are part of our human heritage. We encountered beautiful art and architecture from an earlier age, as well as the fascinating and welcoming culture of modern Egypt and her people. And we met new friends and kindred spirits on our journey. The tour goes beyond facts and information, which our modern minds are conditioned to work with. Jocelyn shared a way of seeing the picture-language and symbology of the paintings, carvings and statues left by the ancient Egyptians—a different way of using the mind than our logical, linear way. We felt closer to the hearts and souls of the people of Khemit." 

~ Penelope and Gerry

“Patricia's love and enthusiasm for Egypt shines through her. She offered us her wisdom and knowledge of the ancient symbolism and mythologies from a spiritual perspective. Which is what my soul was yearning for. Jocelyn's knowledge of astrology with her energy updates and her powerful crystal bowl meditations at the sacred sites added another mystical layer to the trip. These two powerful women make an excellent team. Mo and his team were attentive to everyone on the tour. They were all wonderful and gave me a deep sense of safety and feeling watched over. I highly recommend this experience to anyone who is seeking answers about ancient Egypt that go beyond the limited explanations given by main stream textbooks and what we learned in school.”

~ Carol

“The energetic fields were incredible. I resonated with them all ... and would need months to do them justice.”

~ Christine

“The Infinite Potential Tour to the ancient sites and temples of Egypt has fulfilled something very deep and beautiful within me. The right guides, people and energies coming together truly made this a trip that was ‘made in the stars’ ... I’ve also never laughed so much. I am still integrating it all a month later. Thank you.”

~ Kerry


Our Wondrous Itinerary

Please Note: The itinerary listed below begins on April 15th, when the Mysteries of the Great Goddess Tour commences.

If you would also like to join us for the Mystical Cairo Tour, from April 8th to 14th, please click here to see the separate itinerary for this optional addition.

“What is ‘magic’ to us, in Egypt was science, and in a sense even technology.”

~ John Anthony West, in his book Serpent In the Sky: The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt


Day 1 - April 15th: Arrivals to Cairo

  • Welcome to Egypt!

  • Our kind & caring Team members will meet & greet you at the airport, and provide your transfer to your hotel. 

  • Welcome Dinner and Introductory Meeting. Meet your guides Jocelyn, Cynthia, and Voxy; and get to know your fellow adventurers as we enjoy a delicious dinner together. It all begins here!

  • Overnight at Crowne Plaza West Cairo Arkan Hotel.

  • Dinner included.

Day 2 - April 16th: Giza Plateau, including Private Visit Between the Paws of the Sphinx

  • In the morning, VoxyLu will guide us in a beautiful practice to ground & center in your body temple as we begin our magical time together - Increasing your capacity to receive more throughout our time together ✨

  • We’ll explore the Giza Plateau - It is truly a magnificent experience to behold the vast size of the pyramids, and touch their ancient stones with your own hands.

  • We’ll have a private visit between the paws of the Sphinx, and we’ll be treated to a Sound Healing & Shamanic Journey while we are there.

  • Overnight at Crowne Plaza West Cairo Arkan Hotel.

  • Breakfast and lunch included.

Jocelyn between the paws of the Sphinx, next to the Dream Stela

Day 3 - April 17th: Fly to Luxor

  • We will fly to Luxor and check into the fabulous Steigenberger Nile Palace Hotel situated on the east bank of the Nile River.

  • Once we arrive, this will be a calming day to relax and enjoy this special place.

  • Those who wish to can take part in a Water Ceremony at the edge of the Nile River.

  • Optional visit to Luxor Temple at night

  • Overnight at Steigenberger Nile Palace Hotel, Luxor.  

  • Breakfast included.


“in general, temples were not destroyed, but rather dismantled carefully when their symbolic significance had passed. these temples were not constructed to last forever (when conditions demanded constructing for eternity, the egyptians were fully capable of doing that) but were designed to last only as long as the particular cycle or stellar configuration demanded.”

~ John Anthony West, in his book Serpent In the Sky: The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt

Day 4 - April 18th: Visit Dendera, Temple of Hathor

  • We will visit the incredibly powerful Dendera Temple. This is a place where the mysteries & secrets of all time & space are held.

  • See the beautifully preserved astronomical & astrological ceilings which tell a tale of the Precession of the Equinoxes and the great cycles of time.

