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A Life-changing 4-month group experience with Jocelyn mercado

Your Shamanic Awakening: To the Stars and Back

Activating Your Alignment with the Earth & Cosmos

September - December 2020

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In 2020, we are going through a complete reset & recalibration of the planetary consciousness.

Perhaps you’ve noticed? :)

Our global systems are collapsing. Old perspectives are dying. The outdated tenets of our mainstream society, many of them founded 2,000 years ago or more, are grinding to a halt.

New methods and understandings are trying to break through to us. They are streaming into our human awareness through dreams, star communications, unexplainable epiphanies, rapid energy shifts, and new instructions from our guides.

We see this happening collectively, all around us, as schools are closed, election processes are dismantled, currencies are in shortage, and social inequalities are being brought to the front & center of our awareness.

We feel this happening within us as well. We are facing strange physical symptoms & new illnesses, sudden “miraculous” healings, a rethinking of family structures, and unprecedented spiritual awakenings.

Our perception of core concepts (such as “love,” “home,” and “safety”) are shifting dramatically, at a very rapid pace.

In the coming years, we are going to construct a completely new way of functioning & living on our planet. Entirely new systems need to be built. Entirely new perspectives need to be brought through.

This is a true & all-encompassing transformation of humanity.

Can you feel the shifts & recalibrations within your soul?

Do you see the rapid evolution of our world, shining through external events all around you?

Are you experiencing an awakening more profound than you ever thought possible?

If so, you are not alone.

Right now, EVERYTHING is changing.

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The way we perceive our place & role in the world just 3 to 5 years from now, will be so different from today, it will be almost unrecognizable.

And in order to create space for these changes to occur, we need to be ready.

We cannot be stuck in scarcity, fear, or yesterday’s version of consciousness.

We are receiving upgrades from the stars, our intuition is being heightened, our psychic and healing abilities are expanding.

We are being asked to surrender into the greatest initiation that anyone living has ever experienced.

We stand at the end of one 26,000 year cycle (which completed in 2012) — And at the leading edge of a brand new 26,000 year epoch.

We are living in a time of magic, a time of creation. It’s a time when the impossible has become not only possible, but necessary — exhilarating — and readily available.

We are being initiated into a new reality.

And YOUr unique healing & Awakening journey is a key piece of the puzzle.


When you open up to your own initiatory journey, you contribute to the massive global ascension process that encompasses all beings on Earth at this momentous time.

When you make the choice to follow this path of awakening, you will be beautifully, magically guided to your highest self & true soul’s purpose.

Whatever the changes are that you are here to bring …

Whatever your gifts and talents may be …

I invite you into a profound knowing, deep in your heart, that you are perfectly, ideally designed to play a very critical role in this global transformation.

“The Universe is saying:

‘Allow me to flow through you unrestricted, 

and you will see the greatest magic you have ever seen.’”

– Klaus Joehle

The time has come for YOU to unfold & blossom into your truth, your genius, and your mission.

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This next 6 to 12 months – The end of 2020 and beginning of 2021 – Is the portal for us into how we’re creating the future for our entire planet.

If you’ve been feeling hazy and confused for much of 2020, you're not alone! This has been an inscrutable year, to say the least. And much of Autumn 2020 is still going to have that foggy, confusing feeling.

But we can take heart and hang in there, because by late November & early December, this nebulous energy will begin to lift, and we’ll finally be able to glimpse the larger plan that is unfolding.

We’re going to Receive a lot of help from the Cosmos by the end of 2020!

That’s because Jupiter moves into Aquarius (December 19th) …

Jupiter and Saturn form their Great Conjunction in Aquarius (December 21st) …

AND we’ll have a Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius, conjunct the Galactic Center, the place from which our galaxy was birthed! (December 14th) …

With all of these positive, aquarian celestial influences, We’ll finally be able to gain the first glimpses of clarity on where we need to go, and receive new bursts of inspiration around what we need to build.

We’ll regain more & more of our memory of who we truly are, and where we came from.

So we can reach back into the cosmic fabric of all creation, the Womb at the Center of the Universe, and get clear on what we’re carrying forward.

To build the foundations for the next 26,000 years. 

