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The Energetics of Money in Entrepreneurship

How to Receive MORE in a Way that Feels Soulful & Aligned with Your Heart

free video Workshop

Presented by Jocelyn Star Feather


Welcome! I have created a potent & inspiring workshop, which I'm excited to share with you:


How To Receive MORE In A Way That Feels Soulful & Aligned With Your Heart

FREE Video Workshop

Presented by Jocelyn Star Feather

Enter Your Name & Email Address Below to receive the FREE video Workshop:


    During this Powerful Workshop, you will learn more about:

    • The Soul of Money and how to open yourself to receive more

    • Why lightworkers & healers have a hard time receiving ... And how we can turn this paradigm on its head ... In a beautiful, supportive, sacred feminine way!

    • The critical importance of YOU being able to bring your highest contribution into the world and RECEIVE a proper energetic exchange for your efforts — How this amplifies not only you & your soul purpose but also the whole world

    • Powerfully claiming the transformation & expertise that you are providing to your clients & customers

    • Your role & responsibility in the higher plan for Earth, and how this is connected to money (Hint: You have a SACRED RESPONSIBILITY to the universe, to receive more so that you can joyfully & healthily give more. Entering into highest vibrational alignment with the greater plan.)

    • How to raise your "ceiling" of the money you are able to receive

    • Creating 3 levels of programs which will support you in building true abundance in your business

    • How to charge high ticket prices with confidence and joy

    • A shamanic journey to connect with the version of yourself who is receiving the highest abundance, and anchor the wisdom, confidence, & energy of that version into your NOW self

    You don't want to miss this! 💖


    Simply enter your name & email address below to register, and the video Workshop will be sent to you immediately:

      Wishing You Magical & Mysterious Blessings, Now And Always,

      Jocelyn Star Feather

      Spiritual Alchemist & Visibility Coach for Visionary Entrepreneurs

      Founder of Sacred Planet