  • Climb down into the Crypts beneath the temple, where the deep Mysteries are encoded; connect with the Goddess Nut (the Milky Way) in her beautiful chapel; and place your feet on the stairs of the ancient processional passageways, where the priests & priestesses sang and played their instruments to honor the Great Goddess.

  • Jocelyn will guide the group in a private ceremonial celebration in a special Isis Chapel.

  • Overnight at Steigenberger Nile Palace Hotel, Luxor.  

  • Breakfast and lunch included.

Astronomical panel on ceiling of Dendera, Temple dedicated to Hathor. This panel indicates Zep Tepi, the beginning time, when life first emerged from the Primordial Waters.

Day 5 - April 19th: Visit Abydos, Temple of Seti I, dedicated to Osiris; Private Visit to the Osirion

  • Open your heart to the Mysteries of Isis & Osiris as you visit Abydos Temple, which contains seven chapels dedicated to Isis, Horus, Osiris, Ptah, Re-Horakty, Amun-Re, and King Seti I.

  • You will be blown away by the color & detail of the hieroglyphs. Jocelyn will share some of the ancient stories & mythology connected to this profound temple space.

  • We will have private entry to the Osirion, a vastly ancient structure where the rites & rituals of Osiris were held & honored. You’ll experience a Sound Healing & Shamanic Journey in this powerful place connected to the Heartbeat of the Mother.

  • Overnight at Steigenberger Nile Palace Hotel, Luxor.   

  • Breakfast and lunch included.

“The monumental script of the ancient egyptians was a source of amazement to the greeks, who saw in it something mystical and awe-inspiring.

they named the figures ‘hieroglyphs’: Sacred Signs.”

~ Margaret A. Murray, in her book The Splendor That Was Egypt

Day 6 - April 20th: Visit Karnak Temple, including Private Visit to Chapel of Sekhmet & Ptah

  • Karnak Temple is a truly magnificent place to experience, constructed over many centuries by several different pharaohs, including the brilliant female pharaoh Hatshepsut.

  • Prepare to be amazed by the hieroglyphs engraved in pure crystal walls; the massive pillars stretching upwards toward the light of the Sun; and the Holy of Holies which is aligned with the Winter Solstice sunrise.

  • This is a very special day, with a private visit to the Chapel of Sekhmet and her consort Ptah. The statue of Sekhmet hidden here is one that (as the temple guards will confirm) has never been moved from Her original location, and She is still alive. You will know it’s true when you look into her eyes and receive a transmission from the furthest reaches of her Fierce Cosmic Love.

  • Overnight at Steigenberger Nile Palace Hotel, Luxor.  

  • Breakfast and lunch included.

Processional stairway inside Edfu Temple

Day 7 - April 21st: Esna Temple and Edfu Temple

  • After a delicious breakfast, we will have an adventurous day and visit two very special temples on our way from Luxor to Aswan, Egypt.

  • First, we will stop at Esna Temple, dedicated to the creator being Khnum. Esna has incredibly detailed and recently-restored astronomical and astrological ceilings. You will not believe the way the cosmos is reflected here, through the brilliant interpretations of the ancient Egyptian astronomer priests & priestesses, and the legends of vast aeons of time are encoded before your eyes.

  • Next, we will go to Edfu Temple, a mysterious and compelling temple where the extensive Building Texts, written by Thoth himself, wrap around the main temple structure. You will meet the Goddess Seshet, she who aligns the Stars with the Earth and scribes the exact delineation to ensure you can receive the energetics of the Great Above and Great Below.

  • You’ll get to explore the processional stairways at Edfu Temple, a mirror image of those at Dendera Temple, and learn about the ancient ceremonies held here to unite Hathor and Horus in Sacred Union.

  • Overnight at Movenpick Hotel, Aswan.

  • Breakfast and lunch included.

“The Egyptian execution of art, architecture, and writing are interrelated to a degree that is unparalleled in any other culture. Everything has a meaning. Temples are marshlands cast in stone, the field of rushes, the luminous marshland of the dawn.”

~ Susan Brind Morrow, in her book The Dawning Moon of the Mind: Unlocking the Pyramid Texts

Day 8 - April 22nd: Enjoy A Relaxing Day in Beautiful Aswan

  • Aswan is a beautiful place to rest, journal, integrate your journey so far, and recharge along the banks of the beautiful Nile River.