And NOW is the time to get ready.

“Any given moment contains unlimited futures that can become real. The reality that occurs is the one you pay attention to.”

— Penney Pierce

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You will want to be optimally positioned to leap in with two feet, feeling balanced, inspired, and charged up, as the upgraded Aquarian energies stream into our brave new world, in late 2020 and early 2021.

That’s why I’ve created:

Your Shamanic Awakening: To the Stars & Back

Activating Your Alignment with the Earth & Cosmos

A life-changing 4-month Group Experience with Jocelyn Mercado

September - december 2020

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Tune into the guidance of the Earth & Cosmos, the above & below, for a truly immersive experience.

We’re beginning on September 8th! And we will journey together until our closing ceremony AT December solstice 2020.

In this program, you’ll receive the highest level support that you’ll need in order to:

  • Leverage the most positive energies of 2020 & 2021 to uncover, unlock, & develop your purpose & mission in this lifetime

  • Discover your perfect design, love it & appreciate it, embody it, and learn how to PLAY as your truest self. I’ll guide you to optimally work with ALL of your personality traits and have FUN being you

  • Gain a direct experience of yourself as a Creator Being – You truly are the shaman & alchemist who creates your chosen reality

  • Surrender into the initiatory, alchemical process (and access the positive planetary influences) for profound healing and deeper levels of awakening than you’ve ever experienced before

  • Release expectations, clinging, and attachments to how you think it should be. Anchor securely in trust and surrender, knowing there is a plan that is much bigger plan than any of us can comprehend

  • Learn how to move beyond fear, ego, and duality consciousness so you can master your vibrational frequency – And create your experience of life from the highest frequency, activating abundance and joy

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  • Develop and enhance your more-than-human senses, intuition, visionary abilities, dreams, psychic abilities, and healing presence

  • Receive the strength, resources, and courage to truly step into your power and follow the path of TRUTH your soul is guiding you toward

  • Be fully supported & held, for the next 4 unprecedented months, in an intimate community of like-minded spiritual adventurers who are dedicated to finding a new way forward – for ourselves and for our planet

  • Learn how to live shamanically – To walk between the realms continuously & be in constant connection with the Earth, Cosmos, your guides, and the unseen realms

  • Vastly expand your ability to receive guidance and instructions from the Higher Intelligence of the universe

  • Receive channeling and guidance from star beings and ancient deities that will open up your astral understanding of the fabric of creation & the larger plan that is rapidly unfolding at this time

  • And so much more!


NOW is the time to deepen your practice,
dive into the infinite wisdom & guidance of the Earth & Cosmos,
and embark on a profound Initiatory Journey.

The moment you say YES is the moment that EVERYTHING begins to change, in magical & unexpected ways!

Image credit CSG Ltd

Image credit CSG Ltd

“Life is real only when it is full of magic. Contrary to what most people believe, to live surrounded by magic is what is normal. The lack of magic is a clear symptom of not having the full heart awake. The natural magic of life, when present, appears constantly in life circumstances – in the places where we are and with the people who we meet.”

— Arkan Lushwala



We will meet for live class sessions with Q&A on Tuesdays at 9 am Pacific / 12 noon Eastern / 5 pm UK / 6 pm CET.

Each class will be approximately 90 minutes long.

If you cannot attend in person, don’t worry! The full class recording will be sent out to you afterwards.

Alchemical Initiatory Journey Group Coaching Program

Class 1: September 8, 2020

Exploring Your Soul Aura

Through profound exercises, teachings, and journeying, you will learn / experience / discover:

  • How to uncover your soul purpose by exploring the magical clues of your strengths and weaknesses

  • Uncover the specific characteristics of your perfect design that make you optimally poised to bring light to the world

  • A shamanic journey to unravel & release the identities that you’ve claimed in your life, which are no longer serving your highest good

  • Receive an activation & channeling from Star Beings – There’s no telling what will come through <3

  • We will connect with a shamanic star portal in the sky, gather the messages and energy from that sacred location in the cosmos, and channel healing from that star portal into the Earth for planetary healing

