On May 16th, 2022 …
The day of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio …
We will gather on Zoom, holding our hearts together all around the world.
We will send out prayers for peace, compassion, care, and love to become the predominant driving forces within the hearts & minds of human beings everywhere.
You will be guided in a profound meditation that will connect you with Source / Creator within, and help you to feel the true essence frequency of LOVE in your heart.
We will create a potent, worldwide field of Love and Oneness, as we collectively enter this deep space of connection with Source / Creator.
We will hold the calm center.
We will cultivate the highest frequency, and let it wash over our hearts & throughout our bodies, cleansing & healing us. Then we will consciously send that frequency out, to wrap around the world, to create change and healing, and to bring joy to all beings.
When we gather together, with shared intentions and with the power of holding our highest frequency —
Holding the Calm Center —
Miracles can happen.
We can create a true & lasting paradigm shift.
You are invited! Join us for:
Holding the Calm Center
We will create a field of love and oneness, for the highest good for all.
Get the replay of this POWERFUL guided mediation…
Enter your name & email address in the form below, to receive the Replay:
If you cannot attend at our scheduled time, don’t worry!
A recording will be sent out afterwards, and you can add your prayers to our collective field afterwards as well!
In fact, it’s wonderful if people listen after the live session, because this will continue to amplify the collective frequency throughout the following days.
Thank you for being in sacred service to Life Itself!
Love and magic,
Jocelyn Star Feather
Founder of Sacred Planet