  • You’ll have the option of taking a felucca (small Egyptian sailboat) ride to the Tombs of the Nobles or other nearby beautiful sites; or visit the incredible spice shop where you’ll be treated to free samples of the most wonderful teas and spices you’ve likely ever experienced. We will also visit a papyrus store where you’ll learn the ancient art of papyrus making and have a chance to purchase papyrus art to bring home with you.

  • Those who wish to can take part in a beautiful Water Ceremony with Voxy at the edge of the Nile River.

  • Overnight at Movenpick Hotel, Aswan.

  • Breakfast and lunch included.

Beautiful Aswan, Egypt

Philae, Temple of Isis, framed by roses - View from Bigeh Island

Day 9 - April 23rd: Visit Philae, Temple of Isis

  • The approach to Philae, Temple of Isis by boat is a showstopping moment that you will never forget. Enter this beautiful temple, and allow yourself to be steeped in the divinity of the Feminine Principle.

  • Jocelyn will share the vastness of the knowledge held by the Goddess Isis (Eset) as we explore the temple, visit the Holy of Holies and the sacred stone within, and see a very special chapel dedicated to Hathor.

  • We will delight in the rare experience of Sound Healing and Meditation in a very special, small room on the rooftop of Philae Temple, where the most profound transmissions have been known to come through.

  • Then we’ll enjoy lunch together at a delightful Nubian restaurant (truly the most amazing food!) on Bigeh Island, featuring an incredible view of Philae Temple. Relax here and allow all of the revelations from Goddess Isis to settle into your being.

  • We’ll hold an optional Cacao Circle guided by Cynthia.

  • Overnight at Movenpick Hotel, Aswan.

  • Breakfast and lunch included.


“Giza’s underlying geometry and its relationship to fractal symmetry, celestial motion, and cyclic precession is extraordinary. Everything at giza forms part of a much greater whole. Here the human soul originated before birth, and returned in death as a shining akh spirit, taking its place among the circumpolar stars of the northern night sky.”

~ Andrew Collins, in his book The Cygnus Key


Day 10 - April 24th: Fly to Cairo, Private Entry to Great Pyramid at night

  • We will fly from Luxor to Cairo in the morning.

  • In the afternoon, we will return to the Giza Plateau, where you’ll have time to explore and take in the Pyramids anew, with all of the knowledge & revelations you’ve absorbed throughout our time in the temples.

  • Then in the evening, we will have our private entry into the Great Pyramid including all three chambers. This is a magical time in which we will climb the Grand Gallery, then share a uniquely co-created Sound Healing journey in the King’s Chamber. Take your turn climbing into the granite box in the King’s Chamber and see what occurs for you. You are also welcome to visit the Queen’s Chamber and the profoundly moving Subterranean Chamber.

  • Overnight, Crowne Plaza West Cairo Arkan Hotel.

  • Breakfast and lunch included.

Climbing the Grand Gallery to reach the King’s Chamber, inside the Great Pyramid of Giza


Day 11 - April 25th: Departures

  • Enjoy a delicious breakfast and Closing Cacao Ceremony at our hotel in the morning.

  • Based on the timing of your flight, our friendly Team will transport you to the Cairo airport for your departing flight.

  • HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Allow yourself 1 to 2 weeks of deepening & integration time upon returning from Egypt. This has been a profound adventure through star portals and multidimensional realities. It’s highly recommended to go slowly when you get back home, and give yourself space to integrate and fully receive all of the magic that has occurred for you during our time together 💖

  • Breakfast included.

In every place that we visit, Jocelyn will:

  • Reveal to you the ancient mythologies & star lore

  • Share the ancient Egyptian histories and incredible feats of art, architecture, and physics that we still today cannot explain

  • Create & hold ceremonial space for the Great Goddesses to deliver transmissions from the Earth & Cosmos directly to you.

  • Provide daily astrology & astronomy updates so we can continually tune into & work with the cosmic energetics of these powerful dates in April 2025.

    Cynthia will:

  • Create beautiful Cacao Ceremonies for you to enjoy before going into the sacred ancient spaces, to open your heart to the magic & mystery that awaits.