Class 2: September 22, 2020

Healing the Ancient Woundings

Through profound exercises, teachings, and journeying, you will learn / experience / discover:

  • What is fear, really? Learn how fear is actually a reflection of your soul’s deepest desires and a signpost pointing toward your highest potential

  • Experientially discover the deeper meaning & sacredness behind your specific fears, and how to make Fear your multidimensional ally (Personalized coaching will be given in the group session)

  • The purpose of Ego ~ And you will learn how to transcend ego through the Alchemical Process

  • An alchemical meditation guiding you to step out of fear, ego, and duality consciousness

  • Receive an activation & channeling from Ancient Deities – There’s no telling what will come through <3

Alchemical Initiatory Journey Group Coaching Program

Alchemical Initiatory Journey Group Coaching Program

Class 3: October 6, 2020

You Are a Star Being, with Access to Infinite Intelligence

Through profound exercises, teachings, and journeying, you will learn / experience / discover:

  • How to open up your more-than-human senses, intuition, dreams, psychic abilities, and healing presence

  • How to see & communicate with the stars the way the ancient people did, long ago

  • A shamanic journey to travel to a specific area of the nighttime sky that is calling to you, because it is your home – To go there and meet your Star Family.

  • An activation & channeling from Star Beings – There’s no telling what will come through <3

  • We will connect with a shamanic star portal in the sky, gather the messages and energy from that sacred location in the cosmos, and channel healing from that star portal into the Earth for planetary healing

“We need to start thinking beyond the physical body of who we are. I am a mother, a grandmother. But there is not a moment in my life that I separate myself from being a star being.”

– Grandmother Flordemayo

Class 4: October 20, 2020

You Are the Shaman, Traveling Between the Seen & Unseen Realms

Through profound exercises, teaching, and journeying, you will learn / experience / discover:

  • Experiential practices so you’ll become comfortable living shamanically, easily able to walk between the seen & unseen realms

  • Saying YES to the sacred responsibility of the shaman – How to create your own potent journeys & rituals that will enable you to bring back the information that the Earth needs NOW

  • Sit in your council of sacred Guides & Protectors. Meet your 12 primary guides and solidify your intentions for this lifetime

  • An alchemical meditation guiding you to heal your ancestral lines, both past & future; and to make your body / mind / frequency a clear channel for guidance to come through

  • An activation & channeling from Ancient Deities – There’s no telling what will come through <3

Alchemical Initiatory Journey online group program


Class 5: November 10, 2020

You Are the Alchemist, Creator of Your Own Reality

Through profound exercises, teaching, and journeying, you will learn / experience / discover:

  • Experiential practices to help you become a master of your vibrational frequency – Because through our vibration, we create everything that we experience

  • Creating coherence among all of your chakras as well as your connection to Heaven and Earth

  • A profound teaching on the true meaning of Freedom

  • A shamanic journey to discover the truth about yourself – An infinite Creator Being

  • An activation & channeling from Star Beings – There’s no telling what will come through <3

  • We will connect with a shamanic star portal in the sky, gather the messages and energy from that sacred location in the cosmos, and channel healing from that star portal into the Earth for planetary healing

Class 6: November 24, 2020

The Architecture of Reality & the Universe

Through profound exercises, teaching, and journeying, you will learn / experience / discover:

  • How to see & engage with the Fabric of Creation all around you

  • Sacred geometry and the Fibonacci sequence

  • The chakra system ~ The energetic matrix of our bodies

  • What we can learn from Near Death Experiences – To help us live the fullest life today

  • DNA and the Serpent / Double Helix as the basis of all life-forms

  • An alchemical meditation guiding you to connect with the Higher Consciousness of the universe, that which built you and all things, so the blueprint of Creation can be revealed to you

  • An activation & channeling from Ancient Deities – There’s no telling what will come through <3

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Class 7: December 8, 2020

Receiving the Sacred Instructions

Through profound exercises, teaching, and journeying, you will learn / experience / discover:

  • Cultivating a visionary presence, continually able to receive the instructions arriving from the higher intelligence & your guides

  • Find out which healing / teaching / creative modalities are calling out to you to learn them

  • A journey in which you’ll make your commitment to be a co-partner and co-creator with the Divine

  • An activation & channeling from Star Beings – There’s no telling what will come through <3

  • We will connect with a shamanic star portal in the sky, gather the messages and energy from that sacred location in the cosmos, and channel healing from that star portal into the Earth for planetary healing

Class 8: December 22, 2020

What Would You Do If You Knew You Could Not Fail?

Together, we will hold a special Winter Solstice Ceremony to:

  • Anchor you in a profound connection & ability to receive from both Mother Earth and the Infinite Cosmos

  • Set your intentions for the potent year ahead, 2021, calling upon your guides and expanding your shamanic & alchemical abilities to guide & inform your intentions

  • Together, we will participate in an alchemical meditation & ceremony designed to accelerate the ascension process, both within each of us and in the planetary collective, for the highest good & brightest future for all beings

  • You will be activated to connect with and channel an Ancient Deity who wishes to be your specific guide & protector for the upcoming initiatory year.

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Level 1 — Magical Foundation — USD $444:

Full 4-Month Group Program + Private Online Course Portal & Community Support

You'll receive:

  • Eight (8) beautiful, perspective-shifting live class sessions (plus the audio & video recording after each one)

  • Guided shamanic journeys, collective healing prayers, and astral travel practices

  • Powerful coaching from Jocelyn during the live Q&A in each class

  • Deepening exercises and additional resources — If you want to dive deeper into specific topics

  • Our private (non-FB) Sacred Planet Academy online portal & discussion group to connect with our vibrant global community

Level 2 — Astral Soul — USD $777:

All of the above PLUS a 90-minute 1:1 Soul Aura Reading with Jocelyn

In your dedicated Soul Aura Reading, we will work with your astrological chart, as well as my intuitive ability to see your Soul Aura. When I read your Soul Aura, I will verbalize, in a way you haven’t previously seen or understood, what your unique gifts are and the vastness of your true potential. I will lead you in a deep Soul Aura Activation which moves you into a state of perfected knowing and being able to take courageous action. Then, together we will identify, clarify, and create an action plan for your highest purpose in a unique, creative, revolutionary, outside-of-the box way that works optimally for you.

Level 3 — Shamanic Initiate — USD $999:

All of the above PLUS a 90-min 1:1 Shamanic & Astral Activation Session with Jocelyn

In your dedicated Shamanic & Astral Activation Session, we will build upon what we learned in your Soul Aura Reading. We will connect with the astral planes and calibrate each of your 7 chakras, your sacred energy centers, to be fully aligned with your unique abilities as a Shaman and Alchemist, a creator of your own reality. Then we will design a customized ritual that will open & expand your ability to boldly live into the gifts & talents of your soul, continuously guided by the divine intelligence & instructions, at a much deeper level than ever before.

Registration closes on Monday, September 7th at 11:59 pm Eastern time.

Select your payment option here:

Level 1: Foundation

Level 2: Astral Soul

Level 3: Shamanic Initiate

If you prefer an installment plan:

Level 1 Installment Plan

Level 2 Installment Plan

Level 3 Installment Plan

Registration closes on Monday, September 7th at 11:59 pm Eastern time.


Important! Bonuses

(1) Fast Action Bonus

The first 3 people who join by 11:59 pm New York time, TODAY September 2nd will receive:

A BONUS 45-minute 1:1 Awakening Your Astral Knowledge Session with Jocelyn

During this session:

  • By accessing your Astrological Birth Chart and the stars & planets showing up most potently in your life right now, we’ll identify the direction your soul is longing for you to follow, and pinpoint your strongest opportunities for breakthrough & success in 2020-2021.

  • This bonus is for those who are willing to come in with a mindset of complete surrender and trust <3

(2) Bonus for Everyone

Everyone who registers by September 7th, 2020 will receive access to my highly-acclaimed 5-week course:

The Space Between Dreaming & Awake ~ Access your brilliance & intuition like never before

In this course, you’ll explore the numinous space where mysteries & synchronicities abound; where spiritual growth & manifestation occur.

You will tap into the universal intelligence and create your 1-year action plan to redesign your life, in accordance with your heart & soul.