    Voxy will:

  • Guide you in awakening & activating your chakras and your life force, in preparation to receive the highest frequency energetics from each temple that we enter & each goddess that we honor.

Please Note: The itinerary listed above begins on April 15th, when the Mysteries of the Great Goddess Tour commences.

If you would also like to join us for the Mystical Cairo Tour, from April 9th to 13th …

Please click here to see the separate itinerary for this optional addition.

“The text begins with the coordinates of a star map … one is actually entering the night sky.”

~ Susan Brind Morrow, in her book The Dawning Moon of the Mind: Unlocking the Pyramid Texts



Regular Price $7500

We are delighted to offer you this extraordinary experience for only $6100 per person (double occupancy).

Single Room Supplement: $1200

Initial Deposit: $1000

Registration Is Now Closed.

If you’d like to join Jocelyn in Egypt later in 2025, cLICK HERE to learn about Egypt! Return of the Ancient Wisdom, October 21st to November 3rd, 2025. This will be an incredible pilgrimage guided by Stephen Mehler, Patricia Awyan Lehman, and Jocelyn Star Feather!

Questions? write to us at ✨🌙🌹


Welcome to a journey that will truly change your life.

What Is Included:

  • Accommodation for 10 nights (Standard rooms at Crowne Plaza Arkan) from 15th of April to the night of April 24th.

  • All activities and tours as described in the itinerary above

  • All meals as stated in the itinerary (Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner)

  • Airport transfers upon arrival and departure

  • Meet and greet assistant on arrival

  • Transportation for all tours in comfortable vehicles

  • Professional and knowledgeable tour guide

  • Site tickets for visits listed in the itinerary

  • Jocelyn, Cynthia, and Vox Lumina as your special guest speakers



  • International airfare to and from Cairo

  • USD $25 Tourist Visa

  • Drinks, or extra meals outside of the included meals

  • Tips and gratuities for guides and drivers

  • Extra accommodation for any other tours you wish to attend

  • Personal spending

  • Accommodations on April 14th and April 25th are not included, and must be booked in advance.

I can’t wait to embark upon this Exciting adventure with you 💖

Wishing you magical & mysterious blessings, now and always,

Jocelyn Star Feather


Praise For Sacred Planet Courses

Guided By Jocelyn Star Feather

“The course has helped me on my soul’s journey, to take me beyond my fears and embodying my inner truth and wisdom manifesting them into my life. I am so grateful.”

~ Anne, Sweden

“The course was an amazing container for healing. Jocelyn is open, honest, beautiful and fully aligned.”

~ Claire, United Kingdom

“Beyond anything, this course gifted me the inspiration and the deep self knowledge that diving deep into all of this symbolism of my subconscious is bringing me closer to the golden nuggets of my truth. I feel a richness within my soul and confidence to be my fullest self including embracing my darkness as well as my challenging but rewarding divine path. Thank you, Jocelyn, for being a powerful, celestial guide at this turning point in my journey.”

~ Stephanie, Illinois

“I loved this course! Not only was it fun, it has really helped me to connect with my intuition and given me the confidence to learn more about the amazing, magical world we live in.”

~ Donna, Australia

“This course reminded me of my magical potential. To enjoy and have fun while I grow and evolve, through the amazing journeys and key insights to myself. Very powerful!”

~ Linda, California

“I absolutely loved it. I had fantastic results. The meditations and imagery were powerful and compelling. It led me to a lot of revelations and powerful awakenings. it opened up a lot of closed doors for me personally but in a gentle way. Very profound!”

~ Ritu, Canada

“Jocelyn is such a natural teacher and shamanic guide. She answers questions with grace and ease and makes space for each person to feel heard. This course helped me become aware of my fear and how it plays a role in my life, as well as made space for me to befriend my fear and work with it in a constructive way. I feel more connected to myself and aware of my energy after this course. I am so grateful for the space that was held as a part of my personal journey.”

~ Kimber, North Carolina

“I learned so much from this course! Jocelyn's meditations are beautifully spun, and in each one I found myself traversing new landscapes within my soul. The journeys were highly activating, opening up my perspective. The material was fascinating. I loved learning about the Pleiades and our connections to the stars. I also loved finding my soul tone. Beautiful!”

~ Dasha, Tennessee

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