It’s the perfect complement to your Shamanic & Astral Initiatory Journey!


Your Shamanic Awakening: To the Stars & Back

Who Is This 4-month Immersive Journey For?

This program is perfect for you if:

  • Your life appears to be falling apart … Yet you suspect it is actually coming together in completely new ways that you never expected!

  • You have recently begun a completely new level of spiritual awakening and you want to explore the much vaster possibilities available to you.

  • You feel the events of 2020 have a profoundly transformational meaning for our world, and you want to learn more about your role in all of this.

  • You know you have deeply-rooted shamanic abilities but you haven’t explored or expanded them yet.

  • Your dreams, visions, and insights have become more vivid or compelling in the last 1-2 years and you want to learn why this is happening.

  • You know you are meant to be a healer or teacher, but you don’t know exactly where to begin.

  • You are realizing that your life up until now has been missing something — And you are more than ready to find out what that is!

  • You’re in the middle of a major life change or initiation.

  • You are a healer, lightworker, changemaker, visionary, coach, astrologer, or teacher and you’ve been longing to access the much deeper levels of your gifts & talents and find out how to share them with the world.

  • You want to open up & activate your intuition, visionary abilities, psychic abilities, and innate healing nature.

  • You’re ready to discover who you REALLY are (an astral being, the shaman, the alchemist, and so much more within you) and learn the tools to bring infinite new possibilities into your life!

If you’re saying YES to any or all of these, then don’t wait another minute.

In Your shamanic Awakening, I will give you the tools to create a new reality — to shape your own life — from this moment forward.

I’ll be here to hold space for you, to keep you accountable & moving forward powerfully on this initiatory journey, to give you soul activations & connect you with the infinite intelligence of the Stars as well as your profound Inner Realms of wisdom.

You are meant to be a key part of the global awakening at this momentous time on our planet.

Registration closes on Monday, September 7th at 11:59 pm Eastern.

Select your payment option here:

Level 1: Foundation

Level 2: Astral Soul

Level 3: Shamanic Initiate

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Praise for Sacred Planet Courses

“The course has helped me on my soul’s journey, to take me beyond my fears and embodying my inner truth and wisdom manifesting them into my life. I am so grateful.”

~ Anne, Sweden

“The course was an amazing container for healing. Jocelyn is open, honest, beautiful and fully aligned.”

~ Claire, United Kingdom

“Beyond anything, this course gifted me the inspiration and the deep self knowledge that diving deep into all of this symbolism of my subconscious is bringing me closer to the golden nuggets of my truth. I feel a richness within my soul and confidence to be my fullest self including embracing my darkness as well as my challenging but rewarding divine path. Thank you, Jocelyn, for being a powerful, celestial guide at this turning point in my journey.”

~ Stephanie, Illinois

“I loved this course! Not only was it fun, it has really helped me to connect with my intuition and given me the confidence to learn more about the amazing, magical world we live in.”

~ Donna, Australia

“This course reminded me of my magical potential. To enjoy and have fun while I grow and evolve, through the amazing journeys and key insights to myself. Very powerful!”

~ Linda, California

“I absolutely loved it. I had fantastic results. The meditations and imagery were powerful and compelling. It led me to a lot of revelations and powerful awakenings. it opened up a lot of closed doors for me personally but in a gentle way. Very profound!”

~ Ritu, Canada

“Jocelyn is such a natural teacher and shamanic guide. She answers questions with grace and ease and makes space for each person to feel heard. This course helped me become aware of my fear and how it plays a role in my life, as well as made space for me to befriend my fear and work with it in a constructive way. I feel more connected to myself and aware of my energy after this course. I am so grateful for the space that was held as a part of my personal journey.”

~ Kimber, North Carolina

“I learned so much from this course! Jocelyn's meditations are beautifully spun, and in each one I found myself traversing new landscapes within my soul. The journeys were highly activating, opening up my perspective. The material was fascinating. I loved learning about the Pleiades and our connections to the stars. I also loved finding my soul tone. Beautiful!”

~ Dasha, Tennessee

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We’re going to have so much fun in this program!

I can’t wait to get dive in and guide you on YOUR sacred, initiatory journey of life